Why don't you like your games DRM free?

Why don't you like your games DRM free?

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I have multiple games in my gog account.
I also torrent the installer to play the game before I play.

*before I buy

I rather have a license than nothing.

>implying you can't download installers for all your gog games and keep them on your HDD/burn them on DVDs
>implying that wouldn't let you play those games even ten years after gog has gone out of existence

I do, its just that the only two games I've bought in the past 4 years have had drm.

I do. I use steam due to simple convenience (cheap prices, cloud saves, screenshots without the need to install shit like FRAPS) and the community. For me, the DRM layer of Steam isn't even noticeable, since I always play with Steam running, so I don't even consider it as one.

There's literally no point in using gog. Their prices are shit, their services are shit, the community is shit. Might as well simply pirate games, if you want free shit or buy them off sites like G2A if you want to own shit for dirt cheap and don't give a shit about the Steam community.

I don't particularly care one way or the other as long as the DRM isn't intrusive or obtuse.
I'll avoid shit like Ubisofts horseshit, EA's hot garbage and w/e else like that.

Steam is fine because it's convenient and offers a lot more atop of DRM.

Beacsuse steam has games that gog dont

I do, I prefer getting games through gog and am trying to move away from my steam account.

I don't want to support CDPR if I can help it.

I don't support gog and prefer Steam myself, but there's literally nothing wrong with CDPR. learn to differentiate between the company and the rabid, retarded fanbase.

The company is a lying, shitty, AAA console dev.

I do though, I pirate all my gog games, and anything else, including all the good 6th gen systems, especially PSP and DS, and now the Shita and 3ds

Reminder that piracy is encouraged on Sup Forums

You don't want to sorry a cancerous industry do you?

>>implying that wouldn't let you play those games even ten years after gog has gone out of existence
There are already massive problems with getting a lot of games from the last decade to run properly on new OSes and hardware, and you think you'll be able to play any of this shit in a few decades? Good luck

At least I'll have them. You can always install Win7, XP or even 98 if nothing else works.
Also there may be some old OS emulators in the future. Or things like DOSBox, but for old Win systems.

i do i've been trying to buy every good game i find on gog.

Devs always abandon the GoG verson of thir games.

>Steam community
You almost had me going there for a second

I try to avoid buying on steam when I can.

>It's Ok When Valve Does It - The Post

>doesn't intrude
>has tons of good games
>Is widely used
Damn right it's ok when Valve does it.

Steam, Origin and uPlay are literally the same thing. If you like Valve's DRM dick up your ass there is no reason to not like EA's or Ubisoft's DRM dick up your ass, too.

There are plenty of games on Steam that you just need it to download them and then can be ran right from the folder or even moved to a completely different folder and ran without even needing Steam installed.

I've never heard of anything like that with UPlay or Origin.

And then there's the whole thing about not wanting to have a million different programs for games. Steam was the first one and people are going to want to use it rather than UPlay or Origin for a handful of games.

>Valve was the first to force DRM dick up my ass
>Therefore I will always take Valve dick up my ass

>Valve was the first to force DRM dick up my ass
What are CD keys and all the other DRM methods used years before Steam was a thing.

But yeah, Steam was first to the game with a game client store thing and people aren't going to want to install 5 other programs for a negligible amount of other games.

But by all means give your money to GoG and fund CDPR's future shitty console games.

This is the biggest answer, really. GOG would be a serious contender if they had a more current library.

But i do.

>And then there's the whole thing about not wanting to have a million different programs for games.
>Steam was the first one and people are going to want to use it rather than UPlay or Origin for a handful of games.
Steam is what caused all of those different programs to exist. Why should EA or Ubisoft give Valve a 30% cut of sales for doing absolutely nothing when they could keep that cut to themselves?

Without Steam, Origin and UPlay wouldn't exist because PC gaming would still be what it used to be instead of console gaming for retards with PC hardware.

CD Keys work forever. I can still install Doom 3, STALKER, Prey, FEAR, Call of Juarez and all the other great shooters that came out in the mid 2000s before Steam ruined the PC AAA industry. Doesn't matter what happened to the publishers of those games. Doesn't matter if I have an internet connection.
I can not install Half Life 2 without contacting Valve servers and having access to the Steam account I originally registered it to 12 years ago.
How is that convenient?

>You can always install Win7, XP or even 98 if nothing else works.
No you fucking can't. Try finding Windows 98 drivers for anything that's not ancient.


>How is that convenient?
Come back when your CDs become unusable and see how convenient that is.


I case you don't want your gog library to look like this.

>Why don't you like your games DRM free?
But i do. I am only shopping from GOG after steam tried to pull off that paid mods bullshit.

And they've been bringing a lot of awesome games to the GOG store.

Pressed optical discs last 50-100years. A lot longer than anything you buy from Steam, Origin ur uPlay

Stalker SoC had Starforce. Not sure about the others. If Steam didn't exist most games that use Steamworks would have some form of third party DRM and not just CD keys. You'd have shit like Starforce, Securerom, GFWL, etc. Some games do use separate DRM too but most just use Steamworks. That and like I said below, Steam attracts more devs to PC, so without it you wouldn't have as many games being released.

>Why should EA or Ubisoft give Valve a 30% cut of sales for doing absolutely nothing when they could keep that cut to themselves?
Not saying they should but nobody is going to want to use them instead of Steam since for the consumer it's pointlessly splitting their game library up.

>PC gaming would still be what it used to be instead of console gaming for retards with PC hardware
It would have went that way regardless. Maybe Steam is partially responsible for making it somewhat easier but plenty of games on PC now would not exist without Steam. Both console ports and native PC games. I don't know exactly why as Steam games are easily piratable but publishers and developers like it. It's a hell of a lot better than all kinds of third party DRM like Securerom and Starforce, though at this point they're basically just getting stacked.

In any case developers and publishers like consoles more than PC so even if Steam never existed there wouldn't really be any difference, except that there would probably be even less games on PC.

Why do you pay for cracked games?

>But by all means give your money to GoG and fund CDPR's future shitty console games.

Because steam is so full of quality games, right? Oh, these marvelous, sophisticated gaming gems like, say, Galatcic Hitman or Dinner Date...

How do you take those big screenshots of your libraries?

I have some games altar are both on steam and rebought on gog. Literally no difference

>2$ pieces of plastic last 100 years
Of course they do, especially if you have to put them in every time you want to play or install something.

>Literally no difference
Now that is simply not true.
There is plenty of difference and everyone who's been gaming for a while can tell you that. The only people who won't see a difference are the console peasants since they don't know what they are doing.

I'd jump to GoG but Steam has a hundred times more games. It sucks but can't win them all.

>quantity over quality

They're not perfect. They promised mod tools for Witcher 3 and then didn't deliver.

How does that change anything?

nice meme

>Steam has a hundred times more games

...aaaand 99.5% of them are pile of watery nigger shit.

Quantity != quality

Starforce did not use online authentication back then. Only a couple years after Steam was released.


>people were shitting on HL2 12 years ago because of the always online DRM (Steam) and the fact that full game wasn't even on the fucking discs, you had to download the rest from Steam
>now people don't even wanna buy a PC game if it's not on Steam

I don't even remember the last AAA game that didn't have this bullshit. I bought Max Payne 3 five years ago and still had to make a Rockstar account (which got hacked since then) to download patches for the damn thing.

I meant the drm, it does nothing. If anything steam is much easier to use especially for playing with friends

Still better quality than steam.
Which is, frankly, not a big achievement, since things you can find in a septic tanks are better quality than steam library

So you're saying you would rather use Starforce than Steam? Even with Steam games that don't require Steam to play?

Also I just looked it up and SoC used Tages, not Starforce. CS used Tages everywhere but Russia, where it used Starforce. CoP used Securerom. And all of them required a disc check too according to PCGamingWiki.

TW3 retail didn't have any DRM.

Woah, what's with the hate towards Steam
Does DRM trigger you that much

I do like my games DRM free. When publishers figure that out, I'll also spend more than rental prices for games too.

You can't play Killing Floor co-op on GoG

If you enjoy a gabens cock in your throat... well, it's none of my bussiness how you spend your free time, but then have enough balls to admit that you are just a fag

I already get them DRM-free on Steam


Nice one
That one won't come off for a week at least

>Because steam is so full of quality games, right?
It is, you fucking mongoloid. 99.9% of games that matter are on Steam. Every major release worth a shit is on Steam, be it an AAA game or a simply good indie game. The fact that Steam has shitloads of shit games by virtue of being the most popular digital distribution platform has nothing to do with the amount of quality games it has.

And thanks god for that. "Zombie survival horror" shit is a fucking cancer thats killing a FPS co-op games


Give me an address of your drug dealer. I want some of that shit which you are taking. Must be some strong stuff!

Fuck off valvecuck

No achievements.

u can epik games like undertqale on steam tho xD

It's not like he's wrong. 99% of the PC games that matter really *are* on Steam.

no it's not fuck off you fucking retard

"It's not" what? Do you even bother aiming for coherence anymore?

ITT: buttdevastated potatoshills. Enjoy your shit platform nobody gives two shits about due to shit community, shit service and nogames.

The fact that Steam has shitloads of shitty games only shows that every dev and their dog tries to put their game on Steam first and foremost, because it's the best distribution platform. The presence of shitty games on Steam does not detract anyone from enjoying the actually good ones, 99.9% of which end up on Steam.

Yes, they are, you retarded shill.

suck more gayben cock
how are you going to play your steam games when valve shuts down

>sukk on gabes cock
>fuck off nigger
>fuck off faggot
>fuck off retard
>fuck off cuck
>fuck fuck fuck
Clearly, the GOG community has the superior reasoning prowess.

Seriously, I don't even know what your problem is. It's not like you can't use both. I use GOG for games that aren't on Steam, for example.


But I do. I always choose GOG over Steam if I can.

and this is the average steam user
fucking kill yourself kid

>how are you going to play your steam games when valve shuts down
This is actually a good question. Seriously, I have no clue how I'm going to play my games decades after I'm dead and buried.

>Paying for ancient as fuck abandoneware

Yes goyim use gog, it's morally correct.

It used to be a website dedicated to selling "Good Old Games", then it became Poor Man's Steam.

At least Steam actually has users.

Like I do now when I'm not connected to Valve's servers?

You have problems dude. There's literally retards on anything that lets you make a profile.

So did their Galaxy client actually go anywhere or is it still unfinished?

I use Steam for the games, not for the other users.

I don't need them to be DRM free.

I think GOG are aware that they can't compete with Steam, which is why they tried to create their own corner with old games as the focus.

>Good OLD Games
>Have new games

trickery and deceit!

They also have bad old games and bad new games, so it's double deceit!

>offline mode meme
only works as long as you never reinstall your OS, never buy a new HDD/SSD and never try to install the games you paid good money for on a different PC. For all of those things you need to authenticate with Valve servers.

gog has users too you dumb stupid nigger
gog is comprised of enlightened gamers like me unlike your undertale furry faggot

I think it's still in Beta. But it gets updates, and it works fine to use. Not as polished as Steam, but it's still pretty good.

You seem to think that selling Undertale is something that makes Steam inferior to GOG. I hope you're sitting down now: GOG sells Undertale too.

Everything I like is great

Everything you like is terrible

I like your mom.

Literally all of my friends and "gaming-buddies" I don't actually know IRL are on Steam. Unless gog becomes more popular for some reason and people start jumping ship by the tens of thousands, there's zero reason to switch for most people, since only autists care about muh DRM, which is evident by the low popularity of gog.

you and your "friends" have shit taste
enjoy your rental games

Steam isn't drm though.

you know there are ways to communicate with people other than Steam.
If you only communicate with people via Steam they aren't your friends.