One Piece: Burning Blood

It's on Steam now.
Who's your main?

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One Piece babes are best babes.

Everyone with boobs


How is this game? Never bought any OP games before and this one looks sort of interesting.

Do they have pre-timeskip Franky?


This totally gets me hard.

>still no nude mods

>load up burning blood since I havent played in awhile
>Sanji can't just casually combo into his heavy guard break anymore

Well fuck, my one ace in the whole is ruined.

Was Hancock raped? During her flashback of being enslaved and branded she mentioned hating men due to the horrible things they did to her back then. I never knew if that was the author's subtle way of saying she was violated or she was just referring to the branding.

Lucci and Caesar when?

Seems pretty obvious user.

They mentioned it alot. A shame because green snek grill a cute but you know she hates all men.

use your imagination user

Who cares about those two.
When is the real hero being released.


This shit will probably be dead in one month's time.


fuck off and make a street fighter thread you stupid fag

That's why I won't bother. However I will torrent it when a repack with all the dlc comes along and fap to Hancock

No hate bro I love One Piece I'm just stating the obvious.

Honestly the game is not that good, you don't miss anything if you don't get it.

Or pirate, do the fuck you want.

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel.

Nice copypasta

How is he in charge of shit games being shit and unpopular?

Lucci - Soon

Caeser - December

I'll be playing in December, naturally.


Is there any way to get Afro Luffy if you missed the preorder?

The answer will make or break my purchase.

>Tfw can't even start One Piece games until I get further into the Anime

I have one piece warriors and I'm only on episode 44 of the anime.

They take like 3 episodes to start 1 battle out of 3

dose this game have a model viewer

drop the anime it sucks

manga is good

i do both fuck off

>a shitty fighter for the FG"""C"""
whats that one musou peope post with Ghost Perona?
Is that one coming to PC?

>until I get further into the Anime
How are there still people that do this? How come in everyone One Piece thread there is that one person that still watches the anime? It baffles me that people still do this.

I want to stick a dick in that ghost.

look at this fag

Is this the game that's trying to be like naruto storm series

Then how will I hear this?

How are the graphic options? I bet they are barebones as fuck.

dont mind him he is probably one of those idiots from Sup Forums that thinks streaming is bad too

By listening to the video you just linked.

What's wrong with the anime? I've watched 4 seasons and I love it.

You're at what, Enies Lobby? That's the beginning of the end, m8. Get ready for 0.5 chapters per episode.

the only think i can think is some bad looking stills thay take and think everything is like that

Can someone explain to me how the fuck is Garp supposedly so goddamn strong? All he does is punch very hard.
No martial arts, no DF power, just his fist and Haki. How is that even balanced?

i want the game people post on here that actually looks good

I heard you can buy them on console, so probably at some point.

I only read the manga but I still think you're a faggot. Let the man enjoy the series any way he likes.

There's no defense against a fist of love

Shit that's exactly where I'm at.

The anime is better than the manga until episode 330 or so, then it has a steady decline animation wise. Even the new filler is complete shit whereas the old filler was awesome.

its not so bad on the couple hundred episodes I'll admit

but animation and pacing get really bad after a certain point

She got raped.

Hancock's "thing" is she's 30 (old hag by anime standards), used goods, a bitch, but after all the horrible shit that she went through she's still an innocent girl in love.


cool options

Ghost fuck?

I'm going Barto all day every day. Perona can be his underling in my team.

what's the musou name and is it coming to PC

You know guy(s), I think it might be in the OP.

this is a shitty fighter, not a mouso


Is this shit unplayable on a keyboard?


Timeskip is kill.

The manga is recovering in the latest arcs, but now the anime has gotten to a point that even after leaving the shit hole purgatory that was Dressrosa the quality is still ass.

My mistake, what you want is Pirate Warriors 3.

Dressrosa was so lame and drawn out. It forced me to dislike Donflamingo as a result.

>Pirate Warriors 3
das it
im gonna check Steam tomorrow for this one

I would assume so, it's a 3D fighter with this strange perspective. It feels weird with a controller.

You'd get used to it though I guess.

I haven't liked the manga since fishman island ended. The entire time barely any time has passed if you look at what they've done on paper. It's been a couple of days.

I missed when One Piece felt like a journey and not this infinite stamina beat em up crap.

>I would assume so
>It feels weird with a controller


The game was made with controller in mind and it already feels weird playing with one, so one assumes it would be even worse on keyboard. Get it?

wait this one doesn't have Perona?

Where the hell are the Perona games?

Thanks babe

PW3 has perona. That game is actually fun, this one isn't.

>That game is actually fun
Decent at best. They did a terrible job with boss fights. A bit too shallow to be too enjoyable.

i noticed in the reviews they used the PS3 version, or did they (mods) fix it now?

Apparently, no denuvo. Will buy as soon as I get paid, missed the pre-order bonus already, so no point in rushing now. Community won't die in a week, right?
How's grafix and performance? And will 360 controller suffice?

I'm waiting to get it, but how is my boy brook in the game?

well oda coulve played the "nobles dont fuck dirty slaves" card if he didnt introduce them with a lot of slave wives. now its too late.
most beautiful teen girl in the world. i doubt they were playing chess with her.
but its one piece where sex is unexistant so who knows.

fuck off

My cutscene's are lagging and the voices become out of sync, but in game runs fine.
Anyone else experiencing this?

Important question.

Which One Piece girl has the best armpits?

Probably Perona, but Rebecca probably has some sexy teen armpits too

Not all old fillers were good. Only ones I believe as good are G8 arc and one episode after Arabasta when Robin had joined in and "teases" Chopper for his cuteness while making coffee casually.

Pictured one of the bad old fillers. Only thing worse is the one with fucking memory eating amnesia seahorse.


I just don't get it and this is coming from someone with a foot fetish.

I don't know why I like it either but I do.

Perona is 25 though (23 during Thriller Bark arc).


Why does every child in a One Piece filler have either the most punchable face or the most punchable personality?

Because kids are dicks, with or without a dick between their legs.



Plot element of a TV special slowed down her aging/prolonged her life for roughly 200 years, because scientist daddy didn't want her to die to an incurable disease.

So she's really only 6 years old.

Plot element of a TV special slowed down her aging/prolonged her life for roughly 200 years, because scientist daddy didn't want her to die to an incurable disease.

So she's really only 6 years old.

That's a bit heavy for a plot device, even for One Piece filler shit. Then again, this DOES tie into a movie with Oda's treatment all over, so it's hard to say where this flies.

Just shup up and fap.

My spirit is willing and my dick is hard

How big will they be at the end of One Piece?

As big as New World hail.

Have you ever wondered how they get fresh milk in the middle of the ocean?

Expect for Rebecca of course.

Nobody likes Rebecca.


Sasy you.

Nah she's pure