Obsidicucks will defend this

>Obsidicucks will defend this.

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A gay wrote this, right?

So Sup Forums, who's your favorite artifical personality in OWB?

I kind of like Book Chute, it's so cheerful yet sinister. Fits the tone perfectly.
>I smell... SE-DI-TI-ON!

Obsidian's sense of humor is pretty bad, I thought people realized this in Fallout 2?

OWB was literally the worst DLC

People working on Obsidian also worked on 2 or what? I thought it was made by Interplay or NWC

Show me 2 examples of comedy on FO4 or 3

Obsidian was never good at comedy, but at least they can write a story that isn't retarded unlike Bethesda.

Several people did, but it's not as huge as some people make it to be.

MCA wrote most of the shit in one of the major towns in FO2. I think it was New Reno.

The communist lookout robot in 4 was a pretty funny moment. If you tell it to fuck off it recognizes it as a typical American response and leaves you alone.

>People working on Obsidian also worked on 2 or what?
fallout 2 was borderlands meme humour tier which is what OWB was aiming for , there's a reason there's people shitting on it despite the other trainwreck dlc being way worse

ironsides is hilarious and the best part of FO4 family

Unpopular opinion time:
>that bazinga show is universally hated
>highbrow dlc version of it is considered the great dlc
I swear, the opening dialogue in this shit was abysmal and cringeworthy. That being said, NV is one of my favorite games of all time.

I'll be monitoring this thread for possible seditious material, Citizens!

>Sup Forums hates OWB now
Fuck gaming!

fuck rpg codex :3

The hilarious thing is that some shit-eaters consider OWB to be the best DLC/expansion pack ever released for any game ever. Top fucking KEK.


Still better writing than Fallout 3/4. At least innuendo shows they tried, as opposed to "LOL NUKES"


Not Sup Forums, maybe some other board.

People have different taste, i didn't like OWB either, but i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people found it hillarious

OWB and FO2 are fucking masterpieces in the writing department if you compare them with FO3 and FO4 "sarcastic yes" answers

This is such a great line. It perfectly sums the existential conflict the NCR are facing and Cass' personality.

finished the ghoul rocket mission and I convinced Chris to leave. What would happen if he sabotaged the ships?

They would go boom, whaddaya think?

>posting images without knowing the context

Is that it? Would something then happen to Chris?

I hope Avellone won't ruin Prey with shitty Obsidan writing.

Thanks guys, now I'm going to reinstall New Vegas and resume my WW2 weapons run.

The Ghouls would be dead, Chris would fucking hate himself and you.


>i did not play the game and only looked at the memes and some youtube videos: the image

>not the weakest handgun in the game


>implying that Ranger Sequoia isn't the best
what a fucking pleb

That's not bad. And graphics look good.

.22 pistol exists, I guess?

that's actually pretty funny lol

15 of 18 pistols in the game are stronger than the weapon he shoots you with. Confirmed to have never played the game, post invalidated. Didn't make much sense, anyway.

The humour in OWB was pretty cringey at times, but I liked the book chute and muggy

Muggy is one of the "cringiest" ones, his shtick is that he's a neurotic.

But overall the humor worked for me. It works really well if you keep in mind that Big MT was full of amoral dr. mengeles who had no qualms with experimenting on American citizens.

In FO3 the RobCo plant has a protectron on the shitter.
If you move him you see a piece of scrap metal in the toilet.
Not a knee slapper but made me chuckle.

i guess the shitposting from last night hasn't stopped

why is Stealth Suit so good

it uses up all my Stimpaks, overloads me on Med-X, gives me Sneak bonuses I don't need and is a Medium armour with mediocre DT

and yet I can't quit... her

She only uses all your stimpacks because she's worried about you.

>run out of Stimpaks ones
>she panics "We're out of Stimpacks! We're out of Stimpacks!"

>Show me 2 examples of comedy on FO4 or 3

Not when Honest Hearts exists.


>bethesdrones desperately attempting to stay relevant on Sup Forums

She's a good girl. You're her first so she's just being extra cautious to make sure you survive and are sneaky! She goes a little overboard with the Med-X but that's just because she wants to make sure no one hurts you. Even when you die, you can hear her injecting Stimpacks, because she can't bear the thought of you dying, she cuts out the feed of your vitals if they fall below a certain cutoff (namely, your heart stopping).

All she wants is for you to complete your mission safely and happily. She wants to make you so happy that you never want to take her off!

>Headshot with 9mm
Not necessarily a guarantee to kill, this is phineas gage holding a large iron rod. This was launched through his skull during an accident. He survived

Now do the NV one where you convince the most brutal warlord in the wastes to undertake a death march across the desert with no supplies because "Shits hard bro"

>She goes a little overboard with the Med-X
>I took Logan's Loophole because I wanted to limit my level progression
We're literally made for each other.
>you never want to take her off
>take Stealth Stui off to wear some better armour
>"Did I do something... wrong?"
>put it back again

>she randomly asks you if you like her

too qt

Anyone trying to stay relevant on Sup Forums.

>death march across the desert with no supplies

>this pic

>you will never wear a jaded and world weary stealth suit in an obsidian sequel

He may have survived but that rod lobotimized him.

Old World Blues is pretty much the cut EPA location from 2

It's better written.


>I unironically hate OWB

Obsidiot worked fine. Stop trying to add "cuck" to everything you dumb cunt.

>15 of 18 pistols in the game are stronger than the weapon he shoots you with
Not in 9mm.

Worst DLC but god damn he's the best Fallout character.

Are you kidding me? The worst is clearly Dead Money.


I agree. I always liked that insult.

t. Obsidiot

There are no bad New Vegas DLCs, only less good ones.

9mm is one of the weakest cartridges gameplay-wise (it's a good round IRL).

I unironically think all of the DLC in New Vegas is shit

>adds fucking Thompson
>worst DLC
It's like you hate fun.

nice feets

I didn't like the humor in OWB that much, it got really annoying at times. But it's still my favorite dlc for New Vegas. Like the setting is just so cool and I love all the dumb sci-fi shit.

Posting best gun.

That doesn't happen whatsoever.

Via speech check, you convince him it's not possible to maintain a strong presence there after the battle, because it's too big of an area to take over and they'll end up weakening their presence in the east for what's basically a desert. NCR had the same exact problem.

Via barter check, you tell him the area isn't self-sufficient and relies on caravans and the NCR too much for them to effectively take over. He'd have to overtake the entire NCR and fold them in just to take over the Mojave desert.

the DLC was actually pretty shit but nice to look at. It was like a brief camping trip.

Also The Father of the Cave

It's not even a single check, it's series of checks.

And even if you passed all of them, pick the wrong option in the end, the one that implies you feel like you defeated him, and he'll attack.

How does it feel to have shit taste?

Speaking of President Eden, what the fuck was Malcolm McDowell accent supposed to be? Was it supposed to be sort of southern? It sounded like a mess.

Its okay when Obsidian does it.

Let salt-on-wounds go or off him yourself, what is best ending for joshua?

Yeah, I always wondered why people picked one of the better written lines in the game to mock the game's writing. I have to just assume they don't have any context and have no clue who she is or what she's actually talking about.

You blow up the main camp.
Reasonable guess they kept the pack animals and supplies where they could be protected.

Unless they included a seekrit base with food and water Lanius is leading his army into a deathmarch.

I remember killing him in honorabu battlu and being satisfied with Joshua's ending slide. Don't remember what actually happens, though.

>but at least they can write a story that isn't retarded unlike Bethesda.

A guy getting a headshot at point blank and surviving is pretty retarded.

Let me say that I don't think the stories in them are bad but playing through them sucks, especially Dead Money and OWB.

Even though it's completely possible?

b-but she said "dick", that's so crass!

>masters of gorilla warfare
>relying on one main camp for supplies


Maria (or anything using 9mm) is not "one of the stronger handguns in the game." It's a step above .22LR and... that's it.

>get all the chem perks
>'hey I've never really used implant grx before, I'll try it out'

I don't get why the B-man can murder everyone else but let the leader go and then Josh is fine. Shouldn't it be the opposite? That you set an example with their leader but let the people live? I mean they die either way because they are dipshits who apparently don't know how to live without raiding.

Even though it's completely possible and people have had worse things slammed through their skull like

where do you think they get their food and supplies in the first place?

oh nevermind you haven't played the games and just quote things out of context

Where dat sarsaparilla cap treasure at, niggah?

There is nothing I remember to indicate that CL uses guerilla tactics.

They seem to be a locate,close with , and destroy by close combat type of military.

Vulpes is as close as you get to underhanded but by no means a guerilla fighter.

>Dead Money

Name one bad thing that isn't from your own lack of skill.

it was originally intended as a contest by Sunset Sarsaparilla, right? Maybe they have something to do with it...

Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes.

It's the context. Most of the other guys are in combat when he kills them, SoW is explicitly unarmed and harmless when he wants to execute him.

They attack stations and settlements at night, use hit-and-run tactics, use psychological warfare, use terror tactics like booby-trapping corpses, I think there's a reference to them using NCR disguise...

It's a computer trying to sound Southern with it's references being whatever Enclave it can hear that still has accents plus whatever old media it had access to.