JRPG = Role-playing game made in Japan

JRPG = Role-playing game made in Japan


Dark Souls series = JRPGs

The braindead dumb fucks of Sup Forums will refute this however.

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The only people that claim DaS is not a JRPG are normalfags that don't want to deal with the fact that they're playing a Japanese game. This isn't even up for debate.

Agreed. They do not wish to be categorized as a Weeaboo. Even though there's nothing wrong with being one.

t. weeb and proud

>Even though there's nothing wrong with being one.
how retarded are you

Gimme dem starz nigga.

DS isn't thought of as a JRPG because it isn't fucking awful.

What has to go wrong in a persons life for them to believe this?

Its a souls-like not a jrpg.

"souls-like" doesn't exist
it's just an arpg
arpg made in japan

Genres don't exist to describe where a game was made, they exist to describe how a game plays. Dark Souls can't e a Jrpg because it is absolutely nothing like Dragon Quest or other founders of the genre.

I don't really consider Dark Souls an RPG.

>a Souls game is a Souls-like
You fucking what

As someone who dislikes and never plays these games i believe i can have a non biased opinion on the matter.

JRPG is usually reffered to games like Final Fantasy , Dragon Quest etcetera

Dark Souls is an attempt on an ARPG by japanese people. Its not their "traditional" style of game therefore doesnt fit the term.

No one wants to pretend its not made by japanese people and no one should care. If you like the game its fine , same if you don't. But its not a JRPG.

If FROM was hired to do FO:NV you would still call it a WRPG.

>JRPG is usually reffered to games like Final Fantasy , Dragon Quest etcetera
This was true decades ago, but at that time ARPGs as a concept were relatively unheard of and didn't have to pull that turn-based RPGs did.

In truth, if you try to use JRPG as a genre, it's either severely limited in scope or completely arbitrary, as even the older Final Fantasies completely changed gameplay mechanics from one game to another and the series as a whole shifted combat style from turn-based to ATB after a few games.

An ARPG can still be a JRPG.

Kingdom Hearts
The World Ends with You
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy Type-0
Secret of Mana
Star Ocean
Valkyrie Profile
Brave Fencer Musashi
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Parasite Eve
Even Zelda II

These are all ARPGs.
But they're from Japan, so they are also all JRPGs.

The two shouldn't be mutually exclusive, just as a WRPG can be both a game like Morrowind, a game like Secret of Evermore, or a game like Undertale.

J and W are just the "where," not the "what."

Oldfag here, what are these stars

That is a very autistic point of view. Semantics tend to evolve and change meaning. A word like "JRPG" does indeed refer to "Japanese" RPGs but to believe thats all about it is being Chris Chan tier naive.

The word meant to define a different genre since the begining, the very exitence of the distinction JRPG/WRPG exist for a reason. If you fail to see the differences between FF XV and Fallout 4 and don't believe they belong to different genres then you have other issues to deal with.

By the way DaS III is japanese as fuck, you get giant swords larger than the characters, everyone has crazy magical powers that make no sense, mythology and lore is anime as fuck and if that's not enough bosses go from fuckboi twins to
Sethiroth clones.

for me J goes for everything that looks asian. If i see a game that has cute-ish characters with huge eyes or lollies or plain jap looking dudes i call them jrpg or j-whatever. Cant go wrong with that. Even if koreans made something similar id still call it that. Theres no difference.

People will say shit like because non weebs finally found appeal in something japanese because its not looking like a manga or asian porn. No ones denies it's origin.

You're not wrong about the "where" but the "J" tag happened because they use specific art styles and gameplay features in asia a lot. Finally fantasy became ATB but it still not Skyrim or Bioshock

>The braindead dumb fucks of Sup Forums will refute this however.

because when they think of JRPGs they think of stuff like Neptuina, FF, and Hashtag FE and don't want to lump the Souls games with those.

It's Japanese but it's not a role-playing game, there's minimal RPG mechanics. It's a linear action game.

>there's minimal RPG mechanics
It has as much if not more than an Elder Scrolls or Final Fantasy.

>JRPG = Role-playing game made in Japan
German Shepherd = a shepherd from Germany.
Jellyfish = a fish made of jelly.



SRPG = simulation role playing game.

Final Fantasy Tactics = not a SRPG.
The Sims = a SRPG.



>Elder Scrolls

>Final Fantasy
maybe as much, but Final Fantasy is a character RPG only called a JRPG because of tradition

>An ARPG can still be a JRPG.

Action/RPG is Zelda with stats. A JRPG is a Dragon Quest derivative. A plain Zelda/Metroid game (i.e. with no stats) is called an action/adventure.

For example, Zelda 1 is an action/adventure, while Zelda II is an action/RPG (arpg). Super Metroid is action/adventure, while SotN is action/RPG. Neither are JRPGs. Examples of JRPGs are Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Mother, Breath of Fire.

Games like Tactics Orge or Final Fantasy Tactics are not JRPGs either. They are turn-based Japanese strategy games.

A lot of 8/16 bit era 'JRPGs' are actually just clones of Ultima 3/4

So what's the deal with these stars? There were on other boards, but now I just randomly see them on Sup Forums
Some epic g00k maymay to make people think these posts are rated?

By that "logic" sushi made in America would be an American dish.

German Shepherd is a colloquialism. It's officially recognized as a German Shepherd Dog, as in a dog that was used by German shepherds, which is literally the case.

A jellyfish is named for its gelatinous form.
The "fish" part makes it something of a misnomer, and some scientists prefer the term gelatinous zooplankton.
The alternative name "jelly" is also used, eliminating the misnomer of "fish."

So what's your point my dude

>Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Mother, Breath of Fire.
Literally the only common trait among these games is turn-based gameplay.

And FF abandoned that ship literally decades ago.

Same with JRPG. It's a historic misnomer that refers to Dragon Quest and its clones. It does not literally stand for "Game from Japan with RPG elements".

"Literally the only common trait" among these games is being clones of Dragon Quest with various gimmicks, you idiot.

Not as retarded as yourself, punk.

On a mechanical level, abso-fucking-lutely.

A video game can never be a true RPG in the sense of roleplaying. They're too rigid by virtue of the medium. A true RPG requires the freedom of unlimited imagination as inserted by the player.

A video game cannot possibly meet this requirement unless it's literally a virtual D&D set.

Video game RPGs are a translation of the mechanics behind tabletop RPGs.

Recognizing this, TES and Souls are very much sitting on common ground.

1. Dark Souls 3 is not a RPG
2. If Dark Souls 3 was a RPG, it would be a WRPG.

why care though?

>clones of Dragon Quest
Hm yes I see a lot of resemblences between Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy XII.

You're right.

I mean, assuming that all of the gameplay systems in FFXII that do not replicate DQ are simply gimmicks, and not the essential base of the game.

Why don't we just call RPG's... RPG.

Or is witcher a KRPG (Kurwa RPG)?


It doesn't get it's own fucking category just for being souls, dumbshit. Thats like saying Overwatch is a TF2-like hero shooter and not a team-based fps.

>Zelda with stats
So any Zelda then?

Jar-pee-jee. I'm calling it that from now on.

>retards calling it an RPG because it has stats
It is neither a jrpg or a wrpg because the gameplay centers around killing enenies, that's it. It's an arpg.

only a sith deals in absolutes. Elder Scrolls has more player choice, more possible outcomes, it has a higher chance of accomodating a player who wants to play a consistent character. Dark Souls doesn't offer more to this end than playing with rocks and sticks would

That's thoroughly retarded. Is Super Mario Bros a Super-Mario-Bros-like? No, it's a fucking platformer. Soulsborne are ARPGs.




Dark souls isn't even an RPG.


>only a sith deals in absolutes.

that's an absolute, qui-gon

>player-controlled stat distribution
That's literally all it takes to call something an RPG.

stop taking this seriously

it's like the least relevant discussion

people used to talk about if jacking it was unholy or not and that was more relevant than this discussion

just stop

It's made by Sony which is a US company. Fucking PC nerds

>it's not a role playing game, it's a role playing game with action elements

It's still a role playing game though

everything I know is a lie relatively speaking

Why don't we just call all media media?

Depends on the degree of precision you want.

Souls-like describes a dark medieval, western styled action rpg with slow, "hardcore" gameplay and shit like rolling and stamina.

Sure, they are arpgs, but calling them souls-like will tell you more.

Christmas movie = Movie set at Christmas


Die Hard = Christmas Movie

The braindead dumb fucks of Sup Forums will refute this however.

>Dark Souls is an attempt on an ARPG by japanese people. Its not their "traditional" style of game therefore doesnt fit the term.
ARPG is literally invented in Japan. No, Diablo isn't the first ARPG. Dragon Slayer is.

there is no such thing as a "jrpg"

It's always been this way to me
>jrpg: purely turn-based with no gimmick, anime-ish graphics
>breaks off from that in any way, drop the j

Hell, I'm reluctant to even call Diablo an ARPG.

Diablo is Hack & slash

Dark Souls 1 alone has more meaningful player choices than both Oblivion and Skyrim.

I don't consider "you see that mountain? You can climb it" a meaningful choice.

And when Skyrim disables killing important NPCs
When it only has one ending
When the only meaningful sidequests are the guilds
When you can do all of the quests in a single playthrough and level whatever you want so that you master fucking everything and have absolutely no "build" at all

I'm really not seeing the player choice here.
Or how it's more potent or meaningful than the choices present in Souls.

Perhaps you could argue on Morrowind
But Oblivion and Skyrim are just as uncontested as RPGs, and your point of comparison with Souls...
It doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Yeah, that feels more accurate.

so absolute fucking zero is not less than any at all?

>absolute fucking zero
So how many Souls games have you played, user?

JRPG = Japanese-styled Role Playing Game, Retard.
Japanese-styled means classic japanese rpgs like final fantasy and dragon quest

Die Hard is a Christmas movie though.

RPGs are RPGs.
You tack the J on when they're shitty.

>Forbes #1 Christmas movie
>somehow ever not being a Christmas movie

I've also heard of quite a few people making it Christmas tradition to watch Die Hard among the likes of Rudolf and A Christmas Story.

>Die Hard is a Christmas movie though.

Will Sup Forums ever not shit their pants about this?


>no anime-ish graphics
There are very few non weeb jrpgs, this is a stupid requirement; artstyle does not determine genre. What the hell would it be if it has anime graphics then?

>An ARPG can still be a JRPG.
What a fucking retard.

A JRPG. Sorry, should have put anime graphics before no gimmicks.

>japs make a better WRPG better than westerners

Souls games player choice boils down to "which stats do I invest in" and "which weapon do I use". They have very light RPG mechanics because they aren't meant to be RPGs. Meanwhile in oblivion you can actually talk with NPCs, that for one is a huge step up at all.

What is anime graphics

What does this mean

Yeah that makes a bit more sense

Nigga, please. It's not hard to figure out.

>it would be a WRPG
it would be an ARPG. Stop bringing a fucking regions in genres.

>Meanwhile in oblivion you can actually talk with NPCs, that for one is a huge step up at all.
You can talk to NPCs in Souls as well.

In fact, the NPCs often have a sidequest and multiple dialogues depending on your progression or the choices you've made throughout the game.

In the event of a sidequest, they often have multiple endings with different rewards, and fail states as well.

Souls is literally as much an RPG as an Elder Scrolls.

it's a metroidvania

young people have no nose and large eyes. growing their nose swells and compresses the eyes

It is though.

>Hey man, want to eat Chinese food?
A JRPG is a turn-based RPG like the Japanese classics such as the early Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games. It's irrelevant where it was actually made.

And yes, I pulled a food analogy on you faggots. What are you gonna do about it?

Nobody cares where the game was made, except weebs. You also don't see any other genre with this type of classification. Where are the JRTS and JPlatformer games?

That's not really an answer.

Does anime look like Monster?
Or is it Neptunia?
Devil May Cry?
Asura's Wrath?
Final Fantasy?
Senran Kagura?
Project Diva?
Dead or Alive?
Katamari Damacy?

What the fuck does anime look like?
What does it mean to have an anime art style?

Several of the things I just listed are literally anime, or have been said to have "anime artstyles"
But they all look different.

So what the fuck is anime graphics?

Is Fallout a Jrpg.

No? It plays nothing like Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy.

wizardry is my favourite JRPG while dragon slayer is my favourite WRPG

it's more of one

Fallout is a tactical rpg.

You can interact with them, but can you talk back to them. And those sidequests? They are the only quests in the whole game. Face it, elder scrolls=wrpg and souls=arpg.

Those all look like anime to me

>but can you talk back to them
In a manner of speaking.

>They are the only quests in the whole game.
So.. number of quests determines how much of an RPG it is?
Because aside from the main quest (which Souls obviously has as well), side quests are the only quests in TES as well.
As with any RPG.

I don't see your point.

>elder scrolls=wrpg and souls=arpg
This doesn't really impact my notion that it is as much of an RPG and TES.

They're both ARPGs by the way, since TES makes use of real-time action combat.

Characters look like children with angular chins, over-the-top accessories and hair. You know, like an anime.

>It's a linear action game.

It's about as linear as the early Zelda games.

Is this really all you've got going on in your lives, arguing over whether a game is Japanese or not?