The King of Fighters 14 (fourteen)

Are you enjoyiing the newly-patched netplay?
Is Nakoruru broken?
Who's your team?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is my team

>tfw I'll be able to play this tomorrow

Nakoruru is cute! CUTE!

So will the online multiplayer last a while and have enough players for a beginner? Every fg that I get ends up having dead multiplayer

KoF is more popular then Guilty Gear and BlazeBlue so online will be alive for a while.

Literally just outplay her it's not hard
Geese and Athena on the other hand


What makes Nakoruru top tier?

her armpits


she comes to a street fight with a sharp knife and a bird

Meterless, invincible reversal that has little consequence if the opponent guesses right and punishes it. For whatever reason grabbing onto the bird is completely invincible

>anti-air her 4/5 times
>5th time she combos you into super

Are you enjoyiing the newly-patched netplay?
Is Nakoruru broken?

Who's your team?
>Leona/Mian/Mature or Ralf

>was planning to use Luong
>spent so much time testing things against Nakoruru I'm more comfortable using her

>cr.C is the best button in the game
>Slide slash is safe-ish
>bird cling is stupid
>Bird blows through projectiles, ALL projectiles, even supers
>Stupid conversions off of everything, if she clips you, you're taking 40% from EX bird super

>You look like a Pasta

What did Zarina mean by this?

He's pale yellow and has the silhouette of a straight line

Is PSN back up or is it still shitting itself?
From what I've seen reception for the patch is pretty positive. I saw a tweet earlier by Kuroki, my japanese isn't that good, but with the help of rikai-chan I was able to more or less make out that Oda, if the worst came to pass, was prepared to stay at the company and not go home.


>search 4 bar only
>nipnong room comes up

Do it

>I was able to more or less make out that Oda, if the worst came to pass, was prepared to stay at the company and not go home.


He's increasing the numbers of the Bernstein family with his sister.
I know it's you Rose, you can't fool me.

He was willing to pull all-nighters

In other words if the patch ended up not working Oda was willing to stay at the office for overtime. I phrased it strangely, my bad.

>search same region
>get lobbies on the opposite side of the continent and not nearby
>search all
>get lobbies on the opposite side of the planet

It would be nice if the connection ranking actually worked.

He might come back now that daddy dearest might be alive again. Maybe he could team up with Heidern or something.

Gotta admit that it warm my heart to see all the hard work put on the game pay off with tons of positive impressions, even more now they fixed the online.

>r8 me

Geese, Sylvie, Athena

I'm thinking of on of the girls with Angel

Strong team, though I feel like I haven't seen Sylvie since the demo days

Geese is best idoru/10

Clark, Mature, Leona.

I want Shermie and Chizuru.

>Are you enjoyiing the newly-patched netplay?

Haven't had the chance

>Is Nakoruru broken?

>Who's your team?

Team Mexico

Are you enjoyiing the newly-patched netplay?
Is Nakoruru broken?
Remover birb pls
Who's your team?
Geese, Athena, and Luong.
>Weeb in a team of idols.
Like pottery.

KoF is big in Europe and Mexico. Not as popular in 'Murica.

Being able to get American lobbies listed without getting Argentina and Hong Kong would be fine, but if you're in western Canada and want to get western US instead of fucking Quebec you're stuck with the latter.

How do I git gud with ramon?

Wtf? How come?

Aside of tons of practice, I've been following this guide

Truth be told, right now I'm focusing on KoD

>The God of War was a Kyokugen practitioner.

Canada is considered a region


wow, that's incredibly dumb

Neat, I never knew shinkiro did illustrations for the adaptions too. Just promotional material or something?

It's Japan, Canada is a legit "Who?" country to them.

Any word on a PC release? I keep seeing a definite maybe on other sites.

Takuma is really old.

What is that region thing? Is that something the game set for you and you're stuck playing with players of that same region?

>Japanese fighting game
Just like most of them it will get ported a year later and will be a shit port.


Your matchmaking choices are either "Same Region" or "Any". I forget if you can set it but filtering my own city out of searches would also be retarded.

they probably think it's floating off somewhere in the arctic like an american greenland

>planned on using Nakoruru because I thought she was cool in SS2
Looks like I'll come off as an asshole when anyone sees me use her.

Party mode with Sup Forums when?

Why are all the top tiers female?

Thanks user

I'd be more worried about having to relearn shit when they get the nerf bat out.

I'm good to play in like 7 hours, but I doubt enough anons will still be awake by then.

>my face when someone actually picks Verse


If you could get enough people in a room i'll join

The PSN group has been inactive as of late

>Who's your team?
I want to try playing Mature/Hein/Leona, how does that sound?
Same here. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

GG Xrd wasn't a bad port, but who knows. I don't think I'll get a ps4 for it though

I haven't played online. Please explain user. Work is killing me, so I live vicariously through you guys. Is it because he's a boss character?

His select and intro dialogues are fucking hilarious when you're not expecting them.

I can start one tomorrow if my connection is good enough to host.

>Takuma and Athena are both 3 to 4 thousand years old
>KOD 65 million years old

K' isn't a woman.



Because making cute girls in a fighting game bad is not a good idea.

SNK, please give Yuri her '98 stance back.

Hein is kinda gay but he's not a woman.


I thought Hein wasn't that good?

Is it back if I use three of the same archetypes in my team? Say I want to use three grapplers or three zoners.

you might have a harder time but it isn't necessarily bad.

>mfw pressing start on her in XIII gave her her braid back

That or select, whatever gave you the EX characters.

Also, her head is way too big in proportion to her body in XIV, making her look fairly lanky, not as much as in XIII, but still. I thought she was athletic and in her 20s.

And her short hair makes her look like Sakura or Rebecca Chamber. Her braid made her look more unique.

They should have gave her the bob if they wanted to keep the short hair.

What's wrong with that?

Hein is pretty solid right now: Safe overhead, safe blockstring ender, fast as hell ranbu and good damage.

I can't play this but I'm so glad Nakoruru got in. So much new fanart will be incoming now.

XIV Yuri looks a bit derivative. Her, Sakura and Cheerleader Rebecca all look like lost twins, all tomboys with a headband and the same hairstyle. I guess she also looks like Yuffie.

>on track to actually win a match for the first time tonight
>lose connection

Ragequit on you?

Nah my connection is just a piece of shit.

PSN group is king of vidya if anyone is interested

Whonare the best point, middle and anchor?

I have Kula, Nakoruru and i haven't decided on an anchor yet. I've been testing K' and Geese, and right now have Kim as anchor.

Any EU players in the group?

I don't have a PS4 yet. Not gonna have one before a long time. I hope this group is gonna stay alive until then.

That's unfortunate.

sounds toptier

If tomorrow you make the group again, i'll enter.

Anyone can add me for matches tomorrow: Volstgalf

I think its mostly north American

Me too. Maybe since the patch we can get the ball rolling

I will join soon.

I want to watch this movie again with Sup Forums.

get a stream going when the BD comes out