Why is FF9 considered good?

Why is FF9 considered good?

Through the entire game it's pretty solid even though the chars look a little gay except Vivi. I really enjoyed this game right up until the ending.

Out of fucking nowhere
>yer an alien 'arry

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Because it has great art direction, a beautiful soundtrack and was closer in line to classic FF and Sakaguchi said it was his favorite so it will always have die hard fans.

I can agree with that. Like, I enjoyed the game but then the ending. So everyone just ignores the ending right? Because it seemed pretty out of left field and retarded.


The ending comes out of nowhere and the fourth disc has only one area to actually go (memoria) and then the final boss is some dumb shit out of nowhere but the first two discs are golden.

I really like the cast. Most of the other games had boring teenages as party members.

same reason sonic is


I...never beat the final boss

Honestly that boss is fucking bullshit
I beat Cloud of Darkness and Neo Ex-Death and this is the fucking thing that stopped me?

Also, a lot of it is I dont have the patience for this game most of the time cause its paced as if you've smoked a fuck ton of weed, thats why people shit on ff9

Your perception of 'Aliens' and how they fit into your mental imagery and how you view them through the scope of pop culture is a you problem, not an everyone else problem.

It didn't exactly turn into the fucking X Files half way through the game with Steiner and Beatrix taking off their rubber masks to unveil themselves as Moulder and Skully, did it?

There's a million and one criticisms of FF9, and this isn't one of them.

FF 9 is my favorite FF. Because I fucking love medieval fantasy jrpg game and it is the only one after 16bits generation

Best OST
comfiest setting

Best OST, characters, locations, and story. Plus the card game was pretty sick too.

>Playing a great fantasy RPG throughout the entire game
>last disc comes
>Aliens out of nowhere

How is that not terrible writing? It's just, "ya, u got a tail, ur an alien"

Everything up to that point was really good.

The plot is overall pretty shit, but most of the party members are great, the battle system is pretty good with the return to character-specific abilities from VI (fuck you I liked the item system), there's an insane amount of detail and the art direction and OST are good. Love the sidequests.

If the ATB was faster and it had a totally different plot it could be the best FF.

Liked the card games in both FF8 and FF9. Played the FF8 one so much I got completely disinterested and disengaged with the story.

Parallel worlds have been a thing since FFV and before, I think. Shit wasn't half as jarring as you're making it out to be.

>"Why is FF9 considered good?"
>"entire game is pretty solid"

> "ya, u got a tail, ur an alien"

Hey don't call Dragonball terribly written

every FF game has at least one dumb-as-fuck twist. shit, there are at least two other final fantasy games where a hero turns out to be an alien. i have a feeling you maybe just don't like final fantasy games (or honestly jrpg tropes in general)

your opinion is pretty shit anyway. "the chars look a little gay"? the fuck are you even talking about.

Cecil's an alien. FFV you went to a different planet. Cloud has alien cells in his body. FFVIII you went into space and fought aliens. Tidus is a fucking dream.

I'm just saying this is nothing new.

FFIX is in my opinion the best, the OST is godlike, the world is amazing, the characters are the best in FF (most of them, for example, Zidane, Vivi, Dagger and Steiner are extremely well developed while Eiko Quina and Amarant didnt get much attention due to budget and deadlines) it has a great story, if you see it as ''ayy lmao ur an alien xd'' its your fault, it fits perfectly taking into consideration the themes of the game and helps everything connect, FF had shit like this since IV with Cecil being half Lunarian.

Necron actually makes a lot of sense, and something that this game does that I love is that it doesnt express itself only through text, so if you dont understand what the game is trying to concieve, its your fault, everything is there, if you can truly appreciate narrative beyond writing you will understand the true nature of the story and how good it is (minus some small things, yet again, the game was rushed a bit).

Whats there not to love?
It honestly has many things that previous FF did, but even better, it had the most charm and it was their last stand as a company and as the FF team.

Its a gem.

Oh yeah I forgot Bartz is an alien too

>Terrible cast
>Forgettable characters and hideous designs, many of them blatant furbait
>Slow combat even slower than the SNES FFs
>Less customisation than previous FFs
>Claims to be a throwback to older FFs when it isn't at all and doesn't resemble them in any way and the older FFs did what people claim this game does far better

Necron was actually pretty fitting considering how strong the themes of death and mortality were throughout the story.

You can say literally the same thing about FF8 but everyone constantly shits on that game for it

>that's right
>proof you haven't finished it

there's your response, happy now?

>The game has themes about mortality and what being alive means
>Clearly this means we must have a big death god come out of literally nowhere and try to kill everyone in the last ten minutes

The junction system is broken and the game rewards you for not leveling up, it's a clusterfuck of a gameplay this side of attacking yourself to raise everything in II

half alien technically, but yeah you make good points

Necron didn't try to kill them, they were already dead and the rest of the game is a hallucination.

Are you always the same guy posting the same image crying about furries? There's one in every thread with FFIX in it and I think the filename is also always the same. Kind of an autismal thing to do.

I wasnt being ironic, I wrote that now, its my geniune feelings about it.
he was a manifestation of the fear of one's mortality, when the crystal was destroyed by Kuja it was as if everyone died, except there was there still to live, if there is conscience there is life, they were fighting for their lives literally, they were fighting against their own demons, and Kuja had to accept his mortality, thats why he saved them when Necron gave up, because Necron is also a part of them, it lives in everyone, if there is a will to live they will keep on living, Kuja accepted his fate and they were brought back to Gaia.

Its there, thats honestly what I legit believe in.

>was closer in line to classic FF
How is this a good thing?

not everyone is a fan of cyberpunk, you know.

Yes it's good but like all the playstation 1 era final fantasy games the ending is abrupt and out of nowhere. You can thank their retarded release deadlines for that.

I know man I was just agreeing with you

It's a good thing to me. I don't like the modern/futuristic FF settings.

Freya is my mousey waifu.

Easy one of the worst games in the series.

not objectively, just in my opinion*

She's great.

Too bad she's completely forgotten after disc 2.

IX was a bad Final Fantasy. It had absolutely terrible equipment, skill, and ability systems that allowed no room for players to shape their characters in any way. The trance system going off outside of your control was even worse designed than VIII's limit spamming. The combat was slow and boring and the only interesting mechanic AT ALL was the dynamic between Steiner and Vivi, and it didn't really add anything to the game at all. It had a terribly boring setting that's only praised by "classic fans" because it didn't emphasize sci-fi, completely disregarding that Final Fantasy has used sci-fi elements from the start of the series. Your cast consisted of characters like Freya who were completely forgotten by the plot after their usefulness to the story was up, characters like Quina who basically just showed up whenever the game felt you needed a 4th party member and didn't do ANYTHING of any relevance, and characters like Amarant who I'm still trying to figure out why he was added to the game. The protagonist and antagonist being "space alien grim reaper brothers" is by far the worst plot twist in the series, much worse than either the orphanage in VIII or "You're a dream Teedus" could ever hope to be.

The worst part of all? In a series that's known for its innovation in its genre, Final Fantasy IX bitched out and actively BACKTRACKED to boring, outdated, mechanics. At least the early games it was a callback to were innovations of their time like the ATB system in IV, and at least for the PSX titles VII, VIII, and Tactics all tried to do new things with turn-based RPGs, storytelling, and world building even if it didn't please everyone- whereas IX actively decided to say fuck that, and appeal to idiots who want video games to stagnate.

It was boring and had nothing unique going for it. In fact, nothing about the game is particularly memorable. It has no sense of identity for itself and just takes after previous titles.

This is a pasta, and its from someone who clearly hasnt played the game.

>except Vivi

Why does every faggot like Vivi? He was an insufferable loser with an inferiority complex. His trope was akin to a 'shy useless female character who tries her best!'... I will never understand the love for this character.

I'm glad he died in the end.

So am I, atleast he lived a fulfilling life and he found purpose, he did more with his life than you will ever do faggot, the whole point of his character was to be the POV of the player in a way, he's just someone who came to the world and is experiencing it anew, he has questions and seeks for answers, and he was able to face his fears and grow out of his shy persona.

And then people complain about FFIX, if you faggots cant understand shit there's no wonder people call FFIX bad.

Because vivi a qt
fuk you

Vivi is my wizza. There literally isn't a single black mage in the series that can compare.

>Tidus is a fucking dream

Every time

Kuja didn't destroy the crystal though.

>People still dont get the concept of Necron

>Out of fucking nowhere
>>yer an alien 'arry

It's just japan referencing dragon ball, they even have the tails.

How is the ending of FF9 and FF7 out of nowhere? They're properly built up to and you know you're at the end

The only ending that is abrupt and comes out of nowhere is 8. Time compression was garbage and wasn't hinted at at all

>FFV you went to a different planet.

Wasn't it just the other half of the same planet you started out on and at the end both halves were put back together?

I mean, he's not the main character because he's a normal fucking town shop keeper.

He's a different race full of rich history and heritage, not to mention Trance power.

9 is just a small step better than 8, which is absolute dogshit. Hope that puts it into perspective for you.

what are the best twists in FF though?

FFI - the last boss is also the first boss you fought
FFII - the emperor defeats satan and rules over hell (and heaven in later versions)
FFV - the main villain is a tree
FFVI - the world gets "destroyed"
FFVII - cloud's past was false and he actually rekt sephiroth in the reactor
FFVIII - Laguna and Raine are Squall's parents

FFXIII - No twists, there are no twists in hallways

What's so wrong with anthropomorphic characters anyway? It's not like they're fuck or something in the game, Jesus. And I bet you'd fap to that

FF 4 - Kain, throughout
FF 8 - Norg and Garden, the timing of events made it even more hectic, with the Galbadia missles on their way.
FF X - Pilgrimage Ending Ritual.

It's a turn based game, those can't be good because it's just menus. If you wanted to experience the same "gameplay" just go to an ATM and check your balance.

Because it has one of the best designed, atmospheric worlds in video games with a soundtrack that fits perfectly with it.

FFIX is my favourite game of all time, even with Disc 3 and 4 being absurdly lackluster, purely because exploring the Mist Continent in Disc 1 & 2 is pure magic.

FF7 - What really happened 5 years ago, and what happened to cloud after that till Midgar

The only good final fantasy game is FFV

its kind of left in the open, thats one way to see things.

exactly this, disc1 is a masterpiece, its really the highest peak of the series imo, its just perfect.
I wont ever forget the first time when I left evil forest and was greeted by a bast world covered in mist with one of the best tracks playing...

Pure magic.

I don't really see the issues with the later parts of the game. Zidane spent the whole game doing his absolute best for EVERYONE ELSE. At the end, it was time for everyone to finally help him overcome the damage he had from the revelations given to him.

I feel like I'm the only FF9 fan that loves the game the entire way through

Nah I also love the whole game through and I get what you are saying, this is my first post and I'm this guy so I'm quite the fanboy, its just that the first disc is a 20/10 in my book, the rest is great and while there are some parts that arent as strong, Not Alone is one of my favorite moments in videogames because of what you mentioned, Zidane always had their back and helped them, he never noticed that they were there for him too, it was quite emotional.

Like cucktwerk

>Why is FF9 considered good?

I just don't see where it was hinted at throughout the rest of the game that ALIENS were a thing. It went from Bahamut and Summons to "is that a fucking spaceship?"

Were aliens alluded to a few times during the game because I don't recall it.

There are hints regarding Terra littered throughout the game yeah.

sweet deal, I understand what you mean.

I can get behind the criticisms the game has. Feels too slow till you get Auto-Haste for example, but can't help but love the game. It's my favorite PS1 game.

Its not like it was unexpected, it was hinted that Zidane was different, also we never knew his birthplace and since the plot starts to advance and Zidane's identity is still unknown, a plot twist is to be expected.

Terrans are super advanced humans kind of, Zidane was a vessel, its not like he was birthed too, and he had a legit purpose which he denied, it was well done, and it showed how 2 beings who are apparently the same (Kuja and Zidane) Can be different persons if they learn to love, care and have friends to help them grow.

Thats the whole point, Zidane could be Kuja if he had not lived his life in Gaia, its how circumstances affect one individual.

>Through the entire game it's pretty solid
You said it user

nigga he's the only monkey tail mofo in the world and was adopted

it was literally homage to Dragonball

I really like the diverse cast of characters and the big cities. The game does fall apart a bit once you leave the first continent though. Until then it's really great. There are still some nice moments later on though, it's not like it turns to shit.


I agree that the ending is pretty odd though. But then again it was just after FFVIII and its ending is not exactly straightforward either.


Are you so insecure in your sexuality than you can't stand looking at anthropomorphic characters for fear of being tempted?

I mean just look at your image, if you're being sexually aroused by any of that is says more about you than the game.

>FFVIII - Laguna and Raine are Squall's parents

Shit is that true? I have completely forgotten about that. I should replay those games one of these days.

appeal to nostalgia.


I mean, its bad enough characters have absolutely no customization but now you can't even set up a certain combination of party members till you're in fucking terra world or whatever.

incorrect, I played it last year and its one of my favorite final fantasy games.

9's a celebration of the whole franchise so it has call backs to everything in it, including the ending. So blame the direction to reference earlier games if you don't like how it ends.

As for flaws, the only one that's ever really stuck to me is how slow the battle system is. Though I don't think anyone who playing for the first time is going to have a huge issue with that as much it makes replaying the game much, much MUCH more difficult.

>I like eating shit

well ok, thanks for your rebuttal but it doesn't disprove anything

>implying you've proven anything other than your own take

And your opinion is inherently greater than his because?

I don't think that' a big deal, in chrono trigger you can't change your party for a good chunk of the game either. It would be annoying if you were stuck with the same characters throughout but the game changes teams pretty often to keep it fresh.

Also "pointless" is a bit meaningless, it's not like it's a hard game anyway. Eiko and Amarant join the cast way too late though.

It's not my favourite JRPG or even my favourite FF but it's pretty good IMO.

>eating shit
you have horrible taste, and how am I wrong?
you really don't have an actual argument, and I'm living proof (for myself, I dont give a fuck if you believe it or not) that I love the game even though I played it last year.

You can't change partymembers till 75% of the way in the game : fact.

Characters are not customizable, they learn the same shitty skills using the same shitty equipment you get at the same shitty shops in every run : fact.

you are a nostalgiashit from reddit who thinks liking a bad game makes you an oldfag : fact

>Shit is that true?

user, look at their names
besides, I think kiros tells squall that he resembles his father

>absolutely no customization

but that's wrong you dumb faggot
what do you think the support abilities are

The ending? It's a homage to Final Fantasy IV and other titles. You are from the moon in FFIV

you are only stating problems with the battle system and gameplay mechanics.

I understand, you are dumb and cant appreciate game for everything else like art direction, OST, story, world, characters, atmosphere, feeling etc, you only care for gameplay and you cant place yourself in the character's skin.

Isnt it time for you to go back to cod on 360??
I'm afraid you are too dumb to be playing anything else.

>that last point


Educate yourself.

>You can't change partymembers till 75% of the way in the game : fact.

Why is this a bad thing? Do you want every game to be Suikoden II?

>Characters are not customizable, they learn the same shitty skills using the same shitty equipment you get at the same shitty shops in every run : fact.

Sure they are. Pick and choose what abilities you want to use instead of being autistic and going for all of them. Your customization lies in equipment and what abilities you equip. So how is what you're saying a fact?

>you are a nostalgiashit from reddit who thinks liking a bad game makes you an oldfag : fact

I don't go to reddit. Its hilariously pathetic when I get "called out" based on my opinions when this and a couple old ass forums are the only social sites I go to. 24 and been here since 06. Get rekt you wrong and sad little man.

Well you don't have to think of them as aliens. The game already establishes there are lots of different races etc. Zidane just happens to belong to a race that lives on another planet

Kuja is the final boss to the game's plot
Necron is final boss to the game's themes

Ok, well you guys sold me on FF9 being a little better now with the homage talks and the assertions that it was slightly hinted at somewhere in the game.

FF9 confirmed good game.


>clear headed
>spam thievery/dragon crest/frog drop/no mercy/holy/ark/meteor/basic attack with stiener
not a hard boss at all.