What videogames allow me to play videogames?
What videogames allow me to play videogames?
>What videogames allow me to play videogames?
Animal crossing. You can find classic NES games to play.
Doesn't hold your hand, lets you figure shit out for yourself and isn't afraid to brutally murder you for getting shit wrong. Even allows you to horrendously break the balance of the game and steamroll everything.
Donkey Kong 64. You can play Jetpac in it.
animal crossing on game cube
Duke Nukem 3D
Doom 1 and 2
>I play videogames for the singleplayer experience
My game is much better.
You're on the wrong board to be asking that question.
t. /r9k/
Which is the best bet if you want a high quality LVDO.
5 Singleplayer
3 Story
4 Music/Audio
3 Replay value
Best combo prove me wrong faggots
>he fell for the multiplayer game meme
>max single player AND offline multiplayer that's really good but not as good as single player
name one game that has this
Need at least some sort of barebone story to have a sense of progression.
>get high scores
>beat your old high scores
>beat other players' high scores
There's your progression. Zero story required.
Aesthetics >>> Graphics
Story isnt important unless you like movie games.
At that point it's easy to spend the points
Perfect Dark?
Progression in terms of advancing within the game itself, not progression as where you climb ladders of ranking to feel good about it.
>caring about multiplayer, online or local
and also
>m-muh replay value!
that's what poor people say to avoid wasting more money on videogames and have to play the same shit again
if you care for that shit you are literally poor and this hobby is not for you
my videogame > your videogame
Replay Value:5
20/10, pure manmode great game stats.
>He likes movie games
I don't suppose there's a game that makes me feel like I really am kneeling before a hung masculine man and introducing his dick in my mouth and tasting it and going wild after the first taste?
replay value is a dumb category, if a game is good enough you'll want to keep playing it
Here's a template
>wasting points on "replayability"
If it's singleplayer was good enough you would have wasted points, and especially if it has any sort of multiplayer.
True legit best possible choice would be:
>Single player
That's literally a perfect game.
>game is something more than save the princess
call it a hunch, but I bet you like nintendo games
you just created No Man's Sky
Not true. There are games that are really good but only really worth one playthrough. Replay value are things like doing different builds, different classes, making different decisions, or it being the type of game where you can improve a run through speed or more points.
An example of a game with poor replayability would be any one of Telltale's episodic games.
The game is usually decent but has an illusion of choice and the content is too lacking to really justify playing the game a second time.
I'd be stupid not to. And I bet you think modern Naughty Dog makes good games
Underrated post, but here's my GOAT game
Those games suck though! Lousy animations, lame writing, like you said the illusion of choice, zero actual gameplay (QTEs don't count), no puzzles, stuttering and bad framerates.
I get what you mean though. Problem is, I still think if it's not suited for replay, it's not a good game.
South Park stick of truth I think is a better example. Still a great game, just little replay value.
Why are Jew swastikas "points"?
That is one solid spread my man.
Sounds pretty boring
>He doesn't like games with excellent single player, story, graphics AND audio
funny to see none of you have friends
why have replayability as a section?
replayability is derived from the other qualities of the game
that's like having a fun section
>offline multiplayer
its called local multiplayer you fucking infant
At first I thought it meant like AI filling in for other people if offline but that really wouldn't be worth a category of it's own.
Co-op or LAN, you mean?
Then why is it called offline multiplayer you spergmeister? Write LAN instead.
Who the fuck plays LAN in 2016 anyway?
How would that be any different from online multiplayer? It would just be the same thing but with friends and not randoms. Why does it have it's own category?
alright Sup Forums lets all try this again with a scale that ISNT retarded
all online multiplayer can be played locally and
Like splitscreen you underaged moron
does your mother know you're up at this time?
What is that supposed to mean? The more points you put into offline multiplayer the less intrusive and disorienting the splitscreen is?
anything with splitscreen is local
anything on LAN is local
literally anything that is not using an internet connection is fucking local, how old are you faggots
Enjoy you're movie, sonygger
>Replay value
You're retarded user, as expected from a multiplayer faggot.
>not calling it couch co-op
Thanks for proving my point.
because Sup Forums is shit at games and like to delude themselves that they're super serious hardcore gamers for maxing their stats in jrpgs. When they're forced to play online their shittiness becomes apparent so they have to resort to playing games with their 2 other jrpg stat maxing friends with an assload of houserules
5 singleplayer
5 graphics
5 audio
5 story OR replay value
too easy
What's wrong bud, some user call you a faggot for your incompetence? You wanna talk about it?
>story-driven game with replayability
splitscreen is not LAN because its not on a network, how stupid can you actually be?
and splitscreen doesnt have to be co-op, have you played golden eye? timesplitters? any racing game ever fucking made?
Patrician taste coming though
>n o t c a l l i n g i t c o u c h c o o p
what are you fucking retarded, calling it offline multiplayer?
meant for
Here's a template.
cant beat this
It's an objectively shit game but it has flawless graphics , excellent soundtrack, and is highly addictive.
what if you have friends or taste
fuck off normie
that's why having a replay value category is stupid
replay value is not an independent quality
you might as well have a fun category
Then he'll play different game faggot
>Anything other than 5 Single Player/Story/Graphics/Music
Who gives a fuck about replay value when it is a perfect game?
San Andreas.
>single playe
people with friends
I'm a serious gamer, who takes competition seriously as if it were a sport.
git gud, or go home
Friends are for faggots that can't live without another man's dick in their ass. Give me good video games instead.
*tips fedora*
yes indeed who needs friends
As someone who enjoys video games and wants them to be video games
Binding of Isaac
maybe if you acted more mature you would have some friends user
maybe having friends would change your mind
do you want me to be your friend
Single player is maxed in his spread, so you can't really say his hypothetical game is lacking in gameplay.
*upvotes* ,^)
Well, Sup Forums?
downvoted ;(
5 single player
5 story
5 graphics
5 music/audio
too easy
You just described melee.
That's why it's the best game ever made.
>5 star single player
I don't know, user.
What constitutes replay value?
I've replayed the majority of FF titles for the last 17~ years pretty much knowing exactly whats going down and occasionally finding a new item or piece of flavor text.
what games are like this