How the fuck does EA expect us to buy this piece of garbage? It's not even remotely new

How the fuck does EA expect us to buy this piece of garbage? It's not even remotely new.
This game is basically Battlefield 4 with new skins.
There is no new content, besides the horses, which are basically meme dirtbikes and the fucking flamethrower

EA knows their audience is stupid enough to buy any of their garbage.

If you don't buy this game you are a fucking racist and you should back to Sup Forums

niggers haha

It's not BF4 reskinned because if it was it wouldn't be anywhere near as shit as it is.

go back to plebbit

They don't expect, they know people are going to buy it.

It's going to sell millions. Then the next one will too and the next one...

'gamers' have killed this industry more than any company has.


fucking 12 year old faggots ruined everything
I'm going to play some bad company 2 and cry

post YRW the ww1 battlefield has a higher proportion of automatic and semi automatic weapons compared to BF 1942

That kind of makes it difficult for me. I want to buy it just so maybe we get more games that take place in wars that haven't been explored as much, but the sjw angle and the ahistorical nature make that really fucking hard.
More than anything else I have a problem with people running around with automatic weapons. It seems like they really just wanted to go back to WW2, but they realized that wouldn't give them as good of a marketing angle.

They should have used the map from the closed alpha, the map they have for the open beta is poorly designed for conquest mode.

It's poorly designed for every mode.

How the fuck did they manage to make every weapon feel generic as fuck

>being this triggered

it's hard for anyone except snipers to leave the middle 2 flags because there are no medium range weapons. And all of the weird mechanics for taking down tanks require a lot of map control so shit snowballs pretty quickly. Not that you could stage a comeback with the round ending on a timer instead of tickets.

The game is just full of really bizarre mechanics that don't work together. If you stuck that map in bf4 it might be ok.

Medics have medium range weapons

WW1 is a very bad era to use for a Battlefield game.

not if they had actually made an effort instead of just reskinning Battlefront.The shitty weapons feel exactly like Battlefront blasters just with even more spread.
If they just disabled squad spawning and only allow spawning on points there would at least be some frontlines developing like in Battlefield games of old.

medium range ticklers.

>Besides all this new stuff there is no new stuff waaaaaa.

Wow really made me think senpai

Pretty much this.

They know they can sell it on a big marketing budget and hype to normies. Even if it dies in a month they will still have sold more than enough copies and season passes.

Now what makes bad company 2 better than 4 or 1

And BF4 was BF3 reskinned
are you

What new stuff that isn't just a reskin of old stuff?
>the train (which is fucking useless)
>flamethrower and battle pickups as a whole

oh and I can open and close doors now
great fucking features for 60$ + DLC


BF4 was hardly even reskinned, they just took out the blue filter, changed the ui, and used new maps.

No they fucked it up somehow. I genuinely enjoyed BF3 and couldn't even play BF4 for more than a month it was so fucked up.

the irony of that fucking post

go back to l e ddit

>before beta
>Sup Forums complains because nobody will use bolt-action rifles and automatic weapons will be to reliable
>after beta
>Sup Forums complains because everybody uses bolt-action rifles and automatic weapons are to unreliable

>bad company 2
>not casualized and consolized to hell

>12 year old faggots
>I'm going to play some bad company 2
kys retard

didn't actually mean to reply to your post

I haven't played a Battlefield game since Bad Company 2, I've played the beta and am looking forward to it. Already pre-ordered.

its a shit game. i feel bad for the programmers though because the game engine is really good.

>How the fuck does EA expect us to buy this piece of garbage? It's not even remotely new.

Call of Duty has been selling the same game for almost a decade.
Madden is a thing, FIFA is a thing, Assassins Creed was a thing.

Casuals are retarded, more news at 11.

>tfw we will never get a real sequel to Battlefield 2
>tfw Battlefield 2's playerbase is slowly dying
>tfw it's difficult to find a full server now
>tfw your best friend who you used to play it with died 10 years ago and it still hurts

I can't deal with this feel Sup Forums

I played a couple of rounds last night.

Ignoring the abysmal performance issues I didn't find it fun at all.

It felt soulless, just like battlefront. I don't think there was a single point during the few hours I played it that it actually felt FUN.

Bad company 2 is babies 1st bf.

>not the first post by this IP

BF2142 was just BF2 with new skin.
And yet it was fucking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawsome.
Best FPS I ever played.


>hop in ts
>hear 2 stoner DUDEs taking a bong rip
>"yo man this is lit imma buy dis."

Fucking RETARDS.

lel not playing Nigger Slayer Simulator 2016 isnt this the Sup Forums dream?

>Battlefield 4 with new skins
No, it's literally Battlefront with more vehicles and a WW1 skin.

If it was just a BF4 rehash then it'd be somewhat fun, but it's not.

>tfw me and all my stoner friends hated it and reinstalled BF4 instead


the game isn't bad but the beta maps needs 100 players and not 64.

bf4 sucks so fucking much, it was worse than bf3 and 3 was shit compared to bf2 and 2142,

Battlefield 4 is infinitely better than this fucking POS

BF4's core mechanics (gunplay, classes etc.) are all better than BF3's.

bf4 was better than 3 in almost every way


>Get to kill niggers as the aryan master race
God damn it your right

Glad to know dice has been infinity Ward and is just reskinning their previous games

How is your drug use relevant?


I meant to reply to