>post yfw a Deus Ex remake inevitably gets announced
Post yfw a Deus Ex remake inevitably gets announced
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Eidos Montreal will work on a full on remake of Deus Ex after they finish the current storyline with Adam Jensen, it's inevitable.
I'll probably buy it, but like every Deus Ex game past the first one, I'll just ignore the story.
Your approval for the deus ex remake will be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the developers.
I take it they were available?
I would jizz my pants. Even if it's just the original game with modern skins + voice acting
And it will take another 5 years to make.
They didn't really have a choice.
port it to ue4 already
I'd enjoy a remake. The first one hasn't aged the best and a remake with HR/MD's engine and mechanics would be really good.
Have they been funded?
After Mankind Divided, I actually trust the current dev team to handle Deus Ex 1 well so I'd be ecstatic
What are you trying to say mankind divided was actually good you fucking shill supporting cliffhangered cut up games ?
nah, won't happen, they know what kind of baccklash of vocal minority it's going to cause
what may happen is a side story set in 2052
They said Deus Ex Mankind Divided would be the start of a trilogy, I went into the game expecting a cliffhanger just like I expected one in Mass Effect 1
I mean it's 2016, come on
Human Revolution would be the start of the trilogy. And ME1 didn't have a cliffhanger.
Maybe not so much a cliffhanger, more like you knew the story would continue, even if no one had told you it would be a trilogy
So can I save Miller AND the billionaires AND stop the bombing?
I asked this yesterday in another thread and was surprised that the overall consensus is that Eidos respects the original to the point where a remake would actually be welcomed.
As long as the gameplay is like fucking a potato and everybody does not look like one, I'm fine.
They specifically said Deus Ex Universe was the beginning of a trilogy starting with Mankind Divided.
*as long as the gameplay is not
Yes, do Miller, delegates, and then marchenko. Literally just beat it.
What do you mean "do miller"? He's dead once he gives me the details.
>no skills
>simple health bar that regens
>cover system
>melee weapons replaced with SICK NASTY BUTTON = AWESOME takedowns
>getting the dragon's tooth just changes the lethal takedown animations
>map sizes cut in half due to consoles
>kids will be conveniently absent from the game so you won't be able to kill them
can't wait :^)
what is wrong with fucking a potato
You gotta find the jammer too maybe? I don't think so.
Oh well, I meant talk to him. Is he dead? He just laid there for me after he said to go help them.
Yea, once I went back after the delegates I wanted to check up on Miller on my way to Marchenko but he was kill.
They can say that, but you can't really claim that Human Revolution wasn't part of this trilogy.
>no one knows you can save Miller by giving him the antidote
Seriously, no one knows. Check the achievement stats.
Id rather they make a game in the same period of the original, not playing as Denton.
Ideally i want to play as Walter Simons, rising the ranks, doing the dirty work for Page as he secures power at the top.
If they ever do it they'll have to cut the game in half.
No thanks.
This...could actually work. I'd be an interesting perspective while Denton is somewhere else ruining Page's plans.
To be honest, it won't be the worst thing in the world. Mechanically it's a little "outdated" and some of the level design is clunky thanks to the lack of the engine at the time being able to do things like circular geometry well.
Well then it's a quadrilogy then
I hope that rather than a straight remake, they do Pauls story.
I also hope they eventually get to coming back to the Invisible War setting and story, which were both ok and full of great ideas (the actual game parts were what sucked).
Oh no. I won't be able to kill kids. Dropped!
It won't. Too many modern FPS engines focus on smaller levels. I doubt even UE4 would handle original Deus Ex sized levels so it'd have to be cut into annoying little chunks like the PS2 version.
>MD has a single hub
>people think they'd remake a game the size of Deus Ex in this day and age
I'd be happy with a remake.
The original makes my eyes bleed
I doubt SquareEnix will care if they think it'll make money. Hopefully the Eidos devs either work some magic and make it possible or do a different perspective to avoid butchering the original game's content.
Name one "remake" that was actually good and didnt "update" the gameplay to a point where it negated everything that made the original special in the first place
crack when?
>tfw want to buy Mankind Divided
>heard of performance issues, but counter-arguments say it's mainly MSAA being a bitch
>haven't really heard complaints about gameplay, so I guess it must still be solid
Eh, I'll wait until it goes on sale or see a good deal on GMG or something.
They'll remake it and split it into three releases.
That's terror.
The announcement for the Deus Ex remake will be uploaded within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the developers.
I take it they were agreeable?
They didn't really have a choice.
Have they been rushed to deadline?
Fuck me I suppose I should have gone for the bank instead.
Most certainly, when I mentioned I could put them on the priority list for promotion from unpaid intern to minimum wage they were so willing it was almost pathetic.
But if they remade it they could fix all of the issues with DX1 and also introduce the unatco storyline.
If they introduced anything new fans of the original would piss themselves and cry that they weren't "respecting the source material".
It's sad but you know it's true.
But they'd still have the original if they wanted the original experience.
Black Mesa, Pokémon leafgreen and firered, Final Fantasy III and IV, and Resident Evil to gamecube comes to mind.
You're preaching to the choir. But for some reason when remakes are announced people both expect a game that's exactly the same as the original but also better in every way. They don't realize that you can't have both.
For some reason I wasn't really hyped at all for this game. I expected just a rehash of HR. But fuck me if the game isn't even better than HR. The sidemissions overall are better, outside of the one dealing with the cop in HR.
Age of Empires II HD Edition
It has to happen, right? They'll get to that point eventually and it's gonna be a shitstorm of complaining when they do.
I guarantee one of the complaints will be that there are no working mirrors.
Pokemon HG/SS
MGS3: Subsistence
Animal Crossing
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Super Castlevania IV
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei
DOOM (not really a remake though)
DuckTales Remastered
The Legend of Zelda HD series
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (love it or hate it it didn't hurt the gameplay)
Super Mario All-Stars
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Is this what Icarus actually looked like
That would be great if they don't change much of the story. But come on, the current graphics are an eye sore.
Yep. Daedalus was a shadowy figure, Icarus was the ever watchful eye.
The nu-DX team making a new game with all (ALL) of the story assets of DX1 would legitimately be great.
you forgot
>the addition of gameplay instead of bland resource management
>modern VA
fucking idiot
>MGS3: Subsistence
Not a remake. It's a re-release that added a few things.
>Super Castlevania IV
It's an entirely new game. It just happens to borrow the general plot of the original.
>Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (love it or hate it it didn't hurt the gameplay)
I'd argue otherwise, though the player isn't necessarily forced to use the new mechanics.
I think it's a pretty shit idea.
I didn't play MD. Does it really end in a cliffhanger? Does the cliffhanger tie directly into the first game, or are they just setting up a new game? -In a really stupid way, I add.
It doesn't need a remake though.
The original is good as is.
It's moderately stupid. If you know it's coming and expect the story to be mediocre, it's actually a pretty good game.
You can masturbate to dead children just fine with Skyrim mods.
There's something called ambience and suspension of disbelief. Seeing that you're just (boringly) trolling, there's no point in further conversation.
Dont talk to me or my wife's son ever again. Capisce?
Depending on how much they change, I'd be somewhat excited about it.
If they rebalance the augs so half of them aren't useless, fix the tranq darts, improve enemy AI and add a bunch of good modern features like autosave and ragdolls and vendors, that would be cool
They're gonna have to deal with hitting that time period somehow
The story of Mankind Divided lasted at most a couple of days. Even with year-long timeskips they can fart out over 10 games before reaching 2052.