With VR mode, Dead or Alive goes from creepy to harassment

>Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 is already of a questionable purpose. It stars a group of vacationing fighters who travel to a man’s private island to hang out, play volleyball and make new friends. I’m not the target audience, but good for those girls and the ease with which they can wear a bikini, I guess. But as comfortable as the girls in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 seem, their exploits still exist for others’ enjoyment. This usually happens from a safe distance, but PlayStation VR manages to strike down the wall keeping the male gaze at bay to make ogling much more interactive.

>Weeding out the people who know better than that has become easy, but the people who value a body for its exterior are still the majority. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 is made for them, but its female stars lack the awareness that they’re putting on a show. Instead, they get to participate in minigames and relax and work on their tans while other people profit on their happiness. The voyeurism at least pretends to be implicit; the women aren’t aware that they’re the show.

>The mode appeals directly to that customer who reduces a woman to an object, not a character with personality quirks and interests. The head-tracking device transforms the body into a controller, making the user at once more vulnerable and more powerful. This makes VR a terrifying conceit to me, as the owner of a dangerous body. A woman can be physically intimidated in the view of a VR headset, and her personal space can be actively invaded.

>More than the standard Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 does, its virtual reality update proves that the women of Dead or Alive aren’t just objects, no matter how hard VR Paradise and its visitors want them to be. They push the men away because now, in the immersive virtual realm, they’re aware that this is a disturbing threat to their security. Their female bodies have again become dangerous to them.


>muh pixel harassment
Fuck off.


This is something to post on tumblr, not Sup Forums

If you ignore the problem you will have to deal with it anyway somewhere down the line. Videogames used to be where you went to ignore these types of shitters. Now they're in your videogames demanding the videogames be changed so as to not offend their delicate sensibilities.

write letters to Polygon's advertisers
actual letters not emails

> n-nno, that's work I'd rather whine and shitpost on Sup Forums
You are the the problem
Die faster

who is it harassing

But women ogling over ripped shiny nekkid firemen is ok.

Get. A. Grip.

dangerous body

I don't give a shit though, user. I'm old enough to be totally over political correctness and the flip side desire to be offensive. These issues are fucking trite to me, I don't care. If I see less skin in videogames it changes exactly 0% of my daily life.

You might consider getting over yourself too, it's worth it. People will make themselves offended and counter-offended over anything, I can't get invested in either side of these arguments because I do t feel that they're actually important.


The women in DoA.


>I don't give a shit though, user

You can close the thread any time you want.

>The mode appeals directly to that customer who reduces a woman to an object, not a character with personality quirks and interests.
Video game characters are inanimate. They are code. They are literally objects.

Maybe you should take your own advice and get over yourself, user. No one forced you to post in this thread, and things don't become unimportant simply because you don't find them to be. You can go back to shitposting somewhere else and pretending you're too cool for school.

Mostly I was hoping this wouldn't get copy pasted 3 times a day.

go fuck urself


Yup serious issues ITT

Now you know how I feel when people bitch that videogames I play are sexist and/or racist. Get mad, shitter.

Make more threads that'll certainly solve it.
Or, you know, act like you're older than 13 and ignore it. That's honestly like complaining the the community around a single player game is what's dragging it down.

But ignoring it is what led to this problem in the first place. You can't ignore cancer.

>virtual girls are real and they are being harassed!
It's time for your medication user.

>game made for virgin weebs
>clearly markets itself as such
>game isn't even officialy released in the West, must import to play, because SJWs banned it

And SJWs still get mad over it?

No. This is war. An actual war between white men and kikescum.

Literally is fight or die. You fencesitters will go first.

That's adorable. This is a Polygon article, user. But you keep fighting that good fight!

This is why I can't sympathize with your side. You're just as offended over literally nothing as the author of the article is pretending to be for money

>This is a war

A woman using a dildo or a man using a fleshlight is objectification, treating another person like they're you're property is objectification.

Looking at pictures that appeal to your sexual interests is not objectification.

If you cannot get your definitions straight, don't write articles.

As long as it exists they will get mad.

It's funny because the one who seems the most offended here is you. You could go back to doing whatever you're doing. Instead, despite "not caring" you are still here. GG.

>I expect serious issues on Sup Forums!
Need me to call someone user?

Look at this kid
How could I leave the thread now?

>virtual people have rights



>its female stars lack the awareness that they’re putting on a show
Sure they do. This is certainly just for exercise.

>as the owner of a dangerous body
What the fuck?

>Using arguments on SJWs
>Showing them proof even
>Expecting a video game reviewer to know what he's talking about
>To have even played the game rather than writing their first thoughts based on the promo material and posting that the moment the embargo is lifted



I mean if anyone actually said something like that then why aren't they saying anything about vidya gaems like Battlefield or even The Last of Us.

There is a huge problem with context and principle.

They abuse principles in the wrong contexts is what i am getting at.


Fuck this SJW shit
Post DOAs



>we will be able to view this in VR soon

delete this you creep

I want to molest zeroes and 1 and nobody will stop me.


>VR is opening a world of possibilities and Sup Forums is complaining about Polygon articles
Why aren't you making lewd games yet, Sup Forums? The best way to fight this is with more smut. You literally have the chance to help shape the standard for what is acceptable on this exciting new platform.

>male gaze
>As the owner of a dangerous body.
>female bodies have again become dangerous to them.

post you're doa waifu fags

whitecucks are fucking annoying

cant we just start a "drink bleach for feminism" instead of "piss for feminism" next time?

It's pretty gross and creepy for games like this to pander to losers anyways.

>a stripper pole in the middle of the beach, with no anchoring
I love DOA as much as the next guy but that's hella fucking stupid.

Thanks doc

How is this not considered porn?

why is this a fighting game again?
why dont they just make porn games instead?

>but good for those girls and the ease with which they can wear a bikini, I guess.
Hambeast detected

But they have all already been molested by Nyotengu, anyway.

ugh, so creepy and gross

That cap isn't real. It isn't, right?

>Implying you can sexually harass a fictional character.

Ugh, guys, can we like, not hate women for a second? Thaaanks! (Jeez!)


A misogynist would not enjoy looking at females. In fact misogynists, as seen in hardline Muslim nations, are all about covering up and hiding women.

When it comes to SJWs, it's more likely than not real.

Seriously, whats the sjws problem?

We get it, your life sucked, every life sucks! That doesnt give you the right to influence people with sensationalist press so you can shove your pov into peoples throats ruining a industry that everyone has the right to enjoy without limitations fears or censorship.

>islam is misogynist


Extreme PC fad will calm down eventually. Remember Emos and how they were the gayest thing on earth?

Yeah and the damage will be done by then.

No more doaxbb, nintendo will still doing unnecesary censorship, duke nukem will still say bazinga.

The sjw ruined the world, and we did nothing.

Someone here actually knows about pieman?

I really gotta give sites like Polygon and Kotaku some credit.

They've done more to damage the social justice movement than chucklefucks like us ever could.

>The mode appeals directly to that customer who reduces a woman to an object, not a character with personality quirks and interests

It's always funny how women will argue that they can't relate to female characters who have a body type that doesn't fit their own, considering these women don't have a personality, either but choose to stay immersed based on that aspect.

>as the owner of a dangerous body
Jesus fucking Christ.

Better that 'person' shows some proof if she wants to get some respect

Very proud of OP for using the archive to post a "journalism" article

>you can brutally murder fictional people but you can't touch their tits

If this dumb ass is really arguing about wanting a quality, he should be happy that it's called "No Man's Sky" and not "No Woman's Sky." Just think about that for one fucking second, Chuck.

Fucking westacucks



What ever happened to freedom of expression?
It may not be to this person's tastes but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't exist.

This is deliciously ironic. The chance of your posts doing anything to stop people from making threads like this is about the same as the chance that these sorts of threads do anything to stop this sjw nonsense. On some level, you are doing exactly what you are complaining about.