Why are you surprised no one cares about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided anymore?

I finished the game in 12 hours with every sidequest completed and I'm fucking slow at video games. It's a fucking joke

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I can't play the game. It stutters like fuck on my 960.

Update your drivers :^)

I'm 20 hours in and just got back from Golem City. OP is a fag.

I'm getting 40 - 50 fps on medium-high with a 960 and first-gen i5, learn how to change your settings.

Please go back to lllleddit. This is the best game of the year and no amount of trolling will change that.

>half the game is £39.99. Now buy our season pass and get the rest of it in a year, goy

>no demo
>hardware and performance destroying DRM
>changed VA
>same fucking setting and main character as HR but no real cameos from other HR characters
>mircotransaction cancer
>same shitty casual gameplay as HR, looks like an Ubisoft open world game we have played 10000 times
>one hub
>no mirrors
>one boss fight
>niggers in one of the most xenophobic and racist nations in the world (???????????????)
>no shadows
>shit story about 'muh equality'
>bring back Jensen
>bring back the same fucking color scheme

What the fuck were they thinking?

This game seems to be selling worse than Human Revolution, and is that really surprising? This feels like the kind of 1.5 sequel that should have been out 3 years ago.

Seriously, why the fuck would you invest in a new engine and work on a sequel for half a decade and then bring back fucking Jensen? Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people don't realize this is a fullblown sequel.

The way they marketed this game was awful.

They decided to make a direct sequel to a game that's 5 years old. The reason why Human Revolution worked is because it was more or less a fresh start, Mankind Divided isn't. It's the kind of sequel that's cool to see 2 years after the original, not fucking 5 years later.

Mankind Divided should have been a new protag and a new story. Just like the HR was. Doing direct sequels doesn't even fit Deus Ex to begin with, hell it doesn't fit ANY game with multiple endings.

Bonjour Eidos Montreal!

>changed VA
Wait, really? I didn't notice. Probably because I haven't played HR in a while

>no demo
To be fair, demos for AAAs (and in general) are rare nowadays

>hardware and performance destroying DRM
stopped reading right there, butthurt piratefag