What is the best game involving tanks and why is it Battletanx

What is the best game involving tanks and why is it Battletanx

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now thats a name i havent heard in a long time

aww sheeit nigga

I still have that game, but haven't played it in 10+ years

All I remember was trying to control a gigantic bridge and it being balls to the wall crazy

Fuck was this game great. Levelling entire maps with the nuke and capturing queenlords brings me back. Remake when?

>Lost my cartridge years and years ago
>Notice my bro has global assault
>Fuck year bud lets play that shit
Goddam is this shit funny.


>nuke everything in sight
>that one competitive ass cries bitch tears saying the bigger tank is OP
>proceeds to pick big ass tank as well
>gets shit on anyways

Man, this game is way too good.

Sequel was better.


Still my favorite vidya ad of all time:

I swear nearly 20 years later and I still cry laughing at this shit

the green cart was GOAT
>tfw playing with friends from school
>they didn't know how to A+B for super use on weapon pickups
>mfw I collect 6 gun buddies and unleash the armada
>they all try to team up but still get btfo

Was this the game with the tanks that nuked the fuck out of things? That shit was TIGHT. Loved nuking people in multiplayer.

Turok got a remaster and rerelesed on PC.
Why not BattleTanx?


aaaawwwwwwwwwwwww yea

This game was a classic.
Thanks OP for bringing back the memories

This is not complete without the explosion sounds and a couple of cars getting flattened.

>yfw 4 player FLP-E


Is this better?

BattleTanx had some good music

Global Assault is the objectively superior battletanx game.

And yeah it's depressing that there hasn't been a fun arcade tank since the FUCKING N64.

>using the super guided missile that shot lasers to fly around the map fucking all your friends

Truly a game ahead of its time

The stuff of beauty.

My neighbor and I would be staying up till like 4 in the morning when we were 9-12 playing the Battletank campaigns and Starcraft on the 64 over the weekends

He's Indian and we told his parents we were reading

> fun mech games (not many, but it's alive)

> fun flying games (not many, but enough)

> tons of racing shit

> lots of crappy multiplayer "combined arms" games




But that's not pic related

Sorry for your thread OP. You were very close.

Fuck your tanks

>4-player 2v2 Capture the Babes
FLP-E is my waifu

who up

Co-op on this game was the shit
>getting ALL the tank bux
>double-Edge power for two allies
>getting the BEST completion times
>gang-banging Cassandra
God damn this game was dope.

Remember when Co-op was a thing?

Vigilante 8 was the shit

I had this on the Dreamcast. Was pretty legit.

Best car combat game coming through

Co-op needs to make a big comeback already, fuck man there's no good co-op games these days.

>tfw bonded with my sister by playing tbis game to completion so many times we have the entire game memorized and we both specialize in certain levels

I fuck up the Eiffel Tower, she takes that long ass bridge and the evil movie theatres

Power up

this song is never going to leave my head

although now it sounds like a theme from Advance Wars

>cassandra mission
>teleports away at the start of the level
>right on top of the minefield
>win last level in literally 5 seconds

best last boss ever