Legion DIscussion Thread

Legion has officially launched, we're all leveling our characters. What level are you at currently? Just dinged 110.

Someone recommend some pants that would match better. Also a fist weapon too.

I'm stuck on what to level, already got a warrior 110 but not that bothered with it anymore, would love to play a dps ranged or healer.

>Say fuck it and dust off my shelved for two years DK
>Enjoy the fuck out of Unholy
>Feel like a necromancer

Didnt see that one coming

So I haven't gone through WoD yet. Should I bother with the Garrison on my way to Legion? Does the Garrison retain any relevancy in Legion?

>orc using Scarlet Crusade Tabard

Mogging artifacts
Yay or nay?

Can someone tell me how's disc priest?

>Get my DH to level 110
>Get ready to do Suramar
>Suddenly get somewhat bored of him
>Realize I want to main something else

Welp, guess I'll prepare myself to re-do all FIVE fucking questing zones again and restart my class hall missions and upgrades.

Fire mage should have been turned into a melee spec to match their sword.