How do you feel about Japan Studio and their output as a whole? Currently they're known to be working on

How do you feel about Japan Studio and their output as a whole? Currently they're known to be working on

>Gravity Rush 2
>The Tomorrow Children (Q-Games)
>Deep Down (With Capcom Online Games)
>An internally-produced JRPG (New IP)
>As-yet untitled collaboration with FromSoftware (The first of two post-BB collabs)

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I'm surprised they don't make games for PC instead of Sony shit. They'd be able to make a lot more money from Steam

Great devs tied down to Sony garbage

They're a spinoff of Sony. Why would they make PC games?

Sony Online Entertainment made PC games (Everquest, Star Wars Online, Planetside), but they got bought by another company recently.

>I'm surprised a Sony owned studio only makes games for Sony platforms

PCucks, ladies and gentlemen

They make games so niche that even the most hardcore of sony fans ignore them it's amazing. They are a pretty cool and interesting developer half the time but the other half of their projects like the fucking puppeteer need to be shut down before they even start it's so obvious they are going to be destined for failure as soon as you see them.

The only thing that sparks my interest in the thing you listed is the new IP, but I'm pretty sure it will be a disappointment

we both know deep down is dead

They make experimental games that are always original and make good use of the hardware. The games are always good and somehow memorable but they never reach that "incredible" status some other devs manage to reach. Maybe because they don't work much on improving their games and instead move into other ideas.

On the subject of sony exclusivity I think it's a good thing because being 1st party funded, especially by sony, allows for some artistic creativity. I don't think they would benefit from going 3rd party. Now whenever you are a sony fanboy or not there is no denying that their games do fit on sony consoles and the studio would die if it went to Nintendo or Steam, or at the very least lose its soul. It's too niche to go "le wildest possible audience ebin steam memes xD".

Supposedly it's an action-ish open world JRPG that takes imagery and themes from Chinese mythology. Reasonably high-budget.

>Gravity Rush 2
looks fun
>The Tomorrow Children (Q-Games)
looks retarded
>Deep Down (With Capcom Online Games)
looks vaporware
>An internally-produced JRPG (New IP)
sounds promising, hope i'ts not animu bullshit
>As-yet untitled collaboration with FromSoftware (The first of two post-BB collabs)
if it's anything with the same level of quiality as BB then sign me in

>They'd be able to make a lot more money from Steam
Yeah, with sales of ~20k per title, like all jap games on Steam. Go suck Gaben's micropenis.

> subcontractor
> "makes" games

They've made or been involved with a lot of games I really really love (Demon's Souls, Gravity Rush, Shadow of the Colossus are among my absolute favourite games) and their experimental output like Tokyo Jungle is regularly interesting too, but its worth noting that Japan Studio is huge and made up of multiple teams and their content varies massively. Gravity Rush, Demon's Souls and Shadow of the Colossus may all be made by "Japan Studio", but they're done by entirely different teams within the studio.

That said, I like Sony's first party stuff in general and Japan Studio the most out of those. Gravity Rush 2 is also the game I'm most excited for right now since I absolutely loved the first and 2 seems to be everything I hoped for in a sequel.

>An internally-produced JRPG (New IP)
What's your source on this? I seem to remember Yoshida saying that they probably weren't gonna do more JRPGs. Not that that's concrete or anything, but yeah.

and you forgot Tokyo Jungle, one of craziest and funniest game made by JS

>Gravity Rush 2
sequel to a vita game remastered on 4theplayers console where it bombed hard

>The Tomorrow Children (Q-Games)
f2p crap

>Deep Down
probably cancelled

>An internally-produced JRPG (New IP)
will be a MMO

>As-yet untitled collaboration with FromSoftware (The first of two post-BB collabs)
could be decent

also tokyo jungle 2 when?

They're the ones who deserves all the Uncrapted money.


Best studio in business by far. They singlehandedly saved Vita.

>also tokyo jungle 2 when?
seems like they're working on it

Take a look at the life of a Japan Studio Director. You would be amazed.

Wasted potential.

When he says JRPG he means a Japanese ARPG. Yoshida meant turn based stuff.
Wrong Link

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. They killed their only good franchise because it was getting too hardcore.

Why don't you care about Tomorrow Children, Sup Forums?

It comes out Sep 6th for 20 dollars, but any time it's brought up you shit on it saying it's garbage but you care about gravity rush 2. Is it beause of "combat"? What is with Sup Forums's obsession with "combat"? Why must "combat" be the only form of gameplay to you people? I thought you were enthusiasts based on your elitist attitudes, but you're really just plebs that just want to mash buttons and kill things (but with punching, kicking, and swords instead of guns).

Sony tech support for real devs. Vastly overrated and can't make anything decent on their own.

>Studio is called SIE (SONY Interactive Entertainment) Japan Studio
>Sup Forums actually trying to argue that they are being held hostage by Sony and how they should go 3rd party

God, you faggots are stupid.

Steam should buy Sony.

I love Japan period

the majority of souls games sales are on pc

they should be gassed for holding from software hostage

Tokyo Jungle is one of the most unique games and it was pretty damn cool.
Never played Ape Escape or their more casual games.

you're the stupid one trying to justify your shitstation poor

Personally I think Sony does an amazing job when they put in effort to help third parties. Their internal work too. I only care about DD (unannounced IPs mean as much to me as female orgasms) but their history is rock solid overall.

I wish Nintendo did as much. MS used to but always felt restrictive about it. Sony goes all out to promote the games and push their systems.

tried the beta.
bored immediately.
there's nothing to do besides gathering & eventual monsters killing.
You don't have a sense of achievement for playing the game.

If only they add pvp mode where your faction can attack and destroy others.
that can immediately changes the game to top-tier.

This. Sony should go third party like Sega. Let's kill them.

Just played Knack a couple of days.
Was expecting a garbage game but I was surprised that it was very good. It looks and plays good.
I'm now convinced that most people who shit on this game either didn't play it or are bad at video games.

Where the fuck is Patapon

I'm not trying to justify anything, kid.
I'm just pointing out how retarded you are. It's literally impossible for the studio to go third party unless Sony itself goes third party.

This. It was fun for 30 minutes then it just gets boring.

All I've wanted to play since launch was deep down. I'm going to visit family in another country in 2 Weeks and am gifting them my PS4, because it's ludicrous that PS still doesn't have any games.

>Deep Down
Don't twist the knife anymore, user. It's already killed me.

wasnt this JP only?

And buying them 3 years later for 3$ doesn't count


They still have shares of Daybreak but they no longer control the large portion of it

you could look at their sales numbers at any point each of them at release or soon after before any sales sold hundreds of thousands of copies
"my arbitrary metric doesn't count"
total value of pc sales of souls games still exceeds shitstation players

Go to the school ,fucking children. The summer ends

Im excited for the last guardian and gravity rush 2. Theyre a great studio.

>The brilliant Dark Souls series has surpassed 8.5m sales, and more than 3.25m of those were on PC.

I swear PCucks look at wrong figures all the time.

they don't even count digital sales on pc
and I imagine some idiots would include demon's souls and bloodborne in that

Tomorrow Children was fucking bizarre but it has caught my interest.

I tink it's getting released next week.

>total value of pc sales of souls games still exceeds shitstation players
Yeah those $2 Steam sales revenue sure made From rich.

Deep Down's trademark was regsitered again by Capcom last month on August 2nd, 2016 but I hear that the trademark is only being extended for 6 months.

I'm on the side of "they're only asking for another 6 months to get their shit together and release it soon" but the fact that it won't be as TGS this month is worrying to say the least.

Come February 2017, they might just drop it altogether. Maybe the trademark will expire, but they'll register it under a new name. Maybe they'll just register it again.

At this point, I'm just going to accept the fact that it's more than likely never coming out, and if it does it's gonna be called "a lame Souls ripoff".

>kill sony
>microsoft then has two monopolies
great idea

chuj kurwa jebać chinoli

:^) .02 cents has been deposited in your account

sony could actually compete with microsoft if it did pc games

>giving them credit for being codemonkeys

Sony would probably make their games apple/linux exclusive.

>Sony only makes games

Oh jezz, first and foremost, Sony from the beginning make electronic devices for household (Tv, freezer, phone...) and the Playstation branch only came into existence because Nintendo cucked them hard. Pretty much every music lisence in Japan, Sony holds as well, as well as making bad movies.

If one day PS branch died, they still can live off with other thing list above and abandon making games together

>as well as making bad movies.
What bad movies?

Are you a pleb?

Oh wait, let me guess. You like Warner and Disney shit.


Funny enough, I dont even watch Frozen or anything after that, but that was the joke about how bad the Ghostbuster is

Shitty dev making shitty games for a shitty console.

Overrated as fuck because Neofag has a hard on for any Sony 1st party games and will probably be shut down as soon as Uncle Shu is given a reason to once the Tomorrow Children and Gravity Rush 2 flop.