Why the fuck do police department had secret gems or keys inside some walls, portraits etc?
Resident Evil 2
because its a fucking videogame
The illuminati
It used to be a museum before they turned it into a police station.
The same reason Spencer mansion got that shit: it's the front door for Umbrella facilities.
ok, why would a museum have secret keys and gems?
Because vidyagaems
Raccoon City popularized irl Room Escape games almost two decades before they took off.
Partly because its a refashioned museum, partly because the Chief of Police is nucking futs and purposely goes out of his way to make things hard for the other cops.
because the police chief was a nut according to files you find, also a video game.
I sometimes miss the times when games were designed to be fun and not just realistic.
If you paid attention to the files you pick up, you would have seen that the Chief was a collector and had a lot of that shit set up for himself.
-The place used to be a museum
-the police chief was an insane art collector
-...who also worked for Umbrella, and became totally paranoid after the mansion incident.
Even in the in-game documents, people comment how the chief's gone bonkers and started hiding keys and shit around the building, making daily work difficult.
The police chief was an avid collector of arts and sculptures . He got heavy pay offs from Umbrella and used the cash to change the police station with his creepy art. He purposely made things hard for the officers to open doors and hid the ammo for their weapons in various places. Did you read any of the files or notebooks you found throughout the game? I guess nobody likes reading anymore.
>yfw thanks to garbage like pleb letter media everyone has turned into a harsh armchair critic who love pointing out logical inconsistencies in works of fiction
I thought the game was amazing when it first came out. I don't get why people don't just enjoy the fantasy. It's a game about zombies. How would they be able to eat people if rigamortis sets in? How will they be able to bite down if the brain can't send signals to the mouth to do so. You can be much more petty about things other than the setting
It's a game.
Go look at the Biohazard 1.5. The RPD building in that was a conventional design.
They made it a place full of wacky puzzles because that was one of the most memorable aspects of the first Resident Evil. And the Spencer Mansion was designed intentionally to trap intruders.
it would be even better if it'd make more sense
before you sperg, RE2 is my favourite game in the series
Cops in my country secretly execute thugs and steal their drug money
secret gems or keys inside a police station is nothing user
America is a crazy place, right?