Time kompression

Time kompression

FFVIII's CGI cutscenes still look good to this day.


Fuck the entire last part of FF8.

It has some serious flaws before that as well, but it's mostly just the game being too fucking easy. Storywise it really felt they were building up to something great, with so many little plot points all tieing into eachother and characters having actual motivations and shit, and then it suddenly went into an ending that was just vague bullshit for the sake of having vague bullshit, with the power of friendship fighting an evil witch from the future who wanted shit nobody understood for reasons nobody cared about.

The facial animations look goofy as hell but otherwise, I agree

You don't get to junction friends.

He's a big GF.

You are kidding right?

You probably think Kingsglaive looks good

For you.

What did he mean by this?

disc 1 of this game is a goddamn masterpiece
discs 2 through 4 are a hallucination Squall has in the last moments of his life when Edea kills him



I kind of want to agree with you


i absolutely love the soundtrack to this game


I wanted to fuck Rinoa so bad while playing this. I get nostalgia just thinking about VIII even though I'd never played it until this summer

Not that guy but so say the buttblasted autists

Fan theories like that are just the laziest, schlockiest bullshit there is, with no exceptions.

>it was all a dream
>it was just the fantasy of an autistic child
>he was dead and the story is purgatory
>he was in a coma all along

I mean it -can- be done reasonably well under the right circumstances, but only if it's done in the actual story. If it's just a retarded fan pretending that's what must've happened, it's both an incredibly low-brow attempt at making shit sound more deep and interesting than it really is, as well as an incredibly lazy and transparent attempt at excusing the story's actual flaws.

It can be applied to fucking everything. I've heard the exact same theory about video games, children's cartoons, movies, and so forth. I mean, fucking Pokémon and Ed Edd & Eddy have entire webpages devoted to "the main character is actually dead" bullshit. And every time they bring up a bunch of completely irrelevant details nobody cares about, take them out of context, and reframe them to suppor ttheir theory, and every time it's just a sad and pathetic attempt to sount intelligent, made by a 13 year old with severe autism.

Basically, anyone who entertains such theories is a fucking idiot worthy only of contempt.

I wish this was getting remade instead.
It had so many great segments yet is a fucking mess overall.

It'd be good to go back and fix it instead of just jerkin it to 7

I dont know where you came from, but you should go back there.

orphanage childhood friends


Deal with it

Why is Rinoa so hated by Square? She appears the least out of all the main girls from all FF's. I mean you would think a girl who launches her dog at her enemies and explodes would make for some funny moments in other games, but she is always shafted, is she the least favorite girl of fans as well?

I feel that scene could've worked a lot better. And I mean that in the sense that the scene itself asn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be, it just wasn't built up to enough.

There are some scenes that in retrospect kind of hint at this, like Irvine's weird awkwardness and the way his "lone wolf sniper" thing plays into the whole situation, but that's only in retrospect. There just isn't enough leading up to the scene. It would've been a lot better if they gave you more information on what happened and let you piece things together a bit more, instead of just having them all get together and discovering they all grew up in the same place, and they all forgot about it, except Irvine who did remember but he's too much of an awkward nerd to bring it up because and he's sad that his best friends forgot about him. The twist itself is a bit awkward, but it's not really more awkward than Cloud being Zack or other stuff like that, it's just that it isn't built up well enough and the actual reveal feels like it comes out of fucking nowhere, so it doesn't make sense.

But then, "[X] could've worked a lot better" is kind of the running theme of FF8. In some aspects it's one of the best Final Fantasy games ever made, but for everything it does right it manages to (partially) screw it up at the same time, creating a very awkward and disjointed game not just storywise but also in the gameplay.

She's not that interesting compared to most female leads, and arguably the least interesting character in the game. Her main role in the game is as a focus point for Squall's growth as a character.

Rinoa also feels like a bit of an amalgamation of different female leads. Like you can definitely see some elements of both Tifa and Aeris in her, which makes her less interesting when compared to them, because it's a bit "been there, done that."

Squall, in contrast, is in my opinion one of the more interesting leads in Final Fantasy, though most people would disagree since they only know about the "whatever" meme. Not saying that he's super interesting or anything, but he feels much more rounded than, say, a Cloud or a Tidus. In a similar way, I enjoyed Seifer a lot more than someone like Sephiroth.