WoW: Legion

Be honest Sup Forums, is the hype real or just more WoD-tier vapor shit?

I need to get the bad taste of my now-refunded NMS purchase but I need you to tell it to me straight.

No more memes and shitposting, just tell me if you're having a good time.

the two western zones are good

It's WoD + grind + muh nostalgia ( most locations from Vanilla and WotLK). Could be interesting if most content wasn't so borring.

>Want to boost a Ret Paladin
>Want to RP as a dedicated Paladin of the light bent on defeating the Legion
>Want to wield Ashbringer, slaughtering demons in righteous holy light
>Realize that Retribution Paladins are boring as fuck and do garbage DPS.


I'm having a good time. Dead serious - the expansion is great so far.

It's still better than destrlock.

What are you liking most?

all lock specs are shit right now. they all sit around 100k dps unless its a huge aoe pull.

this, I like it. hate waiting in q's because I got kicked from my guild but that's my fault.

also hate when you wait in q for an hour and then get brought into a half completed dungeon.

>Bought NMS
>Is going to buy Legion

Shit taste general?

It's too early to tell.
Come back in a month when everyone's done leveling and are on the endgame. That's when the real test begins.

If you recall, people loved WoD's leveling. Its endgame was very, very lacking however.

praise the ancestors for these totem harnesses.

>leveling in Azsuna with a buddy
>listening to old wow music videos
>enjoying the quests and story
so comfy.

no joke Lock is dumpster tier right now, they do not have a single good spec
try playing demo, it's a fucking joke. they do no damage and their rotation is a fucking mess

fuck highmountain

destro lock is 3rd best dps behind feral and assassination

>The Lightbringer is usable by Ret paladins this expansion
>It's one of the worst times in the game's history to be a paladin

like pottery

Literally every spec does the same dps with barely different play styles.

Demo is a huge build up and the rotation feels like youre swimming in tar. Aff is an easy rotation and does as much dmg as demo and destro, but it always ends up being the weakest in every xpac for pve(also shit shard gen). Destro has a fairly easy rotation and same dmg, but has shit shard gen too, but it has the fastest build up.

Its all shit and i lose almost every dps race.

Dunno, not been able to logon to the server for 3 days..........

>xal'ataths sexy voice whispering in my ear

in sims or real life? also the sims Ive seen put demo at the top.

who 『still hasnt picked a main』 here

I like BM hunter but I want a heal or tank spec on swap, does any dps with a tank/heal offspec have a rotation thats as simplistic? I really enjoy just mashin stuff as it comes off cd and not thinking too hard, I know its stupid but I can't help it

I like holy priest too but not shadow or disc so that's not really ideal

I really don't give a shit about new WoW.

Downloaded a private WotLK server, made my first Alliance character and am having a blast.

>Want to roll Draenei DK for RP
>People say WrA is better and to roll Horde
>Already had a good character motivation for Draenei
>At a lost now if I roll Horde

What do, Sup Forums? Should I go with Moonguard or WrA?

Demo Lock is fun, but with an insanely slow damage ramp up. (Which is by design). Not every class needs to play the same or fill the same roll.

I've been having a fun time on my Warlock, despite feeling like a slug.

We literally can't tell with being only less than a week in. Our judgement is too clouded by fun right now, we need to see if the fun lasts. If we're still having fun when the Kara patch comes out, then yeah I'd say it's worth it.

Not him but I haven't really been having issues as Ret, and I don't even have Ashes to Ashes yet.

moon guard alli is fine

I'm just curious, for those who main Ret Paladin, what draws you to it? Did you main it just to because they get Ashbringer? Or for RP purposes? I just can't see how you find it fun to play, or get any enjoy me out of it when your damage isn't nearly what it should be. I guess if you don't care about DPS then it doesn't matter, but you guys have like a five button rotation, and most of your talents aren't that great.

You seemed pretty excited to make a Draenai so just make a fucking Draenai, you don't always have to listen to the majority if it goes against what you wanted. It's pretty obvious you wanted a Draenai DK so make one, you don't have to go horde just because random strangers told you to do so.

Really? According to a few people it's full of SJW's and shit. Though I guess every place has it's faults. Thanks for clearing that up man.

>According to a few people it's full of SJW's and shit.

THat's not what you have to worry about in Moonguard

Yeah don't worry, I know about Goldshire.

Best healer for a brand new healer?

>Death Knights have gone from agents of the Scourge in their start to Horde/Alliance emissaries for the Ebon Hand right back around to Scourge agents using the good will they accrued over the last 4 expansions to do questionable things for Bolvar

We've come full circle, feels good being will-less.

WrA is actually better for Ally desu and theres tons of Draenei there. You'd have a blast like I am on my Draenei Warrior

I need help, guys. Someone mentioned performing a spell called "Apocalypse" with their warlock but I honestly don't see it listed. I got excited after I was flutzing about and saw a lock take down a group with a purple tinged aoe attack and was wondering what this was about. Does anyone know what I am speaking of?

you nyhm fag

Who the fuck would use SJWs as an argument against Moon Guard when Wyrmrest is even more guilty of being SJWs

At least MG SJWs are more likely to walk-up RP with you instead of requiring an application and a signed contract saying you won't attempt to kill their character before they'll RP with you

>FR Arms build
I always wanted carpal tunnel

You have an absurd daily grind to level up your fisher price legendaries, don't you? That shit is what made me quit WoD, there was jsut oo fucking much to do and me, being a spergerlord, just HAD to do it.

ret paladin are great

not as fun as warrior or DH but fun

Apocalypse is the unholy DK weapon, that also has a move called Apocalypse that blows fuckers up probably.

Maybe at level 110. Right now, I'm scouring areas looking for quests.

Also getting cucked by the 8 hour follower mission grind that I am stuck in.

>ret paladin
>"You are indeed the true Bringer of Ash!"

>that blows fuckers up
You have to grind/spec into it but the move summons several undead, that blow up.

It's better, WoD was just to bring Gul'Dan back to life.
Went with the monkey king to get his staff.
Now in the exodar because I found a Shiney stone.

alright the exploding part is further in.

The festering wounds popping and army spawning are baseline though.

god I wish I could

>Doing val'sharah and druid guy mentions once something gets corrupted its permanent and you can only put it out of its misery
I never throught WoW could actually shock me but there it is, feels fucking awful man, killing xavius every week for a year isn't gonna fix this

Man Azhuna was neat

Had some cool NPC bros

>tfw Prince backstory
>Azshara shows up
>Prince still tells her to go fuck herself

You're a gigantic faggot, stop spamming the threads with your draenei rping nonsense and make up your own mind.

I'm liking it so far, only problem is zone questing can get boring because I'm maining Ret Pally and it takes so damn long to kill anything. On Maiev connected servers we were having a discussion on politics in the LFG channel, was pretty good. Luckily you can break up the regular questing with your class hall and main story quests, so I haven't gotten bored of it yet.

Prince Farondis was great.
>escorting this guy
>ambush pops out
>prepare for battle
>nope, Prince Meteor storms the hell out of them
best escort quest.

Man, what's with this exp? Named characters drop like flies
>Tirion dies
>Varian dies
>Cenarius dies
>we kill Ysera
It seems Blizz gave up ob this game and kills everyone.


That nigga is on a fucking rampage. Khadgar tells you everything is fine, then Xavius shows up and shits on everything/everyone at the same time. Dude is fucking sick and the nightmare areas look fucking disturbing.

>Meteor storms all the mobs while running away for me
>All mobs die
>"Where'd you go!?"

Still love that he told Azshara to shove it even given the circumstances / backstory. Fucking hate that bitch

>caring about how much dps a class does

A lot of different media kills a lot of their name characters in order to add new ones. This is probably Blizz cleaning the slate a bit in order to add new shit later.

What is the best leveling/soloing druid spec?

Legitimately crying that pixels on a screen were corrupted by the nightmare and I had to kill them, the cutscene afterwards where she looks up to elune with her last dieing breath was too fucking much

Xavius was legit one of the most dangerous people of the War of the Ancients, so that's understandable.

Can someone recommend me a good high pop pvp server? (im alliance)

>Cenarius dies

He's the final boss in the Emerald Nightmare raid, it's not entirely impossible for blizz to pull some "you beat the corruption out of him!" bullshit by then.

RIP pretty much everyone else though.

Post mains

Not sure what to work on next, I have every class at 100, in some cases even more than one of the same class, but I can't come to a decision past my main.

Druid, Warlock or Rogue?

If you can't beat the corruption out of ysera in the heart of druid-dom with every major druid lore character present then no, nigga is gonna die.

Maybe elune will reincarnate them all, who knows

Lol wasn't Xavius that rare in felwood?

After reading through several legion threads, I found that 99% of people were talking about single player content. I hardly could see any people talk about how something that involved other people was fun.

If you don't want an mmo, go for it, I guess.

Plus it's not the first time he's died.

No, xavius is the first satyr and one of the most dangerous villains in all of warcraft lore, felwood is just filled with satyrs that worship him and have similar names.

No, Xavius was the first Night Elf who was turned into a satyr, a masssively powerful mage that sided with the legion.

A lot of things in Legion look good but the classes are so fucking boring to play now that I can't bring myself to resub.

I played prot paladin/Fire Mage/Warrior for last 3-4 expansions , which should I focus on this expansion or should I just use my boost on something else?

>tfw old wage slave
>only had a few hours to play Legion so far

I managed to do 2 artifact line and man did they range in quality

Frost DK was fucking dope, good lore and questline, literally reforge Frostmourne and reanimate the Four Hourseman because fuck you that's why

Balance druid was a fucking joke. Some 16 year old edgelord stole the Scythe of Elune out of my hand and ran to Karazan. Then I had to play detective in Deadwind pass for 10 minutes even though he said he was going to Karazan

>Can't play anymore until Saturday evening

Xavius is arguably more powerful than Gul'dan. He was one of the most powerful mages of his time, back when mages were 100 times more powerful than they are now.

Rogue for top tier PVE dps

Druid for literally everything else

He's got that old god power too with the Emerald Nightmare too.

The shadowpriest

Unless something happened, Xavius powerlevel kicks the everloving shit out of gul'dan, nigga was not only one of the most powerful mages to ever exist, but he got a whole bunch of legion powers and can corrupt even gods.

The shadowpriest artifact has you exploring a sunken old god temple in tirisfal, shit was dope.

I said arguably because Gul'dan has been changed from "pretty strong warlock" in WC2 to an almost godlike warlock in Legion

Should i go miner or am I being memed on?

Smthy i mean

Gul'dan is and always has canonically been the most powerful mortal (so BL demons dont count) warlock that's ever lived.

Hes definitely the strongest warlock to ever exist, but his powers are still essentially given to him by the legion, xavius was already basically the strongest even before the legion showed up.

>everyone complaining destrolocks don't do damage
>been top DPS in heroics

So do you not understand the rotation or what? Maybe your talents suck? It's fucking incredible and feels damn fluid.

Haven't bought Legion yet, but I'm currently Lvl 90 so once I ding to 100 I think I'll get it.

I'm on WrA for RP, but I was wondering if its at all worth it to transmog before I get some good end game gear. I don't want to constantly have to shovel gold into the hands of those mummies.

With all this viking shit, you'd think Warrior's would have gotten a spear or a rounded shield.

I don't mind the sword, but the shield is ugly. Not a single good looking Round shield in the game either. God, I hope there's a Vrykul themed skin in the future.

I thought Xavius was turned into a tree like the bad guy in Fern Gully

He got better

No, wait for max level

If he was then he had 10,000 years and old gods/demons to escape

I think the Spriest artifact is one of the coolest lorewise. it just sucks that it's a dagger and nothing is said about the offhand you gain when equipping it.

U niggas realize we were fighting the shade of xavius, not the main nigga himself, he is like elune tier stronk

>Legion ends in a cliffhanger where Sargeras comes to Azeroth but doesn't want to fight
>new expansion: The Old Gods
>turns out Sargeras wasn't truly corrupted, it was his master plan
>he was gathering power for the final battle using all means
>you team up with Sarge and kill the old gods once and for all
>expansion ends with a cliffhanger where you get a warning signal from Ulduar
>new expansion: Titan
>the titans come to Azeroth to reset the whole planet due to all the corruption and shit
>you have to defeat the whole titan pantheon to protect your buddy, Sarge
>expansion ends with UNDERSTANDING

There are primarily two ways to go about content in terms of enemy difficulty.
The first is by having low level areas and high level areas.
Normally you level up and unlock the ability to go to high level areas without getting wrecked.
Being able to go onto the next area with the stronger enemies feels earned.
You can go back to the low level areas and beast any content you skipped and feel powerful.

The other way is level scaling enemies so no matter where you go and what you do you don't feel like you are making any real progress at all.
That is what they decided to do for legion.
Leveling up doesn't really unlock skills, you're just dumping weapon points into your weapon that mostly just makes the few skills they haven't removed from the game more powerful.
I'm surprised they didn't just make all 5 zones level 100, say they weren't increasing the level cap to the dumb sounding number of 110 and instead just flat out said, "You are leveling up weapons to make your characters stronger".
Considering how much shit you need to feed them to make them any good and that they allow you to get multiple they should just make it so the weapons change with your spec and are thus just as powerful as the others you have.

But I do get Vancleef's daughter as my personal slave so I shouldn't really be complaining.

I don't like the shield either. Thank god i'm horde and have some decent shit to match the sword.

Apparently the off-hand contains a bunch of secret shit that the dagger told to a human woman who owned it, and the tome became the inspiration for the cult of forgotten shadow that forsaken priests belong to.

Already got a Vengeance DH to 110. What do I level next?

>Feral Druid
>Balance Druid
>Destro Lock
>Frost DK
>Survival Hunter

I think the implication was that the book you hold is more or less a diary of the various wielders over the ages judging by the flavour text

We fight the real deal in the raid

Dubs and i will resub.

I'm planning a B.Elf female alt, what face plate you guys recommend ?