Friendly reminder that Capcom and Sony Japan Studio's Deep Down is to be publicly resurrected on the 7th alongside the NEO reveal, and is no longer a F2P title.
Friendly reminder that Capcom and Sony Japan Studio's Deep Down is to be publicly resurrected on the 7th alongside the...
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That would be cool
It's only ok if DMC5 happens along with it.
Is this Dark Souls 4?
If it's not gonna be available on PS4 then they can fuck off.
Thank god.
I wasn't happy with the F2P tag.
I hope they scrap the whole retarded .hack angle. "lol it's an MMO" is so stupid.
The title always gets the Eiffel 65 song stuck in my head.
>Sony Japan Studio's
wew so this game will be GOTY?
I hope they scrap the future simulation part as well.
Has Capcom ever made any games that reach GOTY?
You avin a laugh
Damn Japan Studio has been busy as fuck.
nope not nu-Capcom but Japan Studio has.
They're certainly workhorses, this is what they've done in just the last two years. Plus they're also working on the first of another two collaborations with From and an internal JRPG.
Also worth noting is that a few of their guys who worked on Bloodborne were poking around the Nioh dev stream a few weeks ago and saying that they'd be keeping an eye on its development during the past couple of years. Wonder if that's suggest something else could be in the works?
Has From ever made any games that reached GOTY before Demon's Souls?
I want to click
I click to your heart
A hyperlink to go inside you
Deep Down
Deep Down
>That patrician choice in weaponry
Finally I can play a proper knight.
the limb targeting system looked cool, i hope they got rid of it just being a simulation shit though
They're basically Sony's personal Platinum.
I'm not sure if they have made any games entirely on their own, they tend to get contracted out to other big studios to help the development. Probably makes it easier for them to secure exclusivity too if they offer a studio help.
>I'm not sure if they have made any games entirely on their own
They do a reasonable amount of stuff on their own, though that's trailed off during the past few years to do, as you say, support roles and co-productions. Siren and Gravity Rush are down to them entirely (Well, "Project Siren" is a subsidiary of Japan Studio), as were Ape Escape, LocoRoco and Puppeteer.
Also, The Old Hunters (Which is arguably the best part of BB) was largely down by them with From acting in a supervisional-type role, so I'd say that's certainly a very respectable notch in their belt.
I hope it's basically a dragon's dogma rogue like
Don't Sony require you to make games work on the original PS4 even if you're catering towards the neo?
Andrew House outright said NEO exclusives won't be a thing, though I think that user was half-joking and suggesting Deep Down might get delayed a million times again and end up appearing on the PS5 or whatever.
>no longer a F2P title.
Hope it's true.
>Japan Studio and Capcom
so Demon's Souls and Dragon's Dogma hybrid?
>Is no longer a F2P title
It was more AssCreed than .hack
Resident Evil 4
Bear in mind that this obviously isn't running on a PS4, but assuming these were the actual mechanics, it actually kinda looked to play like its own thing.
>Capcom game
>exclusive to PS4
>attempting to stir-up platform war shitposting about a game that hasn't been heard from for years and is quite possibly vaporware
This one of the strangest things I've seen someone trying to do for quite a while. Though notice that no one in the thread was actually talking about exclusivity of it before you came in swinging.
Anyway, according to Ono, Sony approached Capcom for it originally (Literally a case of them approaching them and asking if they had any ideas) and Japan Studio were co-developing it (Later affirmed by Yoshida), so Sony presumably had dibs on it thanks to having a stake in it.
Capcom are great at whoring themselves out for exclusives.
Just look at Monster Hunter.
>and is no longer a F2P title.
Fug, that means you'll probably need PS+ to play it online then. I won't be subscribed by the time this rolls out.