So now with YouTube's new advertising terms, how will YouTube content creators (incl. game reviewers, let's players, speedrunners, etc.) generate revenue now?
So now with YouTube's new advertising terms, how will YouTube content creators (incl. game reviewers, let's players...
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Sucking cocks.
>new advertising terms
what did he mean by this?
Streamers don't generate revenue any more?
Please tell me you are serious, ive been waiting for this cancer to get purged.
YouTube just unveiled a new "advertising-friendly" policy and YouTubers in every field (gaming, science, vlogging, politics, etc.), are not happy about it.
This is what everyone is angry about:
With real jobs.
They shouldn't be doing it to generate revenue, the best of the best can make money off donations/their own websites anyway. This only hurts corporations who try to content id videos like faggots.
Why do you think i like nicovideo than youtube?
Generating revenue with games is almost impossible in nicovideo.
Most of contents there is made by young students, people with some free time and neets.
Obviously you have to wait longer time in order to have next video but this is how it should be.
By not swearing and whining about SJWs every two seconds.
Doesn't this kill pewdiepie and basically 99% of lets plays? I don't think there is a single channel that that doesn't have sexual/vulgar/violent footage in their videos.
Anyways, good riddance.
>how will they make money?
By getting a real job.
Why would youtube essentially shut down their cash cows?
This is konami tier retarded
>Obviously you have to wait longer time in order to have next video
No, YouTube still gets money. The video makers just arnt entitled to any of the revenue if they break the rules, which are broad enough to be anyone Google doesn't like.
>Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery in not shown
First of all, real world stuff happens, they shouldn't be trying to block it out just because a few people might feel uncomfortable watching it. When I see a video that is titled "Wildfire Claims 232 Lives in XYZ State" I know what I'm in for. You're telling me that people can't go online and make actual useful content (compared to LPs for one) that analyzes and discusses historical and current sociopolitical events because it's controversial? I find that extremely wrong and really, I'm getting absolutely tired of this PC culture that the Western world (chiefly America) is trying to push.
This is all overblown drama, most videos won't be affected by any of this
user, you got it wrong.
Youtube isn't taking shit down with these new rules.
They're just removing the creators ability to make a profit from it.
Which is still dickish to the developer, but not really a problem to the audience until the developer gets fed up and either stops or changes their content of their own accord to get paid (in other words, sell out).
kind of want the advertising terms to go through and none of these huge ass youtubers make money anymore
they had to have realized that doing this isn't a sustainable career. the days of ads are disappearing. if people like content they should pay for it and not have to just watch ads to keep it free
and no im not bitter it's not like i wish i was making hundreds of thousands by just uploading videos not at all...
>Only people with some free time will make videos for youtube. Mostly students and neets.
>Youtube will be like nicovideo, just without flash and comments on screen.
FINALLY!!! The youtube will be nicovideo!
No it wouldn't. Nicovideo have a lot of let's play and 99,9% if not 100% of videos has no revenue.
If weeaboo site like nicovideo can do it, youtube could do it.
You have to work 8h or more per day in order to have money, right?
Real jobs require it.
So obviously you have less time to make videos.
Then you have to wait more.
But people should wait more. This is how internet video should be: Made by enthusiast with little free time.
>le reel job meem
just kys.
How's that youtube channel coming along user?
It's literally just a wordfilter algorithm or some shit, it looks for videos with rape or isis or nigger or any other shit in the description, Youtube obviously doesn't have the staff to watch videos and review the content in the actual video
t. wagecuck
Yeah ill see you in that payroll soon! Maybe not since all you have is neet skills.
...Is my english so shitty?
hell yeah man stick it to the man be your own boss i just make my own hours and work whenever i want fuck a dress code hell yeah man i love being self employed so great everyone else should do it too
>You have to work 8h or more per day in order to have money, right?
You could always work part-time.
Ah, thank you for clearing it up for me. Sorry if I spread misinformation with my post.
Sorry but this doesn't kill anyone.
YTbers already found out that the problem was adding in tags with offensive language.
Don't do that and the bot won't get you.
Yeah it's pretty bad.
>Part time.
You need to earn money for your home, not for yourself.
You need to pay water, eletricity and all stuff.
No way part time will be enough for that.
So what happens to Filthy frank? All his videos are ironic so it should be ok.
What about music videos about bitches hoes and weed? Do they get money?
People like PDP will be immune because they're at the top.
People like PeanutButterGamer and others who use the "Wacky Voices with PG Commentary" will mostly be safe, and there's definitely going to be a further increase in this type of LPer.
>You need to earn money for your home, not for yourself.
>You need to pay water, eletricity and all stuff.
I actually don't have to worry about any of that.
By getting an actual job like the rest of us.
>Youtube makes up new rules
>Decides it doesn't have to pay people for their videos but still piggyback off them for ad revenue
>They stop making videos
>People stop coming to Youtube because their favourite Lets Players moved to Twitch or something
>Ad revenue dwindles
It doesn't make a lot of sense, really. Some of those Let's Players literally have over 10 million subscribers. Fucking Markiplier has over 14 million for example, Imagine 14 million customers leaving your store. That's a giant fucking loss, it's honestly incredibly stupid.
I don't like them or their content, but atleast they found a way to beat the jews which deserves respect. Wagecucks are just slaves who kill themselves for minimum wage so Shekelstein can buy himself 500 more crates of expensive cognac and 30 more mansions.
When videos get billions of views, 14 million is nothing.
That's ok I just go to YouTube for the music and cat videos.
Then you can make videos for youtube with no problem.
The videos for youtube should be made mostly by people like you in first place.
Not by someone wanting to earn money by ad revenue.
What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?
>a youtube without e-celeb cunts
Just imagine, back to the golden years
Could anything this amazing ever happen?
>That's a giant fucking loss, it's honestly incredibly stupid.
Pretty sure they didn't make that decision out of choice.
>Check out my Patreon guys
>even if graphic imagery is not shown
I think that's a better system than youtube....
Roommates, user. Roommates. Distribute the cost. Ease the burden. :)
From what I've heard, this is only affecting people who put certain words in their titles, descriptions or tags. If you keep those clean, your videos are safe to monetize still since youtube is too big to personally scan through every video looking for curse words. Of course that could change in the future, but it isn't the end of youtube just yet.
So do I, if I ever decided to actually pay into someone for some reason, at least I know it's going directly to them.
It honestly is and I don't know why more people don't try out crowdfunding. More people are using ad-blockers anyway, so platforms like Patreon and Flattr are only going to become more relevant as time goes on.
most big name youtubers don't even use adsense.
They get sponsorship deals from companies like loot crate, or they use patreon. Both of which I see getting an increase of useage very soon. And youtube can't make a dime off of them.
>too big to personally scan through every video looking for curse words
They have an algorithm with automatically fucks your video if it detects any copyrighted music.
Sometimes it fucks your video even if the music is original to the game. A guy tried to monetize his BioShock let's play and couldn't because of the music.
>Youtube removes youtubers ability to put ads on their videos
>youtuber goes directly to advertiser
>youtuber now gets 100% cut of profits
>advertiser now pays less
>advertiser still gets the audience they want
>youtube gets 0% of the cut
It would be hilarious to see how buttmad they'd get.
you see plain as day jewtube has never once harassed a musician . they only are doing this to the type of content people go to youtube specifically for like reviews or some little gay show. while it is funny seeing talentless hacks come to the realization they arent worth the clickbait revenue they generate, its still criminal of jew tube to keep fucking people over like this since you get a 1:1 ratio of ads and videos now. they just do this for publicity to get people supporting these shitters and they will bring them back to their normal pricing rates soon enough. this is more of a stunt to polarize youtube content and twitch content respectively even if its an "unrelated topic" google is mad as fug they arent the only tween glue to screen content site.
the whole thing boils down to litterally pennies on the dollar millions if not billions of times over
A lot of conservative Youtubers like Paul Joseph Watson are pissed because they can't whine about Islam and BLM anymore without peering over their shoulders.
I figure they might eventually try to create an algorithm for it, but I'm assuming it would be impossible with accents, foreign languages, all manner of slang and pronunciations. With music they just have to listen for a few chords.
If everyone decides to give up on ads (through AdSense) and switch to another method of revenue, Youtube will bring in 0 dollar to Google. And then, it's onyl a matter of time befoer they shut the place down.
>avoid cancerous e-celebs
>TB litterally has cancer
Then just copy-paste my comment in Japanese language on google translate.
I have no more confidence on my english anymore.
いや、そうならない。ニコニコ動画は山程のプレイ動画があるが99,9%もしくは100%Ad revenue無し。
Only hipsters use nicovideo
>my cock
Real talk.
The last time YouTube had a problem with advertisement revenue was when Nintendo created their weird Orwellian partnership program and claimed any money ads made for people who used their games' footage, even if doing so was protected under fair use.
As far as Let's Plays go, why wouldn't a Let's Play channel with a fanbase who enjoys listening to them while they play (not just watching footage of them playing) just upload two videos - one with the gameplay footage, and another with their reaction synced up to the gameplay?
They can monetize their own reaction videos without fear of retribution by video game companies, and if people actually like them, they'll continue to watch.
Uh no. Many streamers have already started complaining that ads have been removed from a ton of their videos, just for having profanity. Youtube is not fucking around with this.
RIP AlphaOmegaSin
every game parody is sexual
all videogames are violent
huh, I wonder who came up with that idea
Too much effort for the average YT user.
Ditch the ads (viewers don't like them anyway), embrace crowdfunding. If your fans like you, chances are they'll support you directly. Better yet, you can give your donors perks as an incentive; the bigger the donation, the more perks.
>YouTube still gets money
From who? Ad companies? Why would they pay Google for not showing their ads?
Or are content creators obligated to have ads in their videos? I'm asking because I've been using AdBlock for a very long time now.
At least those hipsters in japan made their stuff without ad revenue.
That makes the user-hipsters better than any e-celebrity.
Nope. Uploading two videos - an audio track and a video without one - is just as easy as editing together a single video with both.
Source: me, I edit YouTube videos for DYKG.
No I meant, asking your viewers to launch two synced videos is gonna be a major turnoff for anyone who's not a loyal fan.
I wonder if all of this will lead to LPers moving to streaming on Twitch instead of making videos instead? In the end, would anything change?
I think he means too much effort for the viewer. Could you imagine a kid trying to sync up two videos so he can listen to a youtuber scream about gmod?
Honestly, I think a lot of LPers are already active on Twitch.
No, user is just retarded. Your post was easy to understand.
You guys just don't get it.
This is the age of the internet. Being a professional YouTube creator is a REAL JOB. There is a market for original YouTube content.
This isn't the 20th century anymore.
Is all of this censorship?
On one hand no videos will get taken down, no strikes will be handed out and no visibility will be reduced, so any content you create is still as easily accessible.
But on the other hand, anyone relying on Youtube Bucks will be forced to comply with those new guidelines or perish. Not that you should make your main source of income Youtube ads in my opinion. That's just suicidal.
I guess it's only censorship if you exclusively rely on ad money?
will pat be okay ?
>There is a market for original YouTube content.
Is there? Those endless copies of PewDiePie and other Top 10 channels seem to be doing fine.
video games
I watched a forty minute series of videos where dragons aggressively farted in Spyro's face on youtube. I can't look in the mirror anymore.
Wrong board
sjw detected. also, TYT has had like 500 of their videos demonetized, this isn't pro/anti sjw, it's only pro advertisers.
Sup Forums - Youtube
Youtube will cut your video off it's algorithms if you don't play by the rules.
And does being unmonetizable mean you're breaking the rules?
How do you guys come up with ideas for videos
Its been two months since my last "original" video and it was me opening a box of emoji candy
>youtube isn't revelant to gaming
>in 2016
t. autism
this guy hits the nail on the head