
Last thread hit the bump limit.

Big Game Executives are asleep, post Timesplitters!

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Rewind guys need more donations.

When did Vin diesel and Scarlet Johansson get a video game?

I wanna fuck Viola

Doot-doot. I am your servant. I am your worker.

Why do people like TS2 level design so much? I mean yeah its open which shines in Neo Tokyo and Chicago, but you generally are going down a linear path in completing objectives.

Linear isn't a bad thing when it's done well.

Look at most open world games today, yeah, you can go any direction, but most of the time it's not worth it to. Linear game design is awesome when done right.

>that Wild West theme in TS2



Thats what im saying though, a lot of people praise TS2 for being open level, despite still going down a checklist for completing objectives, but then shit on Future Perfect for being linear and not like Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.

>when the AI cooks just right

I have no proof, but I was number 1 ranked in the cat-racing minigame for a few months on the Xbox version.

>timesplitter thread hit the bump limit
This is a sign

despite how bold this claim is, i get the feeling no one is going to seriously contest it

>tfw trying to figure out how to roll like the AI for a solid hour or so
I'm actually kinda glad that there wasn't a button for that.

>tfw these games emulate perfectly on dolphin now
feels fucking good

Given that i never made it online with Original Xbox live, I've got no choice but to believe you.

That rewind sucks for the following reasons, lighting and some of the models aren't the correct sizes.

this drove me insane as well

I hated the fucking ice level. it was one of the only things in the game to make me rage.

Along with cortez can't jump.

Post worst arcade levels

I'm sure lots of people like this level, but I fucking hated it.

enjoyed it for multiplayer, hated it for arcade

Men in Grey
That level will fuck you up if you hold back for any reason.
Was so relieved when I finally got platinum.
That music too, easily the worst level the worst map and the worst music. Fuck training ground.


Badass Buss Pass Impasse

It took me so long to beat that stage


getting platinum on Top Shot
one of the designers made a typo and made the requirement 1 minute shorter than it should have been. nearly fucking impossible to get it

sorry it took so long, heres the OST.


yadda yadda buy it if you like it, yadda yadda bandcamp.


Man I didn't know there were so many TS fans active around here.

Thanks for the soundtrack.

You're a good person.

I always wanted to fuck corporal hart and have her finish the the job with her robot arm

eh, depends on how you look at it. i bought the OSTs from graemes bandcamp. and you all should too. but some of you dont give that much of a fuck so w/e.


i always put this song on every level and it made my friends so mad. months of conditioning and it was the only song we put on.


well, you made me want to buy it instead of downloading it man, thanks

if you're telling the truth then excellent. enjoy best character.

Time Splitters thread. Groovy.

Tonight you sleep with the fishes.


i like you two.

i don't have the money at the moment, but i'm not going to download it, gonna keep the tab up until monday when i can pay for it

you'll probably forget honestly, im only making a big deal out of it because graeme influenced my musical tastes. scrapyard and ice station alone got me into industrial before i even knew wtf industrial was.

The monkey one where you have to shoot the watermelons



i remember this tileset music for one reason; me and my buddy were playing online custom maps, and some guy had a map that was pitch black. he shot the host in the head in exactly one second and we got kicked right away. it was the best.

My game had a weird glitch where that level was already a platinum before I even unlocked it.


didnt recognize that name so i went to look in the OST if it was there. that was the music for Cortez Cant Jump.

Well guys, I'm back. Should I namefag? I'd rather not, but if it helps keep track of replies...

Also, it was pretty damn awesome to see the previous thread reach bump limit. Brings me hope... *chokes back a tear*

no shit? it did the same for me, neotokyo and a couple of other tracks eventually got me into trip hop

small world

out of all of things i forget on a regular basis, this won't be one of them, i'm a miser by nature so when i want to actually buy something, it stays on my mind until i do

Oh, and tonight I'm doing a bit of work on a weapon and some props.

It's inconsequential, man. It was easy to spot when you replied to posts, even it it was one or two at a time.

How long have you been working on the game? Not sure if it's inappropriate to ask.

funny enough. i was the only person out of the 10+ people i've played TS with that thought scrapyard was a good song. everyone else thought it was just audio garbage.

buying the entirety of the soundtrack is a tad expensive, considering TS2 has the most tracks. pretty much all of the big ones. so you can just buy one of the albums and put down how much you would pay for all 3. i think i spent $22 on it. i dont remember. i would buy it for $50 though.

it would be dope to get a few screenshots, if you can manage it.

it was pretty easy to spot you unless you only replied to one post then i would end up scrolling past but you're fine. the attention you want to get isnt hard.

>it's a "you and 1-2 dumbfuck AI have to take on whole team of hardcore bots who spawntrap you" league mission

to this day I still have no idea how I got gold on that capture the bag mission where its you and corporal hart vs like 6 splitters on ice station

reminder brick is best weapon.

>your friend picks monkey when you arent looking and the weapons are all bricks

>Speed at max
>only weapon is brick
Beating your friends to death...good times...gooood tiimes

Corporal who?

>getting a platinum on Sammy Hammy Namby Pamby by like 18 milliseconds

jesus christ younger me's asshole clenched during some of the harder league challenges

The window breaker in the cathedral with the grenade launcher.
I'm still not sure if it's possible to get gold on it, let alone platinum.

i always picked last for that reason.

different strokes, man, had only gotten the chance to play timesplitters with one other person, but it was fun

expensive or not, it's worth paying full price for on principle

The capture the bag ones were all horrifying.
>the one where it's you and handful of rebels against cops who spawn with miniguns and take a gorillion shots to kill
>the AI will never use the plasma rifle's secondary fire to actually do damage to them

Training grounds and every mission on it was fucking awful.

>weapons are all proximity mines

It's possible, although the grenade launcher still sucks major ass

Will rewind have the cheats?

I swear timeplitters was the only shooter I was or will ever be good at, I go back and I've still got it after a few hours of practice. Not my autism levels that allowed me to plat that shit but still.

>the duel where you're the master vs the golem
>you have like two lives
>golem has eight or so


What was the best challenge and why was it [Spoiler]Burns Department?[/Spoiler]

>Fucked up spoilers
I'm too tired for this shit.

I love TS for this, it doesn't fuck around.

How can you fuckup Ctrl+s ?

I would sell my dick for a new TS game made by the old crew. 2 and FP are honestly two of the best games I've ever played, everything was just right.



fucking look at this horseshit

I remember user, I remember. Hell I still ahve the game and my gamecube. Lost my memory card along the way so I would have to redo everything.... mmmm

still waiting on those idle animations.

>someone actually designed this fucker for a multiplayer FPS

I used to love video games

That happened to me as well, but the memory had been corrupted. Worked my way back and wew lad were some of those missions things I never wanted to see again.

What was that challenge with the "hand" dudes? I just remember being violated.

it'd be impossible now, some of the old crew have bowed out of the video game industry completely

I platinumed it. Took hours.

>design a character this slutty and "problematic"
>she's legitimately funny and actually ballsy as fuck

How the fuck do you do it? Do you have to frame-perfect launch every single grenade as fast as possible and manage to get two window with each one?

It was called "can't handle this"

Their laughter will haunts my dreams


Ah right, well after this next set of replies I'm going to drop it and anyone can just follow the (You)s.

Anyway, I've been on this team for nearly three years, mainly helping with environment art stuff.

Fair enough, I'll try to get a few up in a little while. Better than using a name, honestly.

Fire was the worst part of TS2, prove me wrong.
OP as fuck on some maps and a guaranteed low-effort kill on any low endurance character.

Who didn't?

>99.6% complete on Future Perfect
Shit, I don't know if I have it in me to get that last little bit. I haven't played this in years.

First part was meant for We've been talking about cheats, but we haven't implemented any yet. I want my human gun sounds...

He's probably on mobile.

>do absolutely everything on FP, spend weeks, maybe months getting league platinums
>eventually 100% it
>proud as all fuck, check stats
>still haven't completed the hard co-op campaign
>only friend i used to play with drifted away many years ago
>we both played the absolute fuck out of it every single day for a good 2 years straight right up until eventually we slowly just stopped meeting up after school

only 12 more missions to go guys


>only 12 more missions to go guys
You're still ahead of me.


Anyone up for a game of anaconda?

I could never beat cortez's top score



These fuckers still creep me out

Fun Fact, killing someone with the trains in Virus infects them when they respawn.
