>Another day with no Ace combat 7 news
Another day with no Ace combat 7 news
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This twisted industry needs to be reset.
It's cancelled.
With Sup Forums2?
How else to entrust the future to the next generation?
A world without platform exclusives?
Oh, him? Yeah, I know him.
This is getting painful, not a single damn ounce of news, if there isn't at least something at the Tokyo game show, I don't know what I'll do.
Maybe it'll be at the playstation event next week
A world with no paywalls
>No Armored Core 6 EVER because From Software knows it won't sell these days
You know nothing, my friend.
>No Ace Combat game on PC ever because of AssHorizon.
Fucking christ m8.
>Armored Core 6
Maybe if From stops dickriding Souls.
>fucking nothing after it was announced
I swear to god if it turns out to be vaporware, I'll nuke Belka again.
>a game for casuals who cant fly in a simulation like x-plane
who gives a shit
DS3 is the last one so there's hope
I just hope the "real" version isnt on Neo. I want a good experience too
Its better to say nothing then says something and delay delay delay.
Making promises and saying too much if never a good idea.
>Another day without any Ace Combat HD Collection announcement
W-We still have TGS, right guys?
They could make them run on the PS4 pS2 emulator thing and give them out as bonuses for pre ordering. Like free then you could buy them too.
God damn it's the easiest thing now
>Implying X-plane is hard to pilot
Kill yourself.
My dad works for Bamco.
Pic related.
Wait for TGS. It's just days away.
>Armored Core is changed into a Souls game except with robot parts instead of armor
you play it for the feels
Fucktard, that's the /aceg/ fan game.