Spider-Man PS4

Will Spider-Man PS4 be the next No Man's Sky?

After typing this I realized how stupid this would sound to people. "We know who Insomniac is! They haven't let us down....Much..."

Maybe a better question is: "Will Spider-Man PS4 Make Up For No Man's Sky's Failures?"

No, that's not right. Try this one: "Will the hype train get you again?"


The Only Spider-Man Game I played was for GameCube, Spiderman 2

Fucking amazing game

Anyone who had remotely any hope after they said the universe was procedural was a retard in the highest sense of the word. If they can get some good swinging mechanics and just have it fun to zip around the city itll be a fine game. its not trying to say its the greatest thing ever made in games. It's trying to be a good spiderman game

You made this thread yesterday.
Nobody had anything to say because there is nothing to say about the game yet.

spooder man is gaem

This is a weird fucking comparison.

Spider man is one of the lamest marvel heroes and I have no fucking idea why it receives as much attention as it gets

The spider meme was very good tho

the more I look at the suit, the more I hate it.

Because it was the first superhero to get a large amount of mainstream success in the film industry since Superman in the 70s. Superman probably would have kept that momentum going if not for the Quest for Peace and the death of Christopher Reeves.

Why are you comparing Spider-Man to No Man's Sky? Sounds like you want Spider-Man to fail for some weird reason.

Dont forget about Superman 64. No amount of good Superman movies could have fixed that game.

>spider man
its Spider-Man

Been spending most of my week playing spiderman games in my backlog.
Such a perfect character for an open world setting, but most of these games are fundamentally flawed.
Ultimate, Web of Shadows, Amazing 1 and 2, all suffer from the exact same problems.
Swinging through the city feels pretty nice in all of them, and treyarch seemed to pretty much have it down, but the fucking combat is always abysmal.
I get that most of these games came out when the God of War style combat was the go to, and the later games took the Arkham approach, and it feels like such a cop out every time. Trying to mix spiderman's speed with a button mash combat system is fucking clunky.
I really hope Insomniac tries something radically different.
Also, please just make Peter not an insufferable ass. I get he makes bad jokes, but they have to actually be somewhat cleaver otherwise anything endearing character wise goes down the goddamn drain.
I've never seen a Spiderman game written above a 6th grade level.

its Spider-Man

Ultimate Spiderman was also pretty dope, it had much of the same elements that made 2 great

its Spider-Man

Actually spider-man was huge in the comic book world in his own right during the 60s as well.

Go take your meds Stan

Fuck you Kirby

I fucked your wife

I don't understand why you are comparing these two games.

Like I really don't understand.


I'm comparing it to NMS because they are both PS4 games, and I got really hyped when I they announced both.

Yes what?

This look better?

fuck your thread

quick post your favorite Spidey vidya
>Shattered Dimensions
>Spider-Man (PS1)
>Spider-Man 2

Why did they just use the Classic Sam Raimi Spider man suit design. Its the best suit we've gotten imo.

*Why didn't

Eh, I don't like the beveled web thing. Looks too modern and tech like, you know? Not that this new suit is any better, but I prefer a Spider-Man that can emote with his eyes and not this visor eye bullshit.

Because with every reiteration of every spiderman the suit is at least slightly different.
Also the game doesn't have anything to do with any current running comic, show, cartoon, or movie.
It is also amazingly enough not a origin story game like every fucking spiderman thing ever.

All these questions are idiotic. These games are not comparable in any way besides both being on PS4, and NMS wasn't even exclusive. Spider-Man is still so far off at this point that everyone will have long forgotten about NMS except for perhaps Sup Forums because of it's desperate need to cling to their dank memes until the end of time.

Fucking fight me

Insomniac is a crappy developer choice for this game.

Sucker Punch would have done a way better fucking job, especially with their experience on inFamous.

Insomniac is a poor man's Sucker Punch.

amazing spider is better

Do you not know about batman? Or Xmen?

You're a poor man's sucker punch, faggot.

Yeah it's pretty stupid of the OP to compare the two. People know who and what Spiderman is and what to general expect. No Mans Sky was supposedly something completely new and mindblowing, and Insomniac isn't a 15 team indie studio, they've had a lot of experience with PR so lying upfront is something they wouldn't probably do.

Got 'im

Or this?

>could this be the next NMS?
>could this be the next TORtanic?
>could this be the next epic meme?