Will we EVER see a true, real, non-spin-off Metroid game again or is it really dead now?

Will we EVER see a true, real, non-spin-off Metroid game again or is it really dead now?


Well, Nintendo thought it was a good idea to release a mediocre spinoff on Metroid's 30th anniversary, and took down AM2R without even so much as acknowledging it in any positive light.

So yes, I'd say the series is effectively dead.


As a means to an end it did it's job. Hopefully sold well enough to warrant a Prime 4 but not enough that Nintendo would think we want another Federation Force.

They'd probably just make another shitty Prime game with ass controls and gameplay anyway.

I honestly don't understand how people liked that game. Probably because OMGGRAFIX. Typical modern gaming bullshit.

It was dead the moment Prime series came out. From a classic platformer series to a really bad FPS. It was like Sonic's transition to 3D. Other M being the example of the final stage into garbage.

Prime was fine. It was Metroid in the first person perspective.

Prime 2 was different but still had that feel of Metroid to it.

Prime 3 was meh but still better as a Metroid game than Other M.

It wasn't "fine", it had shit gamepad FPS controls.

It is Nintendo, their games are basically console only so of course FPS controls would feel sluggish.

However, it was a 3-D metroid in first person, something pretty awesome and unique.

It also gave us TUBES

Note: It is NOT better than 1 or Super, but it is one of the better metroid games ever.

I forgot

Did the Prime Trilogy fuck with MP2 in any other way than just making two bosses easier


It may get points for interesting concept, but the fact that it's a game and games live and die by their quality of control and gameplay means Metroid Prime is a failure of a game.

We'll probably see Metroid 5 on the NX. At least I hope, my fingers are crossed.

Control is not the greatest, I get that.

Gameplay wise though, it is pretty Metroidvanian, what with the exploration that the series is known for and destroying Cthulhu level monstrosities. Space Pirates were interesting to fight and the Prime boss fight is one of the best.

You are being hyperbolic here as well. Prime is not a "failure". It has problems. If you want actual failures of being a game, look up Big Rigs.

Its done for. Oh well I will save some money by not buying the NX. No metroid no bother. Nintendo can just shut down for all I care.

Buying consoles for one game.

I'm sorry, I don't give games a pass because they look cool or have interesting features. Games are good because they have good control and gameplay. Bottom goddamn line. I don't care if it sucked my fucking dick while I was playing, if the gameplay is crap the game is crap, despite the magnitude of how much it sucks.

Oh I would of bought other games. I just don't see the point anymore. Nintendo doesn't deserve any love at this point.

I'm waiting for the NX reveal, if Metroid 5 is not announced, there is no reason to buy the NX. I don't want Prime, I don't want a remake, and I don't want a prequel. I want a traditional side scrolling Fusion sequel.

Ok, tell why it sucks and we will have a conversation debating both sides.

Saying that Prime is a failure of game design is bullshit. It is not perfect, no where near, but it is a properly made game that can be replayed quite often due to all the technical aspects of it.

Controls are the weakest part of the game but the rest of the gameplay (Exploration, fights, level design, enemy design, ai and boss battles) are done well.

Again, you are making out that Prime is the worst game to ever grace the world, let alone the Gamecube.

wouldn't that go better on the 3ds?

It would've been but yesterday they already blew their chance with that now since NX is also a handheld, Metroid 5 needs to be on it.

Yes, we will see more, to say no is to just be obnoxiously melodramatic.

The real question is whether or not modern Nintendo can make a good Metroid.

you might be retarded, it's not even an fps

how many fps games are based around using lock-on? that's right.

If you're so anal that you don't find the controls acceptable then play the Wii version.

Died with Other M

I'm tired of holding on to false hope that they'll do something to win long time fans at this point. There is literally not hope for other IPs that are not Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon. Metroid is gonna be swept under the rug of lost IPs while we get 5 shitty spin offs, one Pokemon game a year and overhyped Zelda game a year to keep that Normie cash money flowing into the company. IPs that don't make money are getting experimented and mutilated with until they fall into obscurity. I can already see the NX launch titles now, Bunch of Mario 3d games + shitty spin offs nobody cares about game, Zelda (WIP) and Pokemon. Everything else gets turned into shovelware 3DS games.

No acknowledgement of Metroid's 30th anniversary but Zelda's is the final nail in the coffin. I'm at the absolute end with Nintendo and I most likely not gonna get an NX since Nintendo been shitting the bed hard and almost as bad as Konami.

Prime was a fucking boring mess. It wasn't "fine".

>someone complains about controls
>recommend him wagglan shit
Really now

Tanabe has confirmed that there will be a new Metroid Prime on the NX. Also Sylux is going to be the antagonist if the end of Federation Force is anything to go on.

What about it was "boring"?

Enlighten me.


Fuck off man, FPS games on a console are one of the very few justifiable and organic uses of motion controls.

Metroid has been dead for almost a decade now.

You will never see another metroid game without handholding.

You will never see another metroid game that continues the story after fusion.

You will never see another metroid game that doesn't make the worst, most embarrassing decisions imaginable.

Metroid is dead. Completely.

Only 3 had the shitty pull levers push buttons and swing the nunchuck gimmicks

No he didn't he said that if one was in development it would be on NX. Tanabe doesn't have a team experienced in HD and rumors are saying that Retro is working on something else not Metroid Prime. Takahashi already said before that they had a Prime style game (Federation Force) and a more traditional style game (mainline) planned, so a Metroid 5 announcement for the NX sounds more plausible.

FYI: Sakamoto isn't the only one that has to come up with an idea for a 2D Metroid, if his team has an idea they can also go ahead and make the game with Sakamoto Producing it.

>implying it will every get funded.

It's dead pham just let the series die and let sakurai take care of samus in smash bros . at least he still somewhat cares about characters form their respective series

Not to mention the fact that Metroid Prime doesn't even have wagglan.
3 has a little, but it never gets in the way.

>"""cinematic""" Prime experience
>Sylux becomes the "Remember me?" guy throughout the entire game
>he's not the main boss just like Ridley wasn't the main in Prime 1
>There'll be multiple scenarios where Sylux is forced to be Samus' partner
>Sylux, now a bro, 'dies' until Metroid 5
>M-Muh Continuity

Tell us why, faggot!

>he's not the main boss just like Ridley wasn't the main in Prime 1
Ridley was never the main boss of any metroid game though

i don't understand how someone would need a "new idea" for a metroid game.

Don't get me wrong, i love metroid like everyone here does, but they aren't so different from each other. aside from one series being first person, and one being a sidescroller (and the downsyndrome mixed child that no one should ever talk about)

however, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Just make a new metroid game. create a new map, shit to explore, and a few new upgrades instead of recollecting all the old ones if you want a small change. I don't even care if its first person or sidescroller at this point.
and for the story, that nobody even cares about: something something spacepirates somethingsomething metroids. done.

It's dead senpai.

>Smash Bros
>DK is a bongo loving retard instead of a chill heroic guy
>Captain Falcon is an all brawn no brains instead of a hot blooded bold serious type
>Samus is a "Try me~" "Is that all~" slut
>Metroid still stuck with one character
>Link is a generic concept of Link, and so is Sheik
>Wario has almost no elements from Wario Land
>Lots of Final Smashes pulled out of his ass
>Ganondorf still a clone

No thanks
He only wants to work on the stuff he made and FE

Pretty meaningless when there's a full game floating around. I mean sucks to be that one guy who wanted it on linux, but who cares.

>even Sonic was mentioned on its anniversary

The game was glaringly unfinished what the fuck are you talking about m8.

The final areas are unpolished as fuck, the boss quality dips the moment you fight serris, the optional area is barren, there were tons of bugs and inconsistencies, it was literally released on an arbitrary deadline to please fans and then fix later.

nothing's stopping him from still doing the linux version and putting it on torrent sites anonimously

NoA sucking dicks as usual.

I don't get what the people over at Nintendo is thinking. They clearly have no issue with pushing out a number of side-scrollers. I mean, you've got Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, that Chibi Robo game and now Pikmin, but a side-scrolling Metroid game is somehow too hard to make? It certainly raises a few questions.

Not too hard to make. It's just that top dogs at Nintendo decided they want an audience different from what Metroid aims at.

>Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, that Chibi Robo game and now Pikmin
I'm sure you can see a difference in tone between those and Metroid.

>Nintendo thought it was a good idea to release a mediocre spinoff on Metroid's 30th anniversary
Considering the disaster that was Other M, it isn't surprising that they were going to be extremely conservative with the next game in the series.

>and took down AM2R without even so much as acknowledging it in any positive light.
Game company issues a C&D to a fan project blatantly using assets created by said game company, stop the presses.

It's because Sakamoto has to give the go ahead on Metroid side scrollers that aren't also weird spinoffs, and he's being kind of a dick.

That's too optimistic

Sylux will be the protagonist, and the final boss will be Samus getting her shithole remodeled yet again.

Sure there is a difference, but I don't see how they can't coexist. And I really don't see how they can't, given that the current course of the tone of the games isn't pointing to a bright future for Nintendo. When every side scroller is a linear ride with a fixed goal in the end, it gets dull after a while no matter the characters, gameplay mechanics or level design.

Instead of lamenting, let us remember the good moments in Metroid.

What was your favourite moment in each game?

No again it's either up to Sakamoto or his team at EPD Sakamoto already said his peace in 2014 that he taking a step back meaning he will only Produce games now. So his team can decide to make a Metroid or Sakamoto.

I pirated Federation Force.
I liked the controls (other than that fucking slow-ass movement speed) but fucking hell the level design and overall gameplay structure is horrible.
And that's not even bringing up the graphical issues.
I would honestly rather see a Prime Hunters 3D with Fed Force's controls as an option rather than have this game.

Well Prime was a spin-off too. Most of them are, in fact.

Of course we will

Why have you let Sup Forums turn you in a cynical retard, OP?

I hope not. Metroidfags don't deserve anything.

No. Nintendo will be dead soon, so it's not a big deal.

>There is literally not hope for other IPs that are not Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon.

DKC and Kirby are doing fine at the moment.

Felt pretty complete to me. The nest of Omegas was barren just like in the original game.

I don't like the logs. That stuff works in the 3D but here it just feels forced.

Also the scuttled ship was a pointless addition.

agreed, you can't even ignore them since the boss weaknesses are listed in the scans

All these Metroid is dead threads and come a few weeks they announce NX and Metroid Prime 4 and Sup Forums will be kissing Nintendos ass again and the cycle goes on

Where can they go for Prime 4 though?

The metroid prime is dead

Phazon is no more

Dark Samus is beyond dead.

>Considering the disaster that was Other M, it isn't surprising that they were going to be extremely conservative with the next game in the series.
Surely it would be conservative to do something more like a remake?

According to Tanabe, the next game will focus on Sylux's relationship with Samus and the Federation.

It's ACFag, stop responding to the bait.


I'd be down for a Prime game told through the eyes of Sylux

Mystery was the only thing Metroid's setting had going for it, and you can never go back to that now.

Why not just pick up from Fusion? A good 2d game after it would be interesting story wise to say the least.

No. Unless you count changing wall textures to be a little more higher res fucking with it. And of course the wiimote controls. But the dark beam has the particle effect which ice beam lacks in prime 1 trilogy

wtf is happening to DOOM Dude???

>More Adam


Are real Metroid game is the only thing I would buy an NX for. If not? I will let Nintendo fade in the rear view, sorry guys.

Real Metroid games usually have good level design and gameplay.
You can't expect that from Nintendo who have specialized in rehashes and casualized shovelware nowadays.

I want Nintendo to gather up some of their newer developers and make them a simple deal:

If you make a moderately successful Metroid game then we'll let you work on a new IP next.


Last time that happened it was the second worst selling metroid (worst selling at the time)

You've been saying that since the n64

>Ice Beam

Wasn't that due to how the overlay was handled in MP1? It was a shame it had to go in the Trilogy along with some other effects

Metroidvanias are fucking everywhere now. With both really good and really bad examples flooding the market.

Nintendo probably can't figure out how to compete and so don't.

Metroid is only good for fanart nowadays.

>new game every 2 years, like Mario or Zelda

>series don't se a release for longer than that

It's not even good for that anymore because it's all the same generic zero suit shit now.

Nintendo's attempts at expanding the setting have backfired and now there's no reason to care about real Metroid games anymore.

I don't give a shit about an evil space government and I don't give a shit about Sylux either.

The characters, the setting, and story are all worthless now. Only the gameplay is worth caring about and you don't have to put up with Nintendo's bullshit to get that anymore.

That image looks like shit. Like wow particles and volumetric light so advanced

Why would he care, DMCA is american, and he's from Argentina.

If Nintendo sold a mainline Metroid title featuring Samus and absolutely zero GF/Sylux bullshit, there would be a resurgence of Metroid interest the likes of which AM2R could never touch. All this to say, Samus Aran has IMMENSE value as a character.

Of course we all know that will never happen anyway.

will we ever see a true real non-spin off game from ANY nintendo franchise besides zelda? they havent made any for like 2 generations now.

>The Legend Of Zelda: Tennis
>The Legend Of Zelda: Golf
>Zelda Party

If she had immense value as a character then her series would be back on track by now.

I would gladly trade Metroid's situation for F-Zero's.


>"F-zero is a futuristic racing game. Oh, people don't like futuristic racing games right now? Then we simply aren't going to make them instead of trying to force the series into being something that it isn't."


>"There aren't enough Metroid fans to justify making a traditional game, so we're going to make Metroid games that appeal to no-one instead! Spin the gimmick wheel!"

Considering that even traditional Metroid games don't sell I can't blame Nintendo for killing an effectively dead series. And honestly It was never really that good to begin with so it's not much of a loss.

>And honestly It was never really that good to begin with so it's not much of a loss.
kys, Super Metroid is the best game Nintendo have ever made.

>Fed force sells 4k copies in japan
>4 fucking thousand
>less than splatoon sold on that same week
>he thinks metroid isn't dead for good

it's dead senpai. nintendo only does kiddy shit now. xenoblade is next on the chopping block, they're already using monolith staff to work on a shitty zelda game.