Will videogames ever have it's equivalent of "Star Wars"

Will videogames ever have it's equivalent of "Star Wars"

By that I mean a something that defines and transcends an entire generation.

Is Pokémon the closest thing?


Well, Mario, but honestly Star Wars doesn't hold a candle to how well known Mario is globally.

Star Wars
lmao kappa echs dee

To be perfectly honest, Call of Duty

They are exactly the same quality too

call of duty? no memes, it's enormously popular among normies, and it got a lot of them (but not all of them) early, like Star Wars did.

starwars has a very mediocre story , not sure how it has its fanbase


Pokemon isn't really a good analogy because it's staying power is only limited to gen 1 pokemon among most people.

With the exception of maybe at a games launch when was the last time you saw any major pokemon branding that didn't involve gen 1 pokemon?

>Star Wars doesn't hold a candle to how well known Mario is globally.


How is it not valid when people constantly jerk off over how great OT is and NT sucks dick.

New Archer when

>Star Wars doesn't hold a candle to how well known Mario is globally.
This. Star Wars is at best a Western classic and at worst a 2-hour commercial for toys. It may print money, but call me when the day comes that it represents an entire nation for their fucking Olympics ceremony.

I'd definitely even argue that Pokemon is more globally loved than Star Wars.

Maybe, but it should be good instead.
Star Wars is one of the worst things ever to be put on a cultural pedestal

Your really underestimating Star Wars and overestimating video games. Still Mario or Zelda or maybe Final Fantasy would be the closest.

>Pokemon isn't really a good analogy because it's staying power is only limited to gen 1 pokemon among most people.
Its a perfect analogy. When people talk about how much they love Star Wars most people are only talking about the original trilogy (and really just ANH and ESB out of that)

The prequels floundered, and the series only came back into the public consciousness when they pandered hard to fans of the original series (TFA = Pokemon Go)

Call of duty has good stories and presentation though.

When the fuck will we get an Archer game?

How many people in mainland China or Japan know who Mario is?

How many of them do you think know who Star Wars is? I can promise you that the answer is something less than "literally every single one"

The Sims

Then you would be a retard

TFA made more at the box office than any movie in history. Mario 3D World sold 4 million copies.

Do you even final fantasy? Really hoping we're out of the prequel phase though. 13 was a painful ride.

why do you feel that way?

>Archer shovel ware title that plays like the Simpsons Road Rage
Oh god no, hopefully never

lol @ people saying Final Fantasy.

Pretty much everyone on Earth would understand what you meant if you said "Jedi" or "Luke, I am your father".

How many are going to know who the fuck Sephiroth is?

What's the appeal of Archer? I don't hate it but it's never made me do more than a few chuckles. Everyone seems to think it's hilarious but I don't like the dialogue most of the time and the animation can not carry the show in any way

I'm thinking Binary Domain meets South Park: Stick Of Truth

You don't like it. You won't understand the appeal. Don't bother asking. Move on.

Fuck; not Binary Domain. I mean Alpha Protocool

But I'm genuinely curious what people love about it. I'm not judging or anything I know everyone has their own tastes. I'm just kind of surprised this show is as popular as it is

Because the characters, themes, and story are universal enough that anyone can enjoy it.

Sharp dialogue, at least for the first 3 seasons.

Its also very memetic. Lots of instantly recognizable lines.

For people who've experienced both, Starwars is probably was probably the bigger deal.

Metal Gear. I don't know about what you said but it is definitely the best series gaming has to offer.

it's a shitty sealab for millennials with plenty of meme potential

>implying sealab wasn't just as shitty

look at this nostalgic faggot

Sadly, I'd say Angry Birds or Candy Crush. Maybe even Minecraft, but I don't think third world countries know much about MC. Most kids these days are growing up with mobile games and iPads, and if you don't believe me, check out how many views Wheels on the Bus has.

Star Wars came out at a time when an entire generation was feeling spiritually starved.

Traditional religion was seen as old an staid while the hippy fad had come and gone.

Then Star Wars came along and gave people a whole world and mythology to get invested in. It kind of represents the point where we started worshiping money and capitalism over everything else. Even videogame/console fanboyism has its roots in it.

>clueless about star wars

This nigga needs to lookup some anime history.

>Not knowing Star Wars

One of the most iconic anime characters took inspiration from Vader.

Are you serious?

johnny johnny is superior

>Call of duty has good stories

It's campy, something to watch after a long day of work to relax, it sometimes has action but it doesn't dwelve too deep into it to lose the pace of the show

Avoid Archer Vice, that was the worst season


>TFA made more at the box office than any movie in history.

Every single fucking time some big hollywood movie comes out I hear it's broken one or several records of this sort. Sounds to me like marketing for movies just becomes more efficient over time.

The first season is really cleverly written. I've watched all the subsequent seasons to try and recapture the greatness of the first but it seems to get worse. The current writers seem to think profanity is a good substitute for actually witty writing. Still watching because it's passably funny, and included on Netflix. I wouldn't actually buy it individually though.

The lowest point in the show was the three-part Heart of Archness which had about 3 funny jokes over 3 hours. The space station episode was also trash. Archer Vice was a small return to form. I hope it improves after that.

World of Warcraft

>falling for bad b8 this easily

>Will videogames ever have it's equivalent of "Star Wars"
Better than most Star Wars tbqh.

>TFA made more at the box office than any movie in history
No it didn't

Fuck you nigger I liked the space one

Star Wars had a neat trilogy but I don't think it defines or transcends a generation unless you mean it shows off our blind consumerism and susceptibility to fads.

Maybe this too.

What the hell Cyrill?! You shot the black astronaut?! That's like...killing a unicorn!

>the three-part Heart of Archness which had about 3 funny jokes over 3 hours. The space station episode was also trash. Archer Vice was a small return to form. I hope it improves after that.
you have the opposite of good taste

Let me guess, you enjoy current seasons of the Simpsons

my 2 year old sister watches that trash on youtube all the time.

Sealab before they started using their own footage was pure gold.
Afterwards it's quality took a nosedive.

It's ok to not like something.

To answer your question, its the strong personalities combined with them being thrown into complex situation with these personalities at odds with each other. It's funny and interesting to watch how these personalities are forced to respond to each other and make compromises or not make compromises and see the results of those choices.

Plus it's always entertaining to watch characters be utterly shameless because we as a society carry a lot of shame with us, or worry about being shamed, so its nice to live a little vicariously through them. It's a little cathartic.

I'm sure there are many other things I'm missing.

Because everyone is trying to spin their numbers to look good for their shareholders.

Suicide Squad was spun as breaking the August record, but what most sites fail to tell you is that August is a fucking dead month where nothing but shit movies usually comes out. Guardians was the last mega hit. Suicide Squad practically stole its marketing campaign and people were expecting another Guardians of the Galaxy.

He's definitely wrong about it making the most. James Cameron is still king (not counting inflation), but Star Wars did break several opening weekend records.

I'd say Pokemon is the closest.

>Multimedia franchise
>Huge Merchandise Sales
>Fanbase transcending age barriers

The only issue is that really older folk don't like Pokemon, but Star Wars didn't really attract an older crowd until 20-30 years after it came out. Pokemon seems to have very strong fan retention- even if they aren't playing the games, people still identify with the brand. Pokemon GO proved that.

Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, [Insert Other Big Name VideoGame Here], on the otherhand, don't really have that mixture of enduring cross-media appeal. Mario almost did but it became too iconographic, too generic. Zelda is too niche. Final Fantasy switches gears with every game and can't maintain enough iconography. There is a balance between general iconography and individual character that none of these hit. Pokemon gets closest.

MineCraft might in the future, but it doesn't have a strong enough character representation to pull it's weight like Star Wars or Pokemon do.

No significant merchandising / cross-media appeal limits the comparison, imo. Though it is hugely popular.

This is part of it but you can't deny that Star Wars Is Big. It had biggest pre-order receipts, etc.

I should also note that comic book films are currently at their peak of popularity.

As long as your movie looks good in trailers and there's no obvious signs of trouble, you're sure to break bank, even if your movie is fucking terrible. BvS and Suicide Squad are proof of that.

Apocalypse suffered from the lack of any real notable stars, practically none of the cast from the previous movies being in it and Wolverine not being in all of the marketing materials.

Fantastic Four was controversial since day one and rumors of Marvel and Fox's shakey relationship sure as hell didn't help. Marvel did everything it could to separate their involvement with the project even down to killing those lines of comics and not using the characters in any of their marketing materials. And then you have the news of the director being removed from the project while its still in production, his twitter tantrum, and Johnny Storm being black.

To me it's the funniest TV show I've ever seen, next to Monty Python's Flying Circus, and I don't even care for American shows that much.

The appeal of Archer, to me, is the dryness of the humour, the confidence and ability of Archer mixed in with his 'almost-stupidity', the varied characters and also SERPENTINE BABOU SERPENTIIIINE

I dunno about Mario, but I don't think user is underestimating Star Wars. I remember an interview with Boyega, the male lead in Ep. VII, where he told the story of how when he told his dad he got the lead in Star Wars, his dad's response was "That's great! What's Star Wars?"

Outside of the west, I don't think Star Wars is all that well known. I'd wager Mario is more recognized on a global level.

Angry Birds has already fallen off hard, it has nowhere near the staying power to be the Star Wars of vidya. I strongly expect Candy Crush will fall off as well. There's just not enough to it for it to remain relevant long enough.

Minecraft at least has the Legos aspect of letting people build shit, so it has a chance of sticking around for a long time.

Unfortunately it does it in a completely fucking horrible way

Angry Birds and Candy Crush are one offs. They do not have the lasting appeal that Star Wars has nor do they cross generations.

Mario and Pokemon fit the bill easily. They're still popular among people that first experienced them years ago and they attract new audiences even today.