why is this a $40 dollar game? I wanted to play it just to see if it was at least decent, thinking it was a $15 eshop game. by the time this game goes on sale the online will be dead
Why is this a $40 dollar game? I wanted to play it just to see if it was at least decent...
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not to mention Picross 3D 2 and Rhythm Heaven Megamix being $30 each. nintendo needs to stop pricing their games so high
bump. a good example of a $40 game
Really? Man it's only $30 at walmart
its $30 already? I hope it drops lower soon, I actually really wanted to play it because I thought it looked entertaining. it honestly looks like a downloadable game to me though, is the online good?
I can see RHM being $30, but Picross 3D 2 should be $20.
It has less puzzles than the first Picross 3D and you can't even make your own puzzles to share or download free packs.
I'm thinking about getting this.
How good is this game really?
Loved 5, 8, and 9.
out of the ones you listed,
8>5>7>9, 7 is from what I understand in the higher end of the mid tier of dragon quests
ive never played them though but im going off what i've heard
it was $30 on launch day, maybe it was a misprint but i lucked out then
seems you lucked out
That's an insult to good $15 four player multiplayer eShop games.
I liked the original on ps1 but disliked the graphics and the slow movement. This fixes both those issues honestly bumping it to a 10/10 unless they did something else making it suck. But most anons say it's better than the original and doesn't cut content and only adds more
so seems the updated list might be 8>7>5>9, or 5=7. ive heard people loving and hating both 5 and 7, but they both have remakes/ports avaliable on either DS so ill probably play 5 eventually. what is the ranking like for 4-6?
i dont live in japan user
Is it available in English or what? Looks nice but
That's fine because the localized version was released in NA about a month ago.
If you're in Europe, I'm sorry because localization for you depends on NA sales and it seems to be doing poorly here with basically no one talking about it.
how active is the online? might look into it but I already feel like I have so much to play between Smash, Splatoon, Blast Ball, and DQVII coming in 2 weeks
It's Japanese, so local only. You can share custom maps with QR codes, but there's not many people making them.
walmart. I said walmart
ds remake of 5 was amazing man. but it's the only version of 5 i've played
Good fucking god, Nintendo...
has nothing to do with nintendo man
I doubt online would've worked well at all on the 3DS anyway. You've got up to 99 enemies out at once with more being spawned as those are defeated and most enemies able to attack with projectiles. On higher difficulties, any latency would ruin things for everyone.
How so? Seems perfectly in line with the kind of backwards shit they pull not having online MP in an MP only game.
>mp only
You can play single player just fine and it has limited download play. It scales the enemies based on number if players.
Besides, Nintendo didn't make the game. Ancient did.
because nintendo didn't make it nor dictate anything about it. do you really think they decide if a 3rd party game gets online or not?
It's nintendo's fault that final fantasy 13 was a flop
Literally why have you not hacked your 3DS, OP?
Nintendo wants to kill Metroid.
Why is the new smt 50 bucks?
because nintendo are hacks
As long as the perpetual circlejerk around Super Metroid persists, that'll never happen. If Another M couldn't do it, nothing will.
Because Atlus is giving you $10 worth of DLC for "free" during the first few weeks.
Since the gaming industry is very popular, companies are going to want to take advantage of that and make their games as expensive as they can. Even Nintendo, I remember buying their games for $25.00 or less. Now they're over $50.00, at least where I live.
If it makes you feel better there is a free blast ball spinoff available to download.
Because nobody has more money (and is easier to milk) than weebs.
"Atlus Tax" aka spend $10 more for a bigger box with a couple extras on release. that is a bad example since it is a JRPG packed with hours of content, compared to a game that looks like it should be a $20 eshop game at most.
I downloaded it and enjoyed it very much, the fact that it was an eshop exclusive made me think federation force was going to be a downloadable game as well, espescially since it was supposed to be a cancelled dsiware game originally