Ahri will never pin you to the ground with her smooth legs and tease you while you lay there helpless

>Ahri will never pin you to the ground with her smooth legs and tease you while you lay there helpless

It's not fucking fair bros

She looks like a trap in that picture.

Yes. And?

I never said that was a bad thing :^)

> It's not fucking fair bros

Yeah, I'll say. I'd probably kill myself if I had such shit taste in video games and waifus.

That's a really really nice picture. It's a shame with League the models always look terrible in comparison

The newer ones aren't too bad, but yeah they're not very detailed. Realistically though they don't need to be.

It's not so much about the details, but about looking nothing like the art. They just take random Deviantart artists and have them draw pictures vaguely resembling the character and go with it. When you actually see the costume, it sometimes doesn't even resemble the art in the least.

>you'll never titfuck miss fortune

Does anyone else have problems with the fucking launcher? Every time there's a new patch, it's a giant hassle trying to fix the launcher so it actually works I think I've played a grand total of 5 games and completely gave up on it.

It's been broken for years.

That's the problem with having a bunch of different artist that work on the splash art, all separate from the team that does the models. They've gotten better over time, but the older ones generally are completely different in game.

The only good thing about LoL is the official art.

It's Riot what do you expect

>no replay system despite people asking for it since day one
>launcher is total trash
>client is awful with a poor interface and runs really poorly
>they've been claiming they will fix the client for years

They're finally making a new client after 50 years of this shitty one.

So does Ahri have more skins than any other character yet? Because as far as I can tell she has been getting 3 skins a year for the last 2-3.

Why are all the best League girls largely ignored in favor of Miku 2.0, MUHFOXGIRL and generic anime heroine #6293?

>you will never fuck Ahri's tight boipussy

Because those are the females people like.

>liking babbies first waifu

And those people all have shit taste.

>not liking kindred

Sorry I don't have some fucking obscure waifu from an anime 6 people have seen

>Waifuing an ASSFAGGOTS character
>Knowing the name of an ASSFAGGOTS character
>Looks the same as any other ASSFAGGOTS character, just with some random video game shit plastered on

Please go

To be fair, LoL's only good for the girls and the porn anyway.

>not falling to league porn
You're missing out my man.


I am a jinx man myself

I look at Sivirs art and it feels so jarring. It looks insanely anime to me and clashes with everything

>Liking weeb shit like Ahri
>Not liking Illaoi,the Samoan Muscle Woman

I want Jinx to fuck me.

Literally the worst girl in the game.

Please stop. I want that a little too much

>no replay system

this is a good thing after seeing what happens in Overwatch

People still play LoL?

It's still one of the most played games in the world.

>Playing LoL


>Lulu will never polymorph you into a sex toy to use for her daily personal pleasure

Why even live man?

Damn, he should do porn.