What does the average PS4 owner plays?
I have just bought this along with Uncharted 4 (it was included) and Overwatch.
I could use some contacts on my friend list.
What does the average PS4 owner plays?
I have just bought this along with Uncharted 4 (it was included) and Overwatch.
I could use some contacts on my friend list.
>playing dudebro garbage
Kill yourself faggot.
I'm also looking forward to getting Last Of Us, Gravity Rush, Bloodborne and Journey (it's of the PS+ games of the month) on the following weeks.
mostly multiplats, I'm still awaiting greatness here.
>Buying a ps4 to play "remastered" ps3 games
Are sonyponies really this hungry for games?
I'm actually a Nintendofag with some extra bucks. Those are the games I want to get right now. But I decided to get the console after the E3 conference. There is some nice shit coming.
Weebshit. If it has a garbage pc port, I play multiplats on Xbone because they are always much cheaper.
Just got my PS4 back in July. Got the Uncharted Bundle and bought Overwatch as well. THe main thing I play is Overwatch. If I'm not playing that, I'm playing single-player games.
So far I've beaten Uncharted 4 and inFamous Second Son.
I started Life Is Strange, but it's little too intense for me, so I took a break. I don't like the way the game makes me feel. Too many emotions.
I also just picked up Tales of Zestiria again since I haven't played since last year.
ALso waiting on Destiny: Rise of Iron.
>Going from nintoddler to remasterstation
Trully the decision making skills of a toddler
>What does the average PS4 owner play?
Only XV and P5 at this point. Nier was confirmed for PC so there goes that.
I reccomend pic related. I'm not into musos or beat em ups but I haven sunken nearly 60+ hours into this game, the gundam building /customization and the crazyhee-like gameplay makes it really fun to play
So my top played games are
Fallout 4
The Phantom Pain
The Last of Us (most unique and best multiplayer on the PS4)
The Witcher 3
All of the Souls games.
Metro 2033 and Last light (spent a lot of time fapping at a strip club)
Until Dawn
Shovel Knight
What can I say, user? I do have the money for PC gaming, but I wouldn't take the most out of it as I'm not a graphic whore.
Want to add some more hate? I'm also really looking forward to PSVR.
Cheers mate.
Pick up pic related.
It's a PS4 exclusive and sounds like you will enjoy it.
Also do go back back to life is strange though and stick with it, it's an amazing game. Embrace the feels
Shit I'm the same dude I forgot the best Horror game on the system! Alien Isolation.
Also excited for both of these. I've got $50 on my XV Deluxe Edition.
I have only played The Binding of Isaac and Battlefront since I got it. Though Uncharted looked cool enough.
>Arkham Knight
>Tearaway Unfolded
>Gravity Rush Remastered
>Deus Ex MD
I literally only have third party titles
Untill Dawn
Infamous SS
Sony exclusives: Gravity Rush, Odin Sphere, Digimon Cyber Slueth are all fantastic games
Take your pick OP.
I've actually seen some gameplay of the new Ratchet and Clank. Looks fun, actually. I've never played the old ones either, so I might think about it.
Also, I really want to get back into Life Is Strange. I really do. I LOVE the game and haven't played anything that had me so immersed in quite some time. The feels are a little too much for me right now though. Been dealing with a couple of things, and the added emotion of that game really doesn't help. Just makes me feel worse when something intensely emotionally happens.
Is the TLOU multiplayer still active?
I've been on Wild Arms 3 lately, since it was on sale. Recently got EDF 4.1 too. I play all platforms but Xbone though, but someone has one of those in the house as well if I absolutely have to play an exclusive..
Ratchet and Clank is a lot of fun. And yes, life is strange was great.
good list. Akibas Trip is on Vita, but you are including Gravity Rush and Odin Sphere so I'll say Akiba's Trip. It isn't an excellent game, but it turns out that the stories and multiple endings are a lot of fun to work through. The game can seem a bit grindy on the first play through but subsequent play-throughs are more entertaining and the stories are a lot of fun.
Deception 4 blood ties is also really good. And I don't even like puzzle games.
Are there any good exclusives on this shitpile?
To all the Overwatch players, should I get a headset? Is voice chat important for the game?
>pc cuck getting ass blasted nobody cares for his shitty platform
Stay mad shit eating faggot.
Uncharted, obviously.
inFamous Second Son is pretty good. Not AS good as the originals on PS3, but the powers are much, much better.
Most exclusives I care about aren't out yet. Only had my PS4 for a couple of months now
NiOh demo
Pretty much nobody uses it in games with randoms, but if you make some friends, it's recommended to speak with them so you can actually coordinate properly. It makes a world of difference. Also, if you ever get into competitive play when Season 2 starts, you should DEFINITELY use one for that.
Overall, not truly a necessity, but highly recommended when actually playing with friends and such.
Since the game has auto aim and lower skill ceiling in mind for console, having a group with mics makes a huge difference.
For non-competitive pubs it doesn't matter
Right now? They say Bloodborne is great and Uncharted is decent.
In the future? Detroit looks interesting although it's a movie, Horizon looks cool, The Last Guardian could be good, there's that pretentious shit from Kojima, and the VR stuff.
I hace nobody to play with yet.
I browsed the /owg/ at /vg/, but it just is a little version of DeviantArt, so I got my shit out of there.
It's well populated
You'll find some people. Join one of the PlayStation communities. A friend invited me to one, and most of the people I play with are from there. I have a few friends who already played, but the sum of my experiences comes from the community mates I met.
Honestly, the cheap headset that comes with the PS4 is good enough if you don't want to buy one. I have the Sony Gold headset now, but I only bought them because people like to blast music in my house on the weekends and I need to cancel that shit out. On quiet days, I just use the shitty one the system came with. It's good enough for being free.
Naruto UNS4, bloodborne & DS3.
Bloodborne is alright, probably second worst souls, but definitely worth a look if you've got a ps4 anyways.
The Ratchet and Clank reboot is alright. It's got some decently fun parts but overall feels a lot easier than the other ones, and no arena planet is bullshit. It's nice that it's a bargain priced game.
Uncharted 4 is good. Not great, because the campaign often gets bogged down in the slow as fuck climbing that looks flashy but requires no actual skill compared to a platformer. The shooting is fun but there's far too little of it between the crappy platforming. It's probably the best uncharted though, maybe not quite as good as 2 since there was more gameplay and less climbing.
Infamous is ok, worst than 2, better than 1.
Before dawn or whatever it's called is fun to make fun of with friends. It's essentially a David Cage heavy rain game but far less hamfisted.
That's really about it. People aren't really memeing when they say ps4 has no games. That said, there are some good ones on the horizon like Yakuza 0 and probably last guardian.
As far as console exclusives in general go, I personally really hated destiny but some people really like it so it may be up your alley.
I actually Uncharted 4 was pretty amazing. I guess there was a fuckton of climbing, but that's their thing, so I didn't really give a shit, honestly. I don't blame you for being put off by it though. Shit was a bit tiresome at times, but overall, it was incredible to me. Definitely the best one besides 2. My buddy kept trying to say it was hands down the best, but I honestly couldn't say that especially after just playing Uncharted 2 again.
>probably second worst souls,
... are you serious?
I wouldn't mind playing with you user as long as you're not a total creep
I don't play anything on my PS4, it just sits in the corner collecting dust. Makes for good decoration though.
When I used to play it:
>Naruto Ultimate Ninja 4
>Street Fighter
>The last of us
It never connected online so it was as useful as a brick.
Same. I'm always down for new Overwatch mates, so I'd be willing as well.
Post your user I'll add you after once the service comes back on.
Also you can join groups for specific games so you can join parties from them also
LunarWingLuna is my username. Ignore the cringe-level. I was 16 when I made my PSN account back on PS3
Mostly weebshit with a little but of westernshit
>ff type-0
>dark souls 3
>GG xrd revelator
>odin sphere
looking forward to
>gravity rush 2
I own driveclub that came with it and have never played it, Nothing else on ps4 interests me so I just stick to ps3.
i play nothing because this stupid thing is on my desk collecting dust
>What does the average PS4 owner plays?
Bloodborne and yearly sport/fps rehashes.
Yup. Should have seen all the "Nintendo loses another exclusives" shit after the direct today, while they defend "But I didn't own a PS3 to play all the games the PS4 has now!" excuses. Shit is hilarious to see.
I own a ps4 and I can't play anything because ps4 has no gaems
How's Atelier Sophie? Always wanted to play one of those games back when I was on PS3, but couldn't get them at the time. Saw it was on sale this week on PS4 and checked out a couple vids. Looks alright, and I haven't played a nice, weeb RPG in a while
same shit, different names
This is the correct method of buying games.
Never played the old ones, so how were they? I only wanted to play them because I was a fucking massive weeb back then, not because I heard anything about them
Rocket League. Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and MLB The Show are the only exclusives I think I own honestly.
Simplistic RPGs with time management aspect that has you gathering materials, crafting items, and meeting some quotas while also going through a pretty generic story.
i've played everything in the arland series and some games in the dusk series. first couple of games were pretty unique and entertaining, then interest started to wane after you realize it's basically just the same mechanics with some minor differences. The games themselves didn't exactly devolve in quality, but i've just had less interest in sinking into those lengthy JRPGs so I've kinda stopped picking them up.
that said, if it's your first atelier game, and you're a massive weeb, then you'll probably at least get some enjoyment out of the item crafting and cute girls doing cute things.
I sold it with the games I bought to add money for a GTX 1070, best decision of my entire life.
>buying a ps4
holy shit, kys
Kind of sounds like Mana Khemia.
I'm not a massive weeb anymore, but I do like crafting. Cute girls are a hit or miss with me. I like cute girls, but I don't like cute girls who are weeb bait levels of cute. Those kind of girls are boring as shit. Guess I might not get it. WIsh I just played back on PS3 when I would have loved that shit. Oh well, guess I'll grab I am Setsuna instead.
>I'm not a graphics whore
Then get a PC for 600$ and play real games you fucking noob
Last few games I bought:
>street fighter v
>resident evil 4 & 5
What do you guys think?
>I am Setsuna
wew lad
There is Bloodborne and, uh, the new Nier game?
Obvious must have. Good choice
Been looking to pick this up myself. Just played the original 3 last year
>Street Fighter V
I'm shit at 2D fighters, but I appreciate this game a lot. Really nice design overall
>Resident Evil 4 & 5
Never got into Resident Evil, but I see no harm done there
Is it that bad? I watched a couple of reviews. Heard the battle system is shit easy to exploit, but other than that a nice buy if you're into that old school shit.
Such shit advice honestly. If you aren't going big with your pc you might as well stay with consoles.
Thanks user. Definitely get DMC4, great value with all the characters. I just got into Resident Evil and 4 is probably the best game I've ever played. 5 I haven't started yet, but it's on sale for $13 on PSN right now if yore interested
Glad somebody said that. I've had a few people tell me to just get a cheap PC, but it seems pointless if I'm not gonna go the whole 9 yards. It'll last me far longer both functionality-wise and because it's specs won't be fucking outdated as quickly.
Checkout Tearaway Unfolded, it's a charming little platformer from the creators of LittleBigPlanet, it's dirt cheap now, and runs at 1080p/60fps
It's awful but I'm not the biggest jrpg fan outside of Matsuno's games and Tales of Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia
Over here we play:
Fallout 4
Destiny again soon
Diablo 3 sometimes
Need For Speed
Lego Marvel because fuck you superheros
Witcher 3 a little. It's kind of like forcing yourself to read a good book but fuck it's dry and slow at the beginning.
could be your cup of tea, but I was also a fan of CT, and couldn't ever get past the first few hours of the game.
The only additional character I actually care about in DMC4 is Trish, but that's good enough for me.
I've heard so many mixed things about Resident Evil 5 from back when it was first released. Probably won't ever touched it. I did the play the co-op in 6 though. It was pretty fun, but I don't think the series is for me. Too much of a newfag to appreciate the classics, and I don't care about 5 or 6.
5 is a decent game. Not as good as 4 but way better than six.
It has a great mercenaries mode though. Best in the series.
Is it easy to pirate games on the PS4 yet?
Play 4, it's mandatory vidya. There's never been anyone in history who hasn't enjoyed it.
I'm unfamiliar with Matsuno, but if you're into Tales, then I am Setsuna was probably never the game for you anyway.
What's you favorite Tales of by the way?
It looks really cool, so I want it. I mean, the only classic JRPG I've ever played to (almost) completion was FFVI and honestly, I was just going through the motions after a while because it was kind of boring. I'm hoping since this is modern homage to a classic idea, it'll avoid some of the things that made VI so boring to me. Actually, it probably will since I thought FFIV on the DS was pretty fun until I quit that shit
Destiny is the only game I ever play on that thing
These pretty much. They're all pretty fucking long and I haven't even finished the main stories of Odin Sphere and Disgaea yet. Still got post-game shit and side stories to do in Yakuza, MG parts to collect in GB3 and Persona 5 and Yakuza Kiwami coming in soon.
I play games featuring cute girls doing cute things.
Hmmm. If it's better than 6, then maybe I'll reconsider since I actually found that co-op enjoyable. I don't fucking like Chris though, so I'm not looking forward to an entire game with him at the helm.
That's actually enough of an argument for me to play it. I used to see that shit everyday on G4, but I played once and couldn't understand the controls. Thought they were clunky as fuck, so I said fuck it. I was a dumb kid back then though, so I'll probably feel much differently now.
So this is a shill thread?
My ranking is Abyss>Vesperia>Symphonia. Don't care for the rest.
You either love Destiny, or have a relatively mediocre time on your PS4 then. Not saying that because I hate Destiny. Love the goddamn nuisance of a game, but we all know how dry the shit's been since late Spring. April Update was fun for like 5 seconds.
Destiny is easily the one game I keep coming back to every so often. Played MGSV and BloodBorne for awhile before finally getting the platinums and satisfied with my several play throughs. Gravity Rush was fun, so was Last of Us. I still have the Uncharted series to play through too.
Biggest problem with Sony is that they can't seem to develop any first party games with staying power. Say what you will but Naughty Dog single handedly keeps their Western division from producing complete shit. It's not like Tearaway, Little Big Planet, Infamous or Killzone are must haves. At best those series only serve as launch titles ment to tide over people for the first year or so. God Of War is alright but again, you can find other games in the same genre done equally as good or better elsewhere. Some of there Japanese first parties are good but they can only produce enough games at any given time.
Nintendo is the only one out of the three that know how to cultivate their first party exclusives. Sony has had more then a decade to do so and they haven't done shit. Hell, even Microsoft has done a better job with keeping the Halo, Gears and Forza series running for as long as they have and at a consistent quality for each entry.
All that being said, I'd kill for a new Twisted Metal that was actually good and a new Warhawk/Starhawk game or even just a remaster.
Senran Kagura plus other weeb games
Controls are jarring as fuck at first, especially due to how modern third person shooters play. But after about 30 mins it becomes second nature. It also makes more sense in context of the series' they're the classic resident evil controls but put into a shooter.
well if you know what you're getting into and what to expect, then go for it senpai
I'd say Abyss>Symphonia>Vesperia
Symphonia was my first, but Abyss was better in damn near every conceivable way other than those shit fucking load times. Vesperia was pretty awesome, but I can't like it more than Abyss or Symphonia even if I wanted to. Maybe if I played them all again, but Abyss would probably stay number one.
I've played everything after Vesperia as well though. You aren't missing much and that's coming from somebody who loved Graces. Xilliia was pretty good though, but fuck Xillia 2. Zestiria is to be determined, but everybody else think it's shit, so I probably won't like it much. The first chunk is pretty enjoyable though. Classic Tales vibe, but with a new battle system and shit.
mostly a netflix machine right now, but I do play games when something interests me. I played like 3 hours of tricky towers. trying rogue legacy but cant even get to 2nd boss. tried furi but the resident evil camera between bosses frustrated me too much.
Will finally get to play Journey next week due to ps plus. Lords of the Fallen also looks decent enough.
Chris is much much more tolerable in 5. He's like a philosophical meathead in that game. And 5 takes a gigantic shit on t6 in terms of everything except for maybe Mercenaries.
>average PS4 owner
on this site or truly average "gamer"?
Bloodborne and that's really it---maybe Uncharted 4 if graphics whore. Everything worthwhile is also on PC.
Madden, Gears, Rocket League, and the occasional light RPG like Deus Ex or Fallout.
Just get a PC user, you aren't missing much this generation.
What I don't get is why the art direction and the graphics got so fucking bad after Vesperia?