Who will be the endboss Sup Forums?
>inb4 Sargeras
Who will be the endboss Sup Forums?
>inb4 Sargeras
paralyzing boredom
i think its kerne
Kil'Jaeden with legs. Blizzard is going to milk WoW for all its worth, can't have Sargeras quite yet because there needs to be yet another Legion expansion!
Help, I'm about to buy Legion.
What can I do to stop myself?
Consider how WOD turned out in the end even though people were hyping it out at release
Legion already has more *quality* content at launch than WoD all expac cycle so thats not even an argument.
But WoD was bad becaude Blizzard pulled the plug to work on legion
Anyone else having troubles with beginning legion?
>Do scenario in the beginning
>Get logged out 80% through
>come back later
>Asks me if I want to do it or skip it
>Takes me to Dalaran
>Little guy beckons me to thrall
>thrall offers no quests
>don't see shit so teleport out
>board offers no quest
>adventure guide nothing
>can't find out what to do
>can't get to dalaran by karazhan
Fucking Christ man
I know that it won't happen but I want to fight all the big name characters that died.
I bound my hearth to the Skyfire when it's above SW harbor. Now I fall out of the sky whenever I hearth along with Rogers and Genn.
Kaelthas. Sargeras dies in a cutscene.
Illidan, supercharged with demonblood. We break his mind control in the fight, and he uses the power to nuke Sargeras.
Is this game boring or is it just me? I just hit level 104 and I have no more will to level
The combat is godawful boring you only press 2-5 buttons. I force myself most of the time to justify my purchase.
or is it because my class is boring but the other class are fun? playing brew monk atm
>levelling as a tank
Had a lot of fun with my blood dk
You think they won't do it again?
>Who will be the endboss Sup Forums?
Depends on the player loss that will hit next month
At this point i fully expect Jaina to turn into a Necromancer and revive Arthas
wow's tab target 2 sec gcd combat is dogshit
didnt frostmourne eat his soul or some shit? not that it would stop blizz if they wanted to bring him back.
at least the night looks ok again and they no longer go full retard with brightening everything up
>didnt frostmourne eat his soul or some shit?
Sylvanas met him in hell/void or whatever she was when she committed suicide before the Valkyr saved her asses. Like you said if they want him back they will find a way
He's in Hell. When Sylvanas died she saw him.
>time and space travel
how do Blizzard fans eat this up nowadays
Man, I don't know. All I know is that Uther was in two places at once during Wrath of the Lich King so the Frostmorune sword is a fuck all thing.
>time and space travel
They dont as seen with WoD
>inb4 Sargeras
Think about it:
>It's about exploring a new land, and fighting the Mogu and Mantids
>Oh wait it's actually about fighting yet another evil Horde of orcs that is loyal to a Hellscream, this time with advanced weapons
>It's about fighting yet another evil Horde of orcs that is loyal to a Hellscream, this time with advanced weapons
>Oh wait it's actually about fighting Gul'dan and the Legion
>It's about fighting Gul'dan and the Legion
They're gonna make another asspull turnaround that will connect Legion to the next expansion. Not to mention that Broken Isles is already close to the place where N'zoth turned Night Elves into the Naga.