Giant Bomb just hired Danny O'Dwyer.
Giant Bomb just hired Danny O'Dwyer
What is a Giant Bomb and what kind of sauce is a Danny O'Dwyer?
ur momma
He was pretty much a member anyway
>not mary
>into the trash it goes
He's going to Vice Gaming.
I seriously hope he isn't going to giantbomb. Also post more Kish
Serves that cuck right for accusing my anime asses of causing rape. He'll probably end up on that shitty Vice gaming site along with Patty Klepek and Austin where he'll write about how gross and problematic video games are.
Can they replace him with dan
>watching giant bomb
Ryan's dead guys
Biggest SJW nu-male at Gamespot. What a fag.
Fucking e-celeb cancer please leave
>not supporting jeff in his time of need surrounded by faggots
Definitely not VICE. Danny mentioned moving east. It's definitely GBEast.
Is it wrong that I'd rape those feets before I'd rape the ass?
Literally fucking who?
Fuck yes. I don't even listen to Gamespot, but just having Danny O'Dwyer be away from the Giant Bomb crew is a big plus.
who gives a fuck about giant bomb when you have based easy allies
Danny was alright until he got brainwashed into the SJW cult. At least Austin pretty much kept that bullshit to himself.
Danny has been known to be quite vocal about things he finds TOXIC.
You sweet summer child, He's joining GBE.
>Danny O'Cuck
I don't think that's the case. And even if it was I wouldn't give a damn since I already don't watch GBE content because of Alex (and now Dan)
What do they do at giant bomb?
Danny is ok to hang around and play vidya with
But on twitter or his reviews he turns into full SJW mode
RIP Gamespot, only reasons people stick with them is Kish and Danny for some reason. That place is a sinking ship.
Recruit for ISIS
Rarely anybody who browses Gamespot browses it for the personalities, most people just go there for news and trailers.
>GB _FINALLY_ gets rid of Patrick
>hires fucking Austin "i'm totally oppressed u guys " Walker
>GB _FINALLY_ gets rid of Austin
>hires fucking Danny "video games cause rape" O'Dwyer
Vice is in the same city. I remember Austin saying he didn't have to go far after he left GBEast.
i liked watching danny on the lobby
surely gamespot has to go under soon right? he was pretty much their last big name
They literally got Danny for free until now, so easy come easy go. Same situation with Mary Kish. It would be insane to hire him.
Is he "our guy"?
The site will exist for trailers and articles, but live video and video features are definately going to die.
Maybe we'll get Mary after all.
Fuck Danny O'Dwyer in his sjw fag ass!
jeff is as much of a leftist as anyone else there no matter what your headcanon tells you otherwise
Dammit, as an Irish person I hate hearing other Irish people injected into my international media. Its distracting or something, like I'm always on edge that they're going to say something dumb that confirms a stereotype. Plus O'Dwyer sounds like he's playing up the accent
ah that sucks man. gamespot is a way better website than giant bomb and danny was their most based dude. oh well.
Nah. Our guy is very much pic related.
Wrong pic, user.
This, he acts like an SJW on twitter but whenever he's on the Bombcast or UPF he's a fun addition and even says shit that could be taken as "offensive"
Can't they just hire the Kish instead?
He's a fat faggot. He's the one that killed giantbomb. Why couldn't he have been the one who died?
>doesn't like souls
>our guy
yeah naw
everytime I see that image, "being woke" is what actually triggers me
nope. our guy is pic related
>"We want video game stories that tackle present day real-world issues!"
>Deus Ex does that, albeit in a bit of a hamfisted way but they still at least tried
>Hating on based 8.8 man
>Hating on the guy that reviewed Kane & Lynch 2 fairly and got fired for it
>Hating on based Jeff
Fucking newfags
poor Vinny
you know he just wants 3 Dans, but he keeps getting stuck with people like this
there must always be a patrick klepek
hey buddy, 2006 wants its opinions back
I'm going to kidnap Kish
I'm sure the last thing he wants is 3 Dans. Even 3 Austins is preferable.
Wish it was just Vinny and Backalar.
What's he listening to?
this, jeff is the last decent remaining guy at Giant bomb West, east has vinny which is + 10 points but has Alex, which is - 25
Drew is a cool guy but is awful at video games, dan is a retard, brad is a fat idiot who cant do anything right
jeff is consistently funny, interesting and is normally pretty good at games
Kish leaving GameSpot or sudoku?
Yeah, he's funny, knowledgeable and interesting.
And he has the shittiest taste on vidya imaginable, so he really is Sup Forums incarnate.
She's joining Brazzers.
This is the most acceptable answer, even if he is a Chiefag instead of a Naoto patrician.
Its the headphones.
Giant Bomb doesn't need more employees.
They need to actually publish more than one half-assed Quick Look per day.
And they hardly put any effort into UPF, their one big subscriber pull.
What the fuck do they do all day?
Read the tweet again retard, it's not vice
What? They are in the same fucking building.
Giant Bomb East is not on the west coast, dipshit.
Hey they just moved in and E3 literally just ended
Can someone explain to me why everyone hates O'Dwyer? I know he has made some retarded SJW comments in the past but he is generally tolerable every time he shows up on the podcast, unlike Klepek.
yukiko is best girl
>What the fuck do they do all day?
Playing games so they can do a quick look of them.
Wasn't he in Children of the Corn?
Maybe they're shutting down the site or cutting back a bit?
Doesn't GB get more hits anyways? It always seemed kind of pointless to keep both around.
Larry is even worse than shitass Pikachu. Apply yourself, user.
What's the fucking point?
They work on the same fucking floor in the same building, is already in half their shit and they have the same employer.
Fucking retarded potato cuck
quality not quantity. I'd be ok with a video every two days as long as it was good.
>someone mentions something obscure or tells a wacky story
>feels the need to mention something even MORE obscure or tell a WACKier story
everytime... also feels the need to bring up his wife every now and then.
it's only a matter of time before he brings up his kids
>Doesn't GB get more hits anyways?
Nope. Not even close. But they might be more profitable, because of their premium model working really well, while Gamespot runs almost entirely on ads which don't pay for shit anymore because everyone's using adblock these days.
>Danny mentioned moving east.
Really? Alt+F1 is also continuing, so this makes it seem extra likely.
'cause He's a fucking cunt.
Figures Dan doesn't know what a Union is as he lives in a Right-to-Work state.
Also O'dwyer is a filthy european that needs to be deported back to where he came from.
He is fucking boring as fuck.
>white people have never had to unionise
>is from the UK
Jesus fucking christ. I'd take the "Middle Class" part, but you are a class-A idiot
He is from Iowa
I can assure you that GB is infinitely more profitable simply because of the premium service. That's money that comes straight from the wallet to them, no adds, no youtube claims, no twitch cuts, no nothing. They've said a few times now GB is absollutely killing it right now and has been for the last few years.
O'Dwyer is from Ireland, you know the country where the trade unions (and Labour) come from.
I hate every single one of these people. I don't know why you fags love GB so much if these are the retards who are/were on it.
Word up. While I appreciate what they do these days, it's still relatively scarce. Metal Gear Scanlon, their most memorable recurring series in recent memory, is shelved for self-explanatory reasons. Ranking of Fighters and Game Tapes are fairly infrequent, and the latter isn't as interesting in reality as it is in concept. The Hitman Power Hour with Brad and Dan is the best regular content they're producing these days, but obviously there's only so much of that they can do.
My subscription for premium ran out a week ago, and it's a way different experience going to the site now. There's next to nothing worth watching except specific Quick Looks, it's a permanent content drought.
They should really remove the paywall for the live stream of UPF, but keep it behind one on the archive.
>Quality, not quantity
We're talking about Giant Bomb, a site that paywalls scintillating content as: "A man so morbidly obese he has difficulty maintaining eye contact with anyone except the ceiling peruses DOTA cosmetics for half an hour."
Unprofessional Friday is a weekly exercise in disappointment.
twas better before Ryan died. But despite all of the shit Jeff is the only eceleb I can stand to listen to. Also the powerbombcast is genuinely good.
Yes, I know that senpai. I was pointing out how retarded it was to wrongly point out how unions are for the opposite of white middle class people. it also helps that Rykerct is American so unions are probably taught as being the scum of the earth.
>Unprofessional Friday is a weekly exercise in disappointment.
all their podcasts are good though. UPF is extremely lackluster but I chalk that up to the casual games they play. Jeff needs to be left alone in an office with just an amiga and a box full of games.
Sadly Jeff allowed his site to become a platform for sjw propaganda.
Powerbombcast is the worst wrestling podcast on the internet. which is amazing because 1. People pay to listen to it and 2. there a million awful wrestling podcasts.
>latest video is literally with phil "choke on it" fish
that has more to do with the fact that pro wrestling is fucking terrible than anything else
If only... I would love to see her get gangbanged, all her tight holes getting filled. She'd love it.
Game looks alright 2bh
Definitely one of the best things that came out from the VR memefest so far
>last week UPF
>fat fuck sperg kessler navigates DOTA 2 menus for an hour
I feel like everyone who still watches GB mostly do it for a hope they return to the old days rather than recent content being good