The next Battleborn

The next Battleborn.

How do you figure that? It hasn't immediately crashed and burned, and it hasn't directly antagonized LoL or DotA like Battleborn did with Overwatch. They don't have to compete with Blizzard, so they got that going for it.

Nobodys heard of it.

At least it doesn't have that terrible battleborn aesthetic

This. I never hear anyone talk about it.

Paragon seems bland and lifeless to me. It's also not really that fun to me. I wasted an hour of my life in one match for crying out loud. I gave up at that very point.

Why does PSN say the full game release date is 3/18/2016?
Isnt it just a demo?

You wouldn't last a season in League. God damn scrub.

Colors seem kinda dull.

I heard it has actual graphics.
Sounds promising, I'm so tired of all the fake graphics in games these days.


You know. Graphics that are real as opposed to the fake ones.

I see plenty of ads for it. Every time I update my Nvidia driver, their ads prominently feature Paragon.


Shill posts for Paragon usually have a line praising its "real" graphics.

It looks like a movie.

Just checked out the website to see the different hero abilities and it looks really dull and slow.

He means the game uses Unreal Engine 4 (which is owned by Epic). I won't lie: Paragon is the prettiest MOBA I've ever played.

Muselk on YT just promoted it.

>doesn't want his graphics to be made with 100% real polygons.

Very basic, very boring

I played the beta and the characters were super mega fucking bland in abilities, effects and gameplay. Tons of farming without real impact on the game. It's very very slow.

Looks gorgeous though.

It's not a true moba though. At best it's a pretender.

Uhh it's boring.
Unless they make a real revamp in the whole game, it's going to DIE.


Steel: Press gapcloser, ult into AoE CC, kill enemy team
Gideon: Press gapcloser, ult into AoE CC, kill enemy team
Grux: Press gapcloser, ult into AoE CC, kill enemy team
Riktor: No gapcloser, ult into AoE CC, kill 2 enemies
Fish Tank looking big thing: Press gapcloser, ult into AoE CC, kill enemy team
Muriel: Press ult AoE into enemy team
Dekker: No gapcloser, just ult into AoE CC to kill enemy team. Pair with another AoE for maximum effect
Sevarog: Nasus basically, farm forever that Q
Twinblast: Farm forever until 2 shot people
Grim.EXE: Farm forever until 1 shot people with ult

Didn't play the others so much. I bet they have some gapcloser into an AoE CC ult too.

How is it not a true MOBA?

Using (some of) the characters is very fun and satisfying. Unfortunately, it follows the classic MOBA formula so in the end the game itself is boring as all fuck regardless. I haven't been keeping up with it after I played for a bit but if it had game modes that just skip the typical "farm for 20 minutes just so you can actually play the fucking game" format, I'd love it.

What's with these random posts about Paragon recently?

Is that you Epic?

Finish fucking Unreal Tournament you lost the race to Quake Champions stupid idiots

I havent seen ANY posts.

Matches lasts for 40 minutes to an hour+, gameplay is slow as fuck. They need to make things flow faster because matches feels like a fucking drag.

Its Smite 2.0

Does nothing with the perspective change except make the same fucking thing but in third person
>attack ranges
>a jungle and buffs for some reason
>stealth pads
>everyone moves slow as shit

in what way is it not a multiplayer online battle arena?

Because they die like in 5 mins

Nobody played Paragon, and who has done it admits it's very mediocre right now.

Its really fucking bad, its essentially Smite with a sci-fi skin slapped on

>Characters are very similar to each other
>The jungle adds nothing to the game
>The stealth pads are fucking retarded from both a gameplay and a design standpoint
>The left click shooting? attacks are more of a chore than anything else
>Everyone moves slow as shit for some reason
>Items are all 1 of 4 combinations of stat bonuses
>UI is fucking garbage

Some of the character designs are cool but thats about it

If you want to actually have fun with a similar type of game SMNC is leagues better than this piece of shit

Thats disappointing. But the potential is there, right?

Boring as shit. Matches are extremely boring and slow, consists mostly of holding down your basic attack button for an hour or so.
Is this just paragon or are all dota rip offs/MOBAs this boring?


No, fuck you, I will never forgive that terrible drek for what it did to MNC

Played it during first beta or alpha, was slow as fuck, lost all interest

I never said it was good user, I said its just way better than Paragon

Doubtful it seems like they want to cash in on the League/Smite crowd since its literally a copy and paste of Smite which is already a copy and paste of League with an over the shoulder camera

League is an absolute piece of shit as well

Most people on Sup Forums can't even max it out because it has actual graphics.

Im playing it now on PS4, I cant figure out wtf Im looking at or doing.

Seriously, how do I learn new skils even? Theyre all locked.

Kill shit. Level up. Get skills.

I figured it out, I had to hold L2. Not that it told me.

It does tho iirc.

Fuck you Platinum Angel.

I'm enjoying the game, but I can't help but feel a lot of the designs are just trying too hard to be original

I wanted to like paragon alot. Items are based on cards which is cool until you figure out that you can't even craft shit.

Devs are super pussy to try anything new and have created a meta of "every hero needs a unique escape". Most the heroes feel like clones from other MOBAs

Currently no reason to play it over the big 3

Games last too fucking long. two games I played lasted 45+ minutes.

It only said "Hold to upgrade."

It didnt say hold what.

>Complaining about MOBA games play time

It's the only MOBA with actual graphics and 3D gameplay.

League games last around 35 minutes
HotS games around 20-25
Even Dota about 35-40

This game is too fucking slow, even for moba standards

>Cant do PvP until Paragon level 3
>Hit level 3
>Still cant do it

Also when you hold L2 the top skills description gets cut off. Way to go.

It has more actual graphics per second than any other MOBA.

They're trying to reach a goal of half-hour games, but the current average is ~40m.

They just today changed the requirement to 5 because of newbies ruining games. Try one more match.

Oh, thanks,

What the fuck does that even mean?

You know you could've unlocked PvP right from the start right? It asked you for your skill level

I wanted 1 practice game.

Love all these retards who think pic related is somehow tolerable in 2016. You can't even fucking see where you are half the time in a game about being one character, and the zoom distance is pathetic, like not even ten yards out in any direction.

In Paragon you can see from spawn to spawn.

Got a teammate just standing in base for half an hour. God.

>You can't even fucking see where you are half the time
holy fuck how bad at video games are you


>cares more about how pretty a game looks rather than gameplay and mechanics
color me surprised. into the filter you go you dumb nigger

>The paragons

Please end your life as soon as possible

It's literally fucking true. In Paragon you're always where you should be: smack dab center of the screen. Playing a character action game with RTS controls is absolutely degenerate and retarded.

It's like playing Halo: Spartan Assault, a twinstick shooter, instead of one of the actual Halo games.

I know you're just being a silly billy for fun, but out of all of the shitty overhead MOBAs, DOTA2 has the most polished, coherent visuals of them all. It looks a lot better than League and Heroes of the Storm for sure. While the visuals may seem rudimentary compared to Epic's stuff, the way they're stylized will help the game stand the test of time, graphically. Unfortunate though given the nature of these multiplayer games, they're all gonna die out some day.

Paragon is in that realm of "like a MOBA but actually a video game instead of clicking simulators, but also still a MOBA" where I WANT to try it, but the MOBA elements and general speed of the game are super bummers for me. I played a shit load of Gigantic whenever they held their betas and I love the speed and flow of that, and wish more of these games became a bit more action-oriented: something the developers of this game seem to try and sell people on. I'm still going to try it some time in hopes that I find one of these kinds of games I'll actually enjoy.

>It looks a lot better than League and Heroes of the Storm for sure.

Blizzard's presentation and character design shits all over DOTA2's generic War3 rips with such evocative names as "Sniper" and "Sand King" and "Anti-Mage" and whatever else.

Dota 2's fucking HEALTH BARS are so scraggly it's unnecessarily difficult to last hit.

I recommend you give Paragon a few hours of try because the pace might click with you and direct control helps a lot with that. Right now the match length is in a bad way but they'll fix that.