>no online

And into the trash it goes!

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't think you needed to make a thread just to say that.

At least 100-Man Mario will be fun to play on it still, I'm assuming the incompatible levels will be the ones that spam Bowsers & enemies everywhere which I'll be completely fine with since those are never fun. Day 1 pirate.

>no drop shadows
Into the shopping cart it goes!

It'l be interesting to pirate, I guess. I'm not gonna spend money on a level editor.

>Supports Streetpass

Your argument in invalid OP

And before you say: I live in an empty city, then you have no excuse not to do this and fix that problem.


Seems like a hassle.

Super Mario Maker is so much more than a level editor


I almost exclusively play 100 Man Mario when I mess with SMM, but honestly the lack of online is the fucking stupidest thing in the world.

I wish Nintendo would stop basing all of their decisions off the Japanese market.

Totally worth the hassle.

Costumes will also be incompatible. They said all of them are staying exclusive to Wii U, so I have no idea what there would be to unlock through 100 MC.

100 Mario Challenge is still available in the 3DS version, they said so in the Direct.

Another game theres no reason to get on 3DS unless youre a poorfag

Streetpass isnt online though
>have to go through all this for every level instead of just getting codes
>implying people will be uploading the files for all their levels

I completely finished 100 Mario Challenge and unlocked all of those costumes, and I honestly don't have much desire to play that mode again.

Going through the well-designed courses from all of the old Sup Forums posters is much more enjoyable.

Forgot about that, regardless I was just thinking of the mode in general without the costumes since it can be fun at times if you're not forced to go through too many shittily designed levels. Also maybe you can still unlock the costume but can only use it on the Wii U version.

There are 100 new Nintendo created levels and the presentation of the game is incredible. It's basically like Mario paint 2

t. asshurt Wii U owner

I'm stoked for street pass functionality. Going to conventions and sharing levels will be fun.

>no reason to get on 3DS
Unless you don't have the console and happen to have the handheld still getting support.

Yeah so you're a poorfag...

He said "unless you're a poorfag".

I'm also very inclined to believe they're going to be releasing another version of SMM for the NX eventually, so I'm cool with just having the Wii U version for now.

>Totally misses the point of Streetpass

>Also didn't watch the vid on how you can get Streetpass hits online.

Argument is still invalid

>Not buying every toy that a toy company puts out = poor

>not buying everything makes you poor
Where's your Ouya, Anons?

Wouldn't someone who doesn't own both versions be a poorfag, though?

Also check out these guys

>Wouldn't someone who doesn't own both versions be a poorfag, though?



user, don't do that. He'll be too embarrassed to post now.

I'll get it on 3DS. Wii U version is definitely better but I'm on a plane 10-12 times a year. I'd love to have a game like this on the go, even if it's only make 80% of the whole experience.

Theres nothing to do offline though

>forgetting planes have wi-fi

Uhh.... make levels?

That you cant upload

I know Kiavik from Sup Forums and have played a few of his courses before. He's very creative.

I'm more likely to play courses from people who play a lot themselves but don't have thousands of stars yet, since they seem to give the most plays back. That first guy you posted seems like he might be a little too kaizo for my tastes, though. I like a solid challenge, but I don't want to waste too much effort dying 300 times for very little progress.

It's not like a number of times played counter going up is the only thing that matter, i used to make a lot of Trackmania courses that i never shared but it was fun messing with them none the less

You can play nearly all the Wii U levels from the internet though.

>watching direct
>get mildly excited and lean in
>"we took out ID searching, to facilitate quickly playing"
>"you can only share levels via streetpass and local"
>cant play any levels with amiibos

so you can play the 100 included levels and then levels made by other people on the wii u, depending on if theres no amiibo boxes... probably some other limitations if theres too many assets.. game already looks like its running at 20 fps.

why does nintendo keep doing shit like this.

>implying it's any different from Sup Forums anons making levels nobody played

You might enjoy the 3DS version if you don't know what you're missing, but being used to sharing on the Wii U version will make the 3DS version feel like a major step down.

'Cause they think the 3DS is a smartphone or some shit

No online as in you can't upload and download levels? What's the point?

Just keep shoving the 3DS with shoddy ports to hide the game drought.

That Wolly World port is also because nobody bought the game on Wii U

Whatever, 3DS is going to be phased out next year anyway. It had a good run

I played them

None of the costume levels will work, and I bet any levels that make the Wii U chug probably would be disabled or won't even load on the 3DS. That's a lot.

Well i guess that's true, must also be the reason how i managed to enjoy Hyrule Warriors 3DS (on a old 3DS even)

>defending no uploading
>defending no sharing levels online
>defending lack of costumes
sometimes I forget that "its ok when nintendo does it" is more than just a stupid meme

you played some of them
there were still plenty of levels with zero plays
that's what makes up 100 mario challenge

Do you have a profile to share? I'll bookmark some if I haven't played them before.

I played every level ever posted on Sup Forums

>there is LITERALLY no reason to get it on 3DS
>what if you don't care for those features, like everyone who will buy the game simply because it's portable will

I said 'Nearly'

You're supposed to live in Japan and come in contact with 200+ 3DSes per day.

I think you might be underestimating the number of things that will be excluded.

It has cut features, but manages to benefit people in areas with lots of streetpasses.
Both are pretty shallow games anyway.

>tfw in Jaboatão dos Guararapes

>streetpass some random ass levels you have no control over

Yeah, that is such an equal replacement to just going and downloading the courses I want.

>tfw in Maracaibo
>unsure if I should even take my phone out the house in fear of wanton muggings

lol yah why make anything if you can't put it up on the internet right?

Do these games come with a bunch of premade courses? I have zero fucking imagination and playing courses I made myself sounds awful.

Both come with pre-made courses
That are shit
Like 90% of the levels uploaded

Most of the point of the game is having an endless supply of things to play that other people have uploaded.

And I should add that the 3DS version would barely be functional without all the people uploading from the Wii U version, whether you want to make anything yourself or not.

I hope NX gets a port.

garbage port it is then

So he'll download some courses before getting on the flight. Or he'll play one of the 100 Nintendo created levels. Or he'll use in flight wifi as others have suggested

I believe you can't download courses on the 3DS version or even search by course ID or any other method. You can only play recommended courses or random ones through 100 Mario Challenge.

>>no online
Then what's the point, hod do you even download levels?

Probably more Nintendo badges.

>You can also go online to play courses made using the Wii U version
Why you lying OP?

>so, we have taken this overpriced, half assed level editor and we removed the best feature. Enjoy it. That will be 45€ plus tip

Just when you thought a company couldn't be any more out of touch than Sega and every Sonic after 3&K.

watch the same segment in the European Direct, Numbnuts.

Why does Nintendo hate online in games so much? When they do online they make the online modes so barebones.

I just did, and they still say that there is online, so what's your point?