Metal Gear is kill

>Metal Gear is kill
>Pikmin is kill
>Metroid is kill
>Paper Mario is kill
>Dead Rising is kill
>God of War is kill
>Chibi-Robo is kill
>Iwata is kill

Truly these are the end times Sup Forums. Vidya will crash, just like it did in '83. Only difference is there's going to be no one to save it this time.

Other urls found in this thread:

The current situation is looking pretty grim.

>> dont worry we still have no man's sky maybe that will save us all, sean murry would never lie to us.

>> lol nm we are fucked.. rip

Thank god, we need some new franchises like Gravity Rush, Splatoon, Dragons Dogma, Recore, Rocket League, Overwatch etc

you forgot silent hill
also good video games

>RTS is kill

Go play brood war or warcraft 3

Brood war definitely isn't dying, and is pretty much having a resurgence right now with ASL

>tfw vidya fatigue

I can't play anything for more than 20 minutes. Nothing is engaging or fun or interesting.

None of those are good man.

The game crash never happened.

i'd like to play metal slug online but i don't know if there are kaillera servers or something like that

We still have Shantae though, and it looks like her upcoming game will be her best yet.

Based Shants. Deliver us from evil

as much as i agree i don't think one game will save us from this gay industry

>Vidya will crash, just like it did in '83.
More like nintendo crash... but for some reason people still buy into that amiibo bullshit

>Well, I've been afraid of changing
>Cause I've built my life around you
>But time made you bolder
>Even children get older
>And I'm getting older too

I'm afraid one good game is nothing more than an ember of ligbt in darkness. All around the inustry is nothing but lies, shitty games and greed. A mass purging crash needs to happen with cancer lumps like EA, Ubusoft, Blizzard and Activision needing to collapse. "Too big to fall" need mot apply ehen their gaming stock goes completely in the shitter.

Maybe if Microsoft never stepped a foot into vidya it wouldn't be in such a shit state.

Prove me wrong.

No, vidya will go on as it has been. The decline of a few franchises doesn't mean people will suddenly stop playing vidya, or that this industry isn't making money anymore. I'm sorry for your loss but your personal feelings are clouding your judgement and you're missing the bigger picture - most people nowadays don't care about any of this. It's a harsh sentiment but it's true. To think vidya will enter a crash because franchises like Metroid or Metal Gear have gone to shit is honestly laughable. I wish it wasn't, but it is.

le cynical user, i liked it xd

>Dragons dogma isn't good
Someone who couldn't fly into free shouldn't have an opinion on that game

Well first off, you're right. The japs invented vidya, we should leave it to them.

shit guys im crying right now for real
but im glad its happening you know?

it will never happen, there are assloads of normies that will buy any crap the industry shit

Why is Sup Forums so damn whiney? You faggots make /r9k/ look alpha as fuck.

It's not the end for vidya, user. It's merely a new beggining. A new era of videogames for the next generation.

It's not vidya that's ending, our time is.

Danganronpa series is alive and well.

Neptunia series is alive and well.

Get with the times and find new things that may interest you instead.

>>Pikmin is kill
The little spinoff on handheld isn't the next real Pikmin game you idiot, it's something on the side. It's the "Tails' Adventure" of Pikmin.

>Neptunia series is alive and well

That just makes me feel worse.

M$ is at fault for
>day one DLC
>DirectX being the primary PC gaming API for so long
They are undoubtedly the devil incarnate.

>franchises end
oh no who will save us from this hell

Get with the times fampai

But you can still replay you're favorite games and work on your backlog while waiting for the eventually good game, that's it If you're not a poorfag, have other hobbies and your life isn't all bout vide....oh
Well jokes on you I guess.

Only good thing I can think of that MS did was standardize hard drives in consoles and harbor Sega games after the Dreamcast fell through in the 6th gen. They've been a mistake ever since the 360.

>sean murry would never lie to us.
Literally no one here ever said this

Its good. Now they can focus on new IP's instead of releasing Game #56

then play 20 minutes long games faggot

Lol!!!! LOLLL!!!
Well memed friend! Nu-vidyos succ am i rite?
See i used succ even though my phones autocorrect made it suck. DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT XD im so postironic lel KEK

You're confusing Microsoft with EA.