In Memoriam: The Matrix Online

>tfw the only game you ever loved died 8 years ago.
>tfw every other game feels pleb to you
>tfw you log into a featureless emulator only to stand their alone, night after night, in a city that never existed.

fuck sony

Never play mmos, this is always the endgame

it was my first. my last.

Worst mmo I ever got suckered into buying. Think i played it for like a week tops at release and then went back to better games of the time aka anything else.

At least fondly reminisce about good games like swg or something

I just enjoyed jumping over skyscrapers. no other game has ever touched hyper jumping. if you quit the game after a week, then you never got to 25, so you've never actually experienced the best part of the game. you probably play WoW

Only ever tried wow for a week as well. It also sucked.

>the way they closed the server at the end

Fucking based.

A fucking MMO is your favorite game?



yes. it was the biggest digital city ever created

You should play Saint's Row 4 if you want a good Matrix game.

fucking Sony

The fate of every mmo out there, it's why I stopped playing them altogether.

>no other game has ever touched hyper jumping

City of Heroes had super jump which had different levels to it you mong.

MxO had ability trees that you could "load" into memory. I remember when I first started, I wanted to combine the healing tree, with the rifles and MA. Everyone said you couldn't do that, so I didn't even try. By the end, I had figured out how to make it work, and was a literal God in game. I went out on top, at least.

>implying City of Heroes levitation is the same as hyper jumping over an entire city block.

never played CoH. youtube one MxO hyper jump video. it was seriously the best feeling in the world

Oh you mean the ability you get before the flight travel path? Completely different set from the super jump.

You didn't have to tell me you never played it, that's already painfully obvious.

>actually I have played it.
>it's for fags

let's see. jump over buildings and run around in badass dusters, or fly/jump/hover in faggish skin tight leotard made for sex workers

Game was fun for a short amount of time. Mostly because of listening to Radio Free Zion while fucking around. More MMOs need an out of game live streaming radio show. Nothing will ever compare to that.

You really REALLY never played it.