What the fuck are they doing?

What the fuck are they doing?

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Murdering pikmin so that they can continue milking their normie franchise like the "wii x" series and super mario while turning zelda into an ubisoft game as a distraction

People wanted 3D open world Zelda. People are tired of the OOT formula.

>Murdering pikmin

People actually liked pikmin this much? I always found them to be mediocre

>all those threads hyping it up only to end up in disappointment

charging $60 to allow you do mario rom hacks

Actually the real question is what the fuck are YOU doing, since you don't argument any of your hate. Are you paid? It's a honest question.

I'm tired of the OOT formula too but after the MGSV open world disaster all i see is pandering to the western market

>every single time meme
you are staging that shit and it show, stop it.

>nx will be yet another console with a huge gimmick

Nintendo could dominate if they focused on having the most powerful unit on the market with third party support that rivals Sony and Ms.

A powerful console with a solid online infrastructure.

Imagine a console that not only has heavy hitting exclusives like Mario and Zelda but with third party support with games such as Gta, Fallout, Elderscolls, etc.

Nintendo seems adamant about not doing this though.

No one was hyped, user. It doesn't mean the show is somehow better than it actually was.


Are you this fucking defensive?

People are retarded. I wanted a good game and so far it looks like shit.

Wringing the last drips out of the 3DS sponge before NX arrives.
Most things shown today were localisations of shit that's been out for ages in japan, or spin off titles that would be relatively easy to make for smaller development teams.

The big boys are probably going full tilt on NX stuff.

Making a fisher price tablet and selling you children's toys instead of a console with worthwhile games.

Filling the gaps

Reggie's a pretty funny guy. I wonder if he's actually a dick in his regular daily work life.

>Nintendo could dominate if they focused on having the most powerful unit on the market with third party support that rivals Sony and Ms

How many times does it have to be pointed out that third parties don't like Nintendo?

Unlike you, doing something.

They aren't trying to appeal to adult audiences anymore, I think that's very apparent. They straight up don't care about consumers that aren't children

Why they don't just buy out devs to make games for only them?



but children don't care about Nintendo

kill yourself

I didn't say it was a good idea

you might need to get off Sup Forums more often.

Nothing wrong. Everything they do is perfect and you're a cynic that needs to stop getting mad at videogames and learn to smile for once in your life.

>Metroid as a franchise is floundering because Other M was terrible and it wasn't that strong up until Other M either financially
>Nintendo announces a new Metroid game 6 years later to "please" fans
>it's a spin off with almost nothing in common with traditional Metroid and is also a pretty bad game in its own right apart from that fact
>nobody buys it because it's bad and not what they wanted
>Nintendo concludes 1) nobody likes Metroid anymore and 2) fans are untrustworthy dipshits who don't know what they want, using this as a scapegoat to end Metroid for good
>then Nintendo files a DMCA against a fan game that achieves massive success and notoriety by being both good and a traditional Metroid game, itself proving that there's still a demand for Metroid games
>Nintendo takes the beloved Pikmin series, then turns it into a half assed side scroller which looks both bog standard mediocre and also has nothing in common with what Pikmin fans like about the game
>for some reason they didn't make a Metroid side scroller when Super Metroid was one of the best games of all time, people have been demanding a return to form, and they're wasting their time sabotaging other franchises by regressing them into 2d platformers when they were previous big 3d games with lots of depth

My biggest fucking problem with Nintendo is that all of their actions seem to have literally no logical thought or reasoning put into them whatsoever, their decision making is utterly incomprehensible to the point it makes me worried everyone at the company collectively contracted Alzheimer's or something.

They are completely out of touch, their last break out hit was Splatoon, a game spearheaded by newcomers and young talent without the taint of the old guard intervening too heavily and one which embraced current game trends (online arena TPS) without compromising its vision or desire to be innovative and unique.

If they were merely cunts like EA I could understand, but this is just incompetence.

I'm sure smiling will stop the Wii U from being a complete and total disaster

Look at the Wii U user statistics, user.

Nintendo is Japan's EA.

>If they were merely cunts like EA I could understand

But user, they always were.

Stop getting mad at videogames, that's making the problem worse.

Splatoon's team needs to break off and start making their own games

Nintendo has already said that 3d was a mistake and that it's created a large divide between gamers.

They want to go back to 2d.

AVGN confirmed for being the reason the Wii U is a flop.



I'm not mad, I'm disappointed in them.

I expect quality and support when I spend $350 on a console.

I got neither.


They turned pikmin into a sidescroller

I don't like it, so I'm wrong.

Fuck you and everyone like you.

People will complain about Nintendo not making new ips or doing the same thing too many times, and then they do something different, and people like you just whine like little faggot kids.

Fuck you and die.

then why didn't you post it.

amiibos and old shit weve already seen. same thing theyve done every direct for the last 7 years

Honestly it should be as revered as Zelda and Mario. It's certainly an A-tier Nintendo franchise.


is there an archived thread? I'd like to see Sup Forums's disappointment

All of their A teams moved over to the NX like, a year ago at the very least. All that's left are B and C teams making weak spinoffs and ports because they can't be trusted with full franchise entries.

Quite simple.

Chasing profit too hard, relying on computer programs to make decisions in order to alleviate management/employee issues.

Here's a thought user.

Maybe people want Nintendo to do something different AND the different thing to also NOT BE SHIT. Being different or unique for its own sake isn't enough.
>Splatoon is their largest recent success
>literally everyone in the AAA sector but Nintendo are making 3D games
>Nintendo's own 3D games like 3D world, Mario Kart and Galaxy sold systems and not NSMB
>Miyamoto himself pioneered 3D paltofrming and got almost everything right on his first try

How fucking stupid is Miyamoto

>old shit weve already seen.
it's sad that you want to be mad so hard, you literally lie to yourself about what you saw.

Too much amiibo garbage.

Not enough cool new shit like Splatoon.

Blind fanboys will use their wallets to insulate Nintendo from ever making the drastic changes they need.

Sheesh, is there even going to be anything decent on the NX besides maybe Splatoon 2, DKCR3 and Mario Kart?

>Blind fanboys will use their wallets to insulate Nintendo from ever making the drastic changes they need.

this is the problem

That's a good question. Laziness maybe.

>90+% of Wii U consoles online
>70+% of connected users (i.e. 63% overall) visit eShop on a “regular basis. Many of those people are repeat.”
>0-12 – 1%
>13-17 – 5%
>18-24 – 33%
>25-34 – 46%
>35+ – 14%
>M/F – 93/7

>Nintendo listens to fans with Zelda


What was at the Direct that made everyone cry? Missed the whole thing.

>you will never open up a brand new n64 with super Mario 64 ever again

Nice source

Kojima technically 'listened' to fans when he made Raiden in MGS2. Don't hold everything to one meaning.

Honestly, it's hard to blame them when Nintendo keeps presenting their fanbase with horrible catch 22s that will ultimately please nobody. See:Either people buy Federation Force, thus telling Nintendo it's a good game and what they wanted (completely untrue, it's a shit and nobody asked for this) or people boycott Federation Force; in which case Nintendo decides Metroid as a franchise has no selling power whatsoever and the people who asked for more Metroid are indecisive twats who don't even buy the things they say they want, retiring Metroid for good.

kicking a man (Vita) while he's down.
Nintendo's making absolutely sure that no one will ever again think of "Sony" when they hear the word "handheld" by continuing to support 3DS far beyond anyone expected.

It's honestly a pretty good thing that Nintendo deliberately chooses to fuck up every single opportunity they come across, because if they ever took things seriously and acted reasonably they would have a monopoly within a decade.

Saving video games.

Probably doing something like this

I'm never buying NX until piracy is enabled

>search * in google


Here. Also, go fuck yourself, it took me 20 seconds to find the source.


>it's just Wii U 2

But mgsv was a good game. only thing stopping it from being perfect was mediocre story

>mfw cfw on 3ds

It'll be called the wiiplaywithu2

>>Nintendo concludes 1) nobody likes Metroid anymore and 2) fans are untrustworthy dipshits who don't know what they want, using this as a scapegoat to end Metroid for good

This is still just as paranoid sounding as when you fucks started saying it a year ago.

>>for some reason they didn't make a Metroid side scroller

because 2D Metroid is Sakamoto's jurisdiction and Tanabe was one pushing this forward. He only does Prime games.

>only thing stopping it from being perfect was its revisionist story that couldn't help itself from shitting on the entire franchise that came before it, garbage top-down design of its characters, and kojima's waifish bikini-clad fapbait


revealed stuff:

>new amiibos
>DLC for streetpass
>DLC for Animal Crossing
>DLC for Hyrule Warriors
>another Mario Party
>Pikmin as a sidescroller

burn it

Because people let their kids use eShop on their account. What could go possibly wrong.

Quiet was objectively best character (though you're right. She was needlessly waifu bait. I'd have loved her just as much, dressed like boss, or meryl)

The rest of the cast, I pretty much liked.
>Tfw no Solidus


This is lame as fuck.

Those people are retarded. People like a franchise because of its core mechanics. Metroid as a popular example just needs to have Samus isolated on some planet/s powering up her armor through vast exploration to find more powerups and take on bosses. Last two games said fuck that we'll do things the fans don't like. They don't need to add fucking gimicks in every god damned thing, just make solid titles from their existing franchises. They'd rather slap shit together nowadays because they know their loyal mouth breathing fans will eat up every single thing. Thankfully it seems like either those people died off or are wising up because Nintendo is on everyones shit list as of late.

Someone explain wth this nigger is talking about @ 46:00


You nintendrones are absolutely pathetic. You fucks spent all last gen complaining about rehashes, and when you autists get something different all you can do is shitpost on here about it. I hope everyone of you dies a slow painful death while Nintendo rapes your asshole.

>Yo dawg, we heard you had some exclusives so we took yo exclusives and put them on our Triple DS.

They should have just not bothered with the Wii U at all and rode the 3DS through the whole generation. There was no point in buying the piece of shit since 90% of all noteworthy exclusives have been ported to the 3DS. Shit's stupid as fuck.

The growing list of mediocre sequels, spin-offs, mobile garbage, dead franchises, and ports tell me that they've finally run out of ideas.

>dlc for animal crossing
Is it even new furniture, or just the retarded fucking gimmick of having RVs show up in your town?

>they've finally run out of ideas.
If you weren't a shit eating toddler you would have realized this back when the N64 launched, like everyone else did.

Why don't they just make innovative relaunchs of their dead franchises like they did for Kid Icarus?

They've caught the universe's worst case of 'nip businessmen mentality' disease.

They have their head so far up their asses all they can see, hear, and smell is shit.

They've already been raping our wallets

How did KI:U perform, user?

They really need to let new blood take over at this point, the old fucks are practically senile already.

they gave up

>implying non-dead Splatoon wasn't a worthy 300 dollar investment

Nothing good with Star Fox and F Zero si what they are doing.

When you look at how well Splatoon did it's a wonder they haven't.

Making shovelware so they can focus on making a solid launch for the NX.
Or at least that's what I hope they're doing.

Solid launch for a drastically underpowered console with a terrible gimmick and no third party support.


Better than Fed Force.

If a game is going to bomb anyway, why not make one that some people actually want to play? These asinine spin-offs are pointless.

I just want fun games mang.