Sup Forums Literally BTFO

Battlefield 1 is literally BF4 with battlefront skinned to look like WW1

Prove me Wrong

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pro Tip

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You Can't

But its not even that good, the physics alone are completely off right now with the tanks for example.


>They hold pistols in one hand cause its historically accurate!
>Y-yeah there weren't many nigs on the front lines in WW1 but its okay it doesn't need to be historically accurate!
>W-what do you mean there were plenty of prototype AR and SMG's for the soldiers to use, its fine if they use some WW2 guns the game doesn't need to be historically accurate!

>France is a DLC


The gunplay in Battlefront is leagues beyond BF4's shitty gunplay

That's wrong.

BF4 is actually a fully functional game.

Crying: The Post

BF1 has been a huge disappointment. Conquest is borderline unplayable.

Rush is underwhelming as hell.

BF4 is leagues, miles and kilometers better than BF1 in everything excecpt graphics. Damn, familias, DICE don't fuck around with graphics. 2x1080s running it at a smooth 4K 60FPS, maxed out

Battlefront doesn't have any gunplay.

T. Has never played BF4 ever

Except the spawn menu is now shit and the gunplay is ruined. What an upgrade!