Visit cousin's home

>Visit cousin's home
>See their Xbone setup
>Every game he owns is stacked on top of each other
>Outside of their cases
>Cases for all of the games are thrown together at the other end of the room
>Can't even find the case for one of the games

Why the fuck do people do this? Why do people not take care of their shit?

Pic related, imagine something like this but without the spindle

are they black or 12 year old by any chance?

>gotta have muh physical copies

8 years old

This hurts

They're Xbox owners, of course they are.

You can resell physical.

>he doesn't store all the discs in one stack and throw away the useless cases to save space
I bet you also collect animu figures don't you faggot?

welp there's your answer

>being so poor you need to resell video games

Wrong hobby to be in you welfare brat

*vapes respectfully towards you*

>space efficiency is bad

How else are you going to have room for all your anime dolls?

Best way to store games until everything goes digital Tbh

>haha, you're poor
Nice reply there, dumbass.

I used to do the same shit when I was younger, completely fucking destroyed all my PS1 games.

Slap the shit out of them and let them know they'll regret it when they grow up.

>not investing in the proper games
>he actually likes paying things to not own them

Retard spotted. You must have got that from your mother, plenty of people paid her but didn't want to own it too.

my buddy did this and threw away the cases.

He gave me his games when he sold his 360 when the xbone, but I put them sleeves after I cleaned them

Thanks, dimwit.

Im an xbox owner and I'm not this autistic

Not really user. In their case is the best way because there is no friction. Your games will get scuffed over time.

ps4/xbone games will never be worth anything anyway. their cases are generic and they dont even have manuals anymore and half the game comes via download/update anyway.

this generation of games will never be remember nor sought after and if they are they will be impossible to play in their proper form because the servers will be down in 10 years or less.

Imagine if you got the shit slapped out of you as a kid for not sperging on disc ettiquette.

Some lessons you have to learn by being a retard/breaking shit. Same reason my dad let me call one of those "pokemon win hotlines" even though he hated them, I learned at 8 that they were bullshit, and never tried them again. If I didn't, I would probably feel some resentment and be stubborn about it. Same way I can't be scammed anymore online, since I played runescape and other online games half my youth.

I have a friend who buys the scratch guarantees from game stores all the time because he always leaves the discs sitting around out of their cases.

I used to be retarded and leave DVD's on top of the DVD player when I wanted to watch something else and it taught me the hard way of how much it fucked everything up.

Hell, if my nieces are over and want to watch a DVD or play a game, I will not let them touch the DVD player/Console and change the discs over myself.

jokes on you, niggers only buy ps4's

source: am a nigger and only own a ps4

I imagine game servers will be down but psn/xbox live for those consoles will still be alive.

You mean ps4's are easier to steal?

Oh shut up you limp-wristed pansy I wasn't being literal.

i was so fucking stupid doing this as a kid
its infinitely better to have your games in a bookcase

That's makes it a pain when searching for the right game while drunk.

Sure you werent tard. There's a reason kids are dumb, because they do stupid shit which they learn from. A kid learns more from getting one of his favorite games fucked up than an adult trying to force sperg rules.

Okay, I've always took super good care of my vidya shit when I was little, but I think even I would do something stupid like this when I was 8.

He might not be mentaly retarded. Not yet anyways.
It's your duty to teach him the ways of the elitism while he's still young.

I keep all of my games in these things.

I have all my collectors edition discs in one of these so I don't need to fumble with my steelbooks

It really doesn't matter with Xbone/PS4 games. They are both blu-ray, and have a protective coating that prevent scratches. That and after hes installed the game, the disc is only used to authenticate it anyway. So it's not really a big deal.

Of course back in the day disc scratches were a massive problem. Nothing like renting a game and having it not read. Or every game store started refurbishing everything.

I keep everything neatly in their cases, but again it doesn't really matter so much now.

yeah, for shit prices at GS or wait forever on craigslist unless you have something popular

good luck selling those sports games outside of the month its new, because holy shit the price just TANKS

maybe prior to blu ray, those things are impossible to scratch

>Filling your house with shit you don't need anymore is good

Wrong. It's plastic. It scratches. Stop being a fucking retard.


fine, but nowhere NEAR as easily as a cd used to during the PS1/2 days and that is fucking FACT

its why i stopped letting people borrow my shit because it would end up as a fucking coaster.

Well of course. PS1 are the absolute worse. Look through any used ps4 games at a pawn america though and all you will see are scratches unless they were 100% adult owned.