What games let me play in California?
What games let me play in California?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fallout 1 and 2
L.A. Noir
Fallout 1 and 2
Gta San Andreas, gtaV
fuck california
Fuck you kid, I'm comfortable as fuck here
California is a shithole and you're a terrible person
Is there a worse state? Delet it.
this kills the flyover
Holy shit I never realized how large San Bernadino was.
But anyways, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines is in California.
San Andreas.
Smog tax
Rice tax
Water tax
Dry as fuck
No rain
No fun
I hate this state.
Fuck off with your old memes kiddo.
you have to pay a tax because of the smog?
>No fun
Everything else is warranted but California, especially Southern California, has a lot of shit to do.
clubs, bars, bowling
that's pretty much it
Southern California is so shit
t. flyover
There's a couple of ranges around. And if you have a mall near you you could probably find at least one /tg/ shop.
California Games
California Games II
only accurate representation of Cali in the digital realm
Can't fly over a coastal state user :^)
Stockton reporting in. Any games set around here?
>sick of california
>get six-figure job and move to washington
>stops raining
>record droughts two years in a row
what the fuck did I bring up here
Lets talk about the Better beach state.
What games are set in Florida?
Fuck you user, you and your ilk are ruining my state. Take your shitty weather back to CA.
can confirm
What games are set in Pennsylvania?
>Holy shit I never realized how large San Bernadino was.
It's the largest county in the entire country.
Everything in this picture is only a fraction of neighboring Los Angeles county.
Is it because it never rains in southern California?
>It's a salty flyover cuck episode
>bar none craziest human beings in the entire country
>baby boomers
mississippi is a better beach state than fucking florida
It's the culture
No U.
No idea why but this is relaxing to look at. Anyone feel like this?
Am I autistic?
>Lets talk about the Better beach state.
No, let's talk about the BEST beach state.
>bawwww all California is just like southern.
Eat shit niggers.
Wow. So that's like, a total of five things. What a riot⸮
Best Mexican State
Florida is the worst everything.
Californians ruin everything they touch. Once you start seeing those license plates crop up you know things are going to shit fast.
Michigan is the GOAT beach state, salt water faggots get fuked
>Jefferson will never be liberated from the tyranny of SoCal
ITT: bitter uneducated fucks from southern states and flyover states
Your tears are delicious.
Its sjw schooling and media.
pedowood and Disneyland being here play a big roll as well
I still don't get it
>bar none craziest human beings in the entire country
Not as long as California hasn't floated off the map. You just hear more about crazy shit in Florida because we don't put up with that shit. Reason you don't hear about all the batshit insanity coming from California is because it's normal to people there.
Reminder that most of the crazies moved here after Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina and that they are not native residents, thank you.
Speaking of hurricanes
Good luck, user. Get some good volcano footage for me, would you?
>bonnie NorCal thinks they matter.
>flyover education
>home to Detroit
Yeah, pretty GOAT indeed.
>All this asshurt flyover state itt
Lmao if you your state doesn't border a coastline it's irrelevant, Parts of LA have more money and power than your entire flyover "state" has statewide.
I live on the superior coast but Cali is alright
You people need to stay in your containment state.
Florida Man needs his own comic series, this shit is hilarious
>containment state
East coast? Superior?
California is the anime of states
>because we don't put up with that shit
fuck off with that fake shit
you have the absolute worst inner city blacks outside of detroit. and there is absolutely nothing you're doing about it
American Cubans are the fucking slimiest motherfuckers I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. I can only imagine what happens when you throw in that general Florida insanity in there.
When I read "parts of LA" combined with states that border a coastline I instantly thought of Louisiana which is like the statistically the worst state in the union.
Nations capital runs of EST and is located there
Superior food
Superior weather
Superior environment (Not a giant desert/forest)
Most important cities are eastern
More people
So on a so on
>you won the lottery of life
>You were born on the golden coast
Duhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh riverside motherfucker
>tfw NC is the underrated best state
hope it stays that way, I'm fucking tired of all the housing developments and storage facilities we're building for fleeing Califags
>fuck off with that fake shit
You fuck off. The locals want that shit outta here but what are we supposed to do, just kill all of the Katrina refugees to get 'em outta here?
I'll admit I live in NW Florida and don't care for much of the goings on of the rest of the state. We're known as "Southeast Alabama" to those morons.
>not living in a dindu state
>not cooking crack for vidya money
>not earning your ends on the hustle
Who /831/ here?
>people will defend the cold, desolate middle of nowhere where nothing happens and there's little career opportunity over the West Coast, which is ripe with technology and media career opportunities
Sorry for derailing your thread OP, but I wanted to know if there were any games that lets me play in a Victorian England/London where I can explore a spoopy smog environment similar to the times of Jack the Ripper, filled with mudlarkers rummaging in the sewers and the visible huge disparity between the rich and poor, besides totalAss Creed and dogshit 1886.
What is there to do there?
Siskiyou? Why does California have a Japanese named County?
>Full of legitimately braindead morons
You guys got good food but that's about all
t. SC
A large amount of Chinese and Japanese immigrants settled in Cali.
three things
1. raise up
2. take ya shirt off
3. spin it 'round your head like a helacopta
>Calling anyone braindead
Call me back when your colleges are anywhere near as good.
The best coast is no coast.
enjoy suburban lifestyle desu
If you're talking about the northern East Coast: NYC-Philadelphia-Washington D.C megalopolis, perhaps, but beyond that, you won't see anything but non-influential, nationally irrelevant small towns until Miami, while the West Coast is nicely covered by the Vancouver area, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
>that pic
e.g. nothing at all.
How common are Mexicans in California?
Dishonored? the world seems like something that might be of interst considering what you posted.
That's just a myth user
You're just a melancholy molly, dude.
Im Mexican diaspora in California.
It's like 1::1 white/hispanic ratio.
>Living in states because "there's stuff to do" instead of their livability
California used to be a part of Mexico m8. Any really old family here probably has at least some connection to Mexico.
Slightly more common than Mexicans in Tijuana.
Death Grips: The Game
35 percent white
35 percent mexican
10 hmong
10 dindu
10 other
could be worse
>suburban lifestyle
either you live in a dense city, and are moments away from lively streets, good friends, interesting jobs, niche clubs/interest groups, and exciting shows, or you're in the countryside enjoying nature and small familiar communities.
Suburbia is literally the worst invention by humans ever. You get none of the serenity, and solitude of nature, and none of the opportunity, excitement, and convenience of the city.
I'd argue more than half of the US is worse than California.
Worst state: North Dakota
Runners up: Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Mississippi, Idaho, Wisconsin.
States that are probably worse: Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Maryland.
could be worse, you could live in central californi-
Why do Californians hate guns so much?
California has the 2nd most amount of gun ownership per person.
Most people her love guns.
The only ones who don't are San Francisco and Sacramento.
why does Sup Forums no so little about California?