Webm thread

Keep it vidya

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the time to kill on battlefield 1 is dogshit

>Having to put that many bullets into someone for them to die


you really think this deserved a webm? This is fucking shit lol

bc 1 took a whole clip to kill, it was insane.

What the fuck is even going on? monkeys jumping left and right from everywhere


these are always cool


i was waiting for his head to get smashed by the door


Gears Of War 4.

metro was pretty comfy

yeah I really want a third game

more metro pls

Jesus that aim is horrible, AND you're playing on PC. I have better aim than that when I play Memebox One.

Not worthy of a webm at all kek

Is this 2033? or last light and is it the shitty redux version?

>that feeling when arriving at a safe station after battling monsters and nazis
Maximum comfiness.

its redux last light with reshade

>webms are things of glory

i dont get it

2033 original looked better than 2033 redux

I know this is petty but I really fucking hate the hud icons like the hand. It just looks awful, makes me feel like I'm on windows 98.


>everyone is black
>everyone has a machine gun
I thought this was World War 1


It's WW1 in 2016.
Need I remind you that some shitty game journalism show said there should be playable female characters in it.






>every single person is black


>tfw no more gif threads


What game?

Is that WE WUZ field?

Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

>Guy was already 110% unarguably dead from having three huge barrels rammed through the back of his head

>still fires multiple times just to make a mess


you're just the worst.

>triggered by black people

>a whole clip to kill

is wild ever coming out? im on the fence about a ps4 and i want that game and spidey. i also need a bluray player, so im not sure if i should keep waiting


Man, all I can tell you is my experience with a PS4 fucking sucked. I got it on launch. The 2 whole games on it sucked, it needed to update a thousand things every day, and could never connect, and the pad sucked ass.
Honestly I think by now, the exclusives could probably be worth it. I just wish we didn't have to have this chokehold bullshit.

This webm

>tfw its not October.

Aside from the shitty textures here and there, this looks pretty good

until dawn is getting cheaper every day, so i might get that and play it with my non video game friends.

is infamous 1 playable on ps4? i should still have it on my account after psn got hacked and everyone got it for free

>it's been years in the making and this is still the best vr headsets have to offer

I almost sorry for people who were stupid enough to get suckered into pissing away $800 on one of those things.



I never fell for the Xbone or Origin memes so I didn't play 1.
Do you think they're gonna make it more like 1 before release? Cause my Xbot friend was complaining it's too slow and different.

You know I'm pretty sure it is.

No buyer's remorse desu

I love it people copy silly shit you do online.

tfwn giant qt snake gf

They increased player movement speed during the second half of the tech test.


I was gonna answer but then you abused the word meme like Chris Brown abused that woman he beat up so instead go fuck yourself.

wut gaem.


thanks. that game would be pretty sweet to play again. i get the feeling spidey is only a timed exclusive, but i dont want to have to wait. wild might never come out, but im not even interested in it as a game. i have a giantess fetish. i could care less that shes a snake

that look over the shoulder got me good.

i know that feel


Gears of War is great.




Xbox owner detected

this game should have been bigger no? looks awesome

since i cant post webms with sound, have this. its too good not to share


How about the grappling speed cos that shit in the webm is glacial.

UNTIL DAWN? Are you fucking kidding me?

That game was HORRIBLE. Do not waste your time on that shit. Thought you were smarter than that Sup Forums

That was cringey as fuck. Negged

A 360 yes, not an xbone, that DRM shit was inexcusable. If I buy a console this generation I'm getting a PS4.

Not sure. Grapple speed is combined with your own movement speed. The guy doing that grapple had no momentum, so the grapple was trying to spin up.
Grapple is easily one of the funnest things I've seen in an FPS in a while. It adds so many movement possibilities. You can Tarzan your way out of danger with a good jump and a grapple hook aimed at the ceiling.

You must have to perform some pretty impressive mental gymnastics to stop yourself from being completely overwhelmed with buyers remorse. Still, ignorance is bliss and whatnot. Enjoy your jobs simulator and infinite tech demos.

if i an find it for cheap i might pick it up. its a pretty hard might. the ps4 will probably be a blu ray player for me above all else, until spidey.

i only have like 4 blu rays anyway. if i get the a blu ray player, i might get the battlestar galactica collection

>mental gymnastics
It's called "loosen up and have some fun"

UD is pretty good if you like horror movies, it's leagues better than any Telltale game.

>tfw i google this
>its true

i do like horror movies. mostly slashers. oculus might be my favorite. it follows didnt do much for me, but i keep talking about it, which i dont do for most horror movies. go see dont breathe. all the evil deads are good in their own right.

i didnt like the witch and i dont know why people fucking love stranger things so much. i just thought it was pretty good, not instant cult worship good

>demo reels
It still bugs me why it's so bad.

Maybe when the vr game library stops being a literal fucking joke then I will 'loosen up and have some fun'. Until then, I'm keeping my shekels.

Holy shit this is beautiful

Is this the south pole? Why are the stars rotating like that?


its just a skybox and its fnv

>how world war I didn't work
Should I get Verdun for a more accurate experience or is it just the same shit
Why can't there be RO2 but in WWI

Not him but I am someone so jaded with gaming (mostly BF1's reveal being a long time BF fan) and nostalgic that I am plunking down $150 for Rez Infinite hardcopy and soundtrack/interviews with devs, and a PS4 (neo) and possibly the PSVR headset.

I want to go back. Thank goodness for Dreamcast comfiness, but I wish I could learn how to stream it and whether I'd get slapped with DMCAs.

This, WWI has such potential for a RO2-like game
It already has artillery barrages, trenches, could easily have gas attacks, bolt actions, and PTSD

What is this? Sorry if its so obvious. I'm pretty much under a rock.

wut game

Rainbow Six Siege


>Betrayer is a first person action adventure game that takes you to the New World at the turn of the 17th century. The year is 1604. You sailed from England expecting to join a struggling colony on the coast of Virginia.


>Instead, you find only ghosts and mysteries.


Yeah because THAT is what would break 'imersion' and make the game shitty.

Thank you.

>defending shoehorning

fuck you, it's detrimental to any form of art