>Chad daddy is already a family man
>you're still shitposting on Sup Forums
When will it end, lads?
>Chad daddy is already a family man
>you're still shitposting on Sup Forums
When will it end, lads?
he looks like that mexican alien that co-piloted the millenium falcon with lando calrissian
I'm almost gonna be a daddy. Still trying to choose a daughterfu.
back where you belong you reddit shit
Children are the worst mistake you can make in your young lives. Use contraceptives, get an abortion, retire early.
>the only thing with value in life is money
So's the 17-year-old that works at the Wetzel's Pretzels.
What's your point?
Yall niggaz know what im sayin when I say ABAP
That's not what I said at all, but kids are expensive and money definitely allows you to do more.
It's actually his cousin's kid.
>ityool 2010+6
Is he going to get the Neo?
>3 year old picture
>falling for the parenthood trap
When you stop paying for Nintendo crap.
Outside of personal satisfaction? Yes, spending power and influence. "Might is right" sounds like edgy neo-nazi crap but you know it's how things work.
what did he mean by this?
Spotted the eurolander.
Honestly C-Wizzy's videos have to be two of the most amazing examples of genuine 'trolling'.
The amount of butthurt and response videos at the time was astounding.
and he ended up being right
What do I care if I'm going to be dead in a few decades
He was right from the start.
If the white race can't win the culture war by itself, it deserves to disappear.
Why not make that deadline tomorrow?
My siblings have continued the bloodline, which means I'm free to self indulge till my death. Git gud.
>we need more retarded children in the world
good plan, all because you're a racist motherfucker
sterilize everyone t b h
It still holds up, i always lose when I rewatch
>Big Papi's videos are almost a decade old
>you still live the same neet life
Time moves on and nothing changes.
As opposed to filling an already overpopulated planet with more people?
Good job.
>america without white people
When he made the videos, the ps3 was an overpriced laughing stock with literally no games.
He could see the future, unlike your dumbass.
>all these niggers a d non whites in mah land
>can't do nothing about so I'll whine on the Mongolian stock exchange
>which is run by zog anyway
Sup Forumstards...
Happiness user, happiness
You should already kill yourself fat fuck loser
Doesn't matter. Scientific studies show that eventually there will only be one race as we would have all mixed that much.
Fighting it won't work.
who /ballin/ here
in all seriousness, if you think having children contributes to overpopulation, you have genuinely been indoctrinated with self-destructive lies
He was right.
600 dollas aint shit to chad warden
>((((Scientific studies))))
You'll be charged with manslaughter if he listens to your advice. Better think twice about what you post online, kid.
>South Parks most celebrated episode was the WoW special
>it's really a pretty weak South Park episode with a gimmick
the arm of Blizzard grows long
Don't take your aluminium foil hat off.
My parents came from Africa.
this is something people do voluntarily, something we know is happening but still no one has more than 2 kids. what do jews have to do with it?
>all these good goy in this ITT
Pick one
nothing, it's just edgy kids thinking that antisemitism is funny
>he says while posting from a computer
>he says while using the internet
>he says while sat in a house/workplace
You too faggot
What made the ps3 worth getting besides Talladega Nights?
Remember, memegames doesnt count
Sup Forums is always right you moron
What's your point?
What's your point?
money is the only thing that is gonna have your back after the relationship turns sour
>trusting women
>replying withing 24 seconds
Trump tears will be great when he loses
But then again that would mean Shillary won
>chad baby doesn't post on here
>has kids
>bought an Xbox One
who is the cuck now?
Whoever wins, we win.
How did they not see this coming?romney was getting his boi pussy destroyed in the polls. He had zero chance of winning and it showed
How is this videogames?
This, Trump and Hillary are equally bad, but Trump losing the election is gonna be the best punishment Sup Forums will be getting for shitting on everyboard for the past 2 years
>copy pasting a post is hard work and should take ages
In 4 years people will be saying
>How did they not see this coming?trump was getting his boi pussy destroyed in the polls. He had zero chance of winning and it showed
>Trump and Hillary are equally bad
nice meme, consider my record corrected
kill yourself get out OUT
i wonder who is behind this post
it's incredible really
how can we be stuck in such a vacuum
i've moved countries, careers... yet i still find myself alone and posting on this god-forsaken board day after day
>waaah they said something mean about colored people :(((( le pol is the worste!!!
Literally you right now. Fucking liberal Yahoo fuck.
jokes on you, i am a newfag who came here a few months ago long after chad was a thing
Welcome to the family, son.
Both candidates are staunch pro israeli faggots, both of them will serve only for the most powerful people and will send billy bob and terrel to die in middle eastern battefields to defend jewish interests in the region while infrastructure and education in the country are dying and people are being fed food that is considered poison in non retarded countries.
Fucking gay-ass mexican ass in my ass.
He's helping his wife raise her son.
Money is the only real supply of happiness in life.
Money won't fill the hole in your heart.
wait shit. this hurts more than you think. what the fuck have i been doing with my life.
Dynasty Warriors 7 Empires for me personally.
>if you think having children contributes to overpopulation
Of course it does you fucking moron. I understand what you're trying to signify with that picture, but eventually there are only going to be so many places where people can live, if people continue breeding the way they are.
Having 12 kids is not okay.
If you want a kid, then have one. Replacement value for yourself. You and your significant other will have to decide who the little fucker is replacing.
Not really, especially if you have family to help out. I sort of half raised my little brother.
>Chad daddy is already a family man
fucking citation needed.
If he loses, it'll get much much worse. Do not kid yourself.
He's probably thinking that image of him holding a baby means it's his. That's a nephew.
>if they overbreed, we should too!