Which single person has done the most for gaming?

Which single person has done the most for gaming?



tfw the lets play meme didn't die
tfw minecraft ruined videogames


>you only work is to meme about Nintendo games and make fun of yourself, made 21 millons

Notch here. I like to think ive made a huge impact in gaming. Thanks for your support thru the years, Sup Forums, minecraft wouldn't be what it was without your help

He managed to fuse the worlds of f2p gaming and gambling to create the perfect mix of large number of punters and children with their parents credit card.

It was, in fact, me.

Tom Fulp

>gives most of his money to charity

Who made this?

Reggie does much more as the CEO than most of that list has done doing anything.

As a CEO you literally never have time off, you're always working, and even if the company is based in Japan, he likely still oversee's many of the aspects of how the company runs

(you) the player

not to mention he isnt even a gamer

It's Miyamoto IMO. He's like the D.W. Griffith of video games, really. He created two of the most influential and well-designed video games ever. And also SUNSHINE.

I think the only other options are the true originators, like maybe Ralph Baer for creating the first home console.

I feel like the absolute firsts, like the people who did Space War and Tennis for Two, are more like little outliers... they are like zoetropes are for cinema. Sure, they were ahead of their time, and they originated things that grew into video games, but I feel like video games would have happened without them and they didn't have too much influence.

Kojima has been in the game longer than nearly all of them

>calling Todd a idea guy when Myamoto himself pretty much just scribbled the levels on a paper for Super Mario and showed it to the codemonkeys
fuck off dreamboy

Me under Kojima :)


idea guys are a meme and Japan is a meme country so no wonder it works there

Toby, like you just said. Literally the best.

> Can't even Up-B in smash bros
> tfw

Hiroshima didn't create Donkey Kong though. It was Rare. He even bashed on it about trying to go for graphics and then apologized when it was a good game.

This for the modern era.

This for the early days.

Both have done so much for videogames in subtle ways, while all the others either were effected by those two or only managed properties or revolutioned sales fronts.

miyamoto is the only answer even though nintendo sucks now.

All of this is fucking new shit so will shit make a sentence describing:
>a shmok who copied an old game and made too much money, he literally complains in twitter that he has too much
>mr. chang that is know for making series and then putting them through a lemon squeezer
>my body is ready
>extreme conveluted plot attract fans, run that shit enough years and the little shits keep jumping on each other, the equivalent of homestruck
>the prophecy that ended up dying from the inside, and now we wait for the second coming
>memes and click baits: the turd who who is to blame for everything on youtube
>tell me lies
>be pretty and shut up
>"I learned from fellow game developers that attention is the most important thing to the success of a game" boy i sure love attention whores
>looks fucking insane, probably a hidden furry nazi
>like an old grandma, beat you up even if you do the right thing
>tfw didn't gave him money on kickstarter
>that creepy neck guy forgot his name, somehow DSP gets destroyed when equal annoyance like him goes ignored
>gaming's einstein, where are his games
Chris Avellone is de best.
Debate me.

The fact that Reggie is such a shit gamer yet is the CEO/President of Nintendo of America disheartens me.
Not necessarily because he's "not a real gamer" but because he doesn't have time for fucking videogames. It makes me think that I'll have to give up videogames entirely if I want to be financially independent and successful in life. Shit, I'm already behind on games and I haven't played anything really challenging since Demon Souls back in the day.

I wanna fug jade for procreational

>Which clever person made the most money from stunted man- babies sitting at home


You idiots actually believe making and selling software is some sort of altruistic pursuit?

Jesus Christ, back to fucking /r9k/ with you.

Every other answer is wrong.

How is it that the richest fucks on there are the ones who hurt gaming the most?

Peter Molyneux

How the hell did Notch manage to make so much money from Minecraft?

I'm always baffled by how popular it became.

I love Jade!

>those stains on her dress

I love your game Jade!

He owned all the rights for it, it's a small team that made it and it became a huge franchise with various toys and other gimmicks

this. I don't think you lads understand that over 30 years ago, when gaming was in its infancy, he was probably the single most important person in shaping what video games were and became.

Notch, he used to be one of us. He probably still is the way he beats down feminists in he's spare time.

>Becoming a multi-billionaire just to spend your days insulting women on the internet

What a sad life

Mainly by being smart when drawing up the original contracts so he owned everything then selling it to Microsoft for literal billions.

>Not still shit posting on /v inbetween trips around the world in your private jet, laps of vegas in your ferrari, and banging cheap hookers.

my name isss peeewdiepieeee xDD

>not crate... cray-ate.. tiv influence for Ubisoft
ya blew it

Me, because I buy and play video games.

why cheap hoes though, he's a billionaire

Where the fuck is Sean Murray??

He sold like millions, he must be worth something, r-right?

Warren Spector or Paul Neurath -thread

>No John Carmack
Shameful display.

>tfw in love with Stef Joost
>tfw I'll never spend the rest of my life with her


>cutie selling worldwide massively aclaimed game
>2 millions
>gimmick youtuber
>60 millions
Is this industry fair for women, or is it gender based?

Peter Molyneux

Damn. That picture is pure cancer.

Then again I don't care how people make money, as long as they don't take it illegitimally. Some were false promises but really, you should be more careful instead of always pointing the finger at them.



Is he "our guy?"

It's clearly Jade. She's been successful in an industry that's heavily biased towards men and incredibly misogynistic despite being a beautiful woman. She managed to overcome the clear gender bias and create one of the most successful gaming franchises of all time, giving hope to aspiring female game designers and creating cracks in the foundation of the boys club that is the video game industry.

Lets play devil's avocado for a second here. As shit as his videos are Pewdiepie has probably helped gaming quite a bit in the time he has been around. The guy has probably gotten thousands, if not millions of people into gaming. Not to mention any game he plays probably sells like gangbusters. I'd imagine he has done good by a lot of smaller indies.

i refuse to believe toby fox is worth 4 million.

Denying reality is such a healthy thing to do.

We all now that the correct answer is David Cage. The man is trying to bring video games to the next level and turn it into the medium it was always meant to be.

Gabe Newell created Valve. Half life is not his creation.

>I'll have to give up videogames entirely if I want to be financially independent and successful in life

lol no.
being financially independant is fucking casual. most of the world do it.
you dont have to give up on vg. just swallow your gaymur pride and play them on easy if you want to be successful tho.

The guy who invented pong. He literally started it all


>Daisuke Amaya
>worth any amount of millions
cave story is amazing but it's freeware, and the paid releases had most of the money going towards NISA anyways

I like the small time devs, they show up and then disappear. Toby Fox is alright, Sakaguchi for FF, Reggie, None of the Youtubers for making nothing.

I agree, he's okay. I don't watch his stuff, but he does bring a-lot of attention to video games that would otherwise not have it. He's the guy that started this youtube thing.

Arins networth is literally way lower than i expected it to be

I probably grossly overestimated what popular lets players earn because what pewdiepie earns.

But he turned metroid into a fps. Youre only as good as your last piece of work. He hasnt done anything valid since n64 days

Big ups to those who mention Ralph Baer. Iconic figure that nobody knows about because /v knows shit about video game history