Overwatch blatantly racist?

Blizz put Kor hero, Japn hero , white heroes, Arab heroes, Brazilian hero - why no African hero? Isn't it weird how there is no one black ? oh right, there's one GORILLA instead

Stay classy Blizzard

I don't know how they can get away with it


The hue monkey is the nigger you idiot.

The Brazilian is black. Or are you so pathetically uneducated that you can't tell the difference between a nationality and a race?

>no african hero

There is a black hero, but you're right there is no African hero

>No African hero

He's Hispanic you fucking mongoloid.

No hes not...

>map set in techno-utopian African city
>hints and allusions to an African hero being released in the future (Doomfist)
>Said hero comes from a lineage of similar heroes

We Wakanda now.

Yes he is
Mexican to be exact

Spics can be niggers.

yes. yes he is. His fucking legendary is a Mariachi outfit

This, it's pathetic how many people don't realize that Egypt is in Africa.

Companies aren't obligated to pander to self hating white liberals, you know.


>He's Mexican
He's not Mexican you fucking raciest piece of shit. He was born in the US.

>Hurr Racial stereotypes

The Maraichi theme is common with skeletons and bones. It makes sense that it would have one for that.

Let me guess you think Mei is a firefighter too.

I'll just give you a hint.

Egypt is in Africa.

>Gabriel Reyes

He's hispanic.

can you guys shut up? i know it's fun to meme but jokes like this are literally why we got another female shitskin and a mexican as the first two new heroes

I'm pretty sure that by now some black claim they was mexicans.

>Game leaves out representative from one out of over a hundred fifty countries
>Thinks he's persecuted

Stay dumb and easily offended, OP.



No, I wanted a skinny red haired white girl with freckles, long hair and green eyes.

Is that too much to ask for?

Egypt is in Africa, shes African.

He's not a monkey. He's a scientist you racist fuck.


Ask for it, go ahead.

I really really want a chinese female.

Yes considering you're shiting on everyone who wants something different.

gingers are shit tier


>its a stale ass meme episode
Even WE WUZ memes are better than thus shit.

Egypt is Arabic and part of the middle east you fucking idiot

Which is located in Africa. Ever heard of the term MENA?

>part of the middle east
Its apart of Africa user, it doesn't belong to Sadia Arabia


Not fat.

She isn't fat. It's called snow clothing and it's thick. You've ever been in a snowy country?

Dressing in bulk doesnt make you fat user.


>egypt is arabian

Get a load of this infidel.

I want mei to kill me

Don't start this again

rock-hard nipples

That Roadhog cat is adorable

By suffocating me with her ass.

When we getting a Canadian hero ?

Who is bottom right?

There should be a faster but less tanky mech that has a rivalry with Dva

Get over yourself nigger.
There is no New Zealand character but 2 (TWO) Australian. Yet im not being a whiny bitch about it

Congratulations, you made D.Va worthless again.


It's located in Africa nigger. Fucking killyourself

Neck yourself

Half these pairings are shit also
>Genji isnt a full robot toy cat
>Winston is white

Isn't the big white one supposed to be Reinhardt?

How? By giving her more of a backstory?

No, she's already the fastest tank. Making a tank that's faster than her and presumably better at dealing damage would put her in a bad position. Unless you're talking about a new offensive hero, which is still kinda bad because this game doesn't need clone characters anyway.

Ohhhh forgot about Ol Rien. Makes way more sense now

Is that Seth Rollins?


gorilla is from the moon you racist.
also lucio is black but i guess you want "Africans" specifically.
Ana and Pharah are Africans since they're from Egypt.

He's an L.A mexican to be specific.

Stop taking his bait.

I thought he implied a non tank mech. We do already have clones innthat sense then with ana being another sniper. A mech could have different abilities to D.Vas mech