Will Sega ever make it?
Every interview that I've read for years, says that they're interested in doing it.
Will Sega ever make it?
Every interview that I've read for years, says that they're interested in doing it.
after 06 and Ow the Edge it became a meme to blame the downfall on Sonic on his "friends" and story, and not just on Sega rushing shit out the door without putting some thought into it first
Sonic 06 was Adventure 3.
incorrect in every way possible
Also, Sonic Heroes is an amazing game that Sup Forums keep memeing it was bad
the wii exclusives (except for Sonic Colors) were terrible
Sonic 06 compared to Black Knight and Secret Stars is a masterpiece
If anything Nintendo demanded 2 games to support selling their gimmick
Keep denying it, just like you keep denying that Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were never good.
It's not incorrect. They play almost exactly the same, only 06 is marginally buggier.
not sure what that has to do with what I said but okay
>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were never good
That's not true. They were so awesome to the point where it gained a cult following and popularity that Sega has never gotten back since they've made those games.
Either delusional or 13 years old
I was playing Sonic when it came out on the Sega Genesis back in 1991.
They were both terribly designed games with good moments in them
If i play the game exclusively for Sonic or only enjoying his sections of the game then i'm only enjoying like 30-40% of the entire game
Bad series and you guys already have SA3 you are just too delusional to see it
Iizuka has echoed the same sentence for years regarding it. Maybe in the future, but there are no plans.
In any case, an Adventure 3 would be a big project that could horrendously fuck up the franchise if it isn't perfectly done. And I don't think Sonic Team have the confidence or budget to really attempt it.
That said, I could see it made as a last ditch effort if Sonic is in a really bad place financially.
Isnt it funny that every single character in that image is playable in 06?
Rally mades u thonk
Which character had the best gameplay and which character had the worst gameplay?
06 pretty much had every character besides the Chaotix and Metal Sonic
And Metal Sonic was planned to be playable too, but scrapped at some point.
Blaze is the best since shes just sonic but with more air
All the others are equally bad. Between being stuck climbing on a wall for 30 seconds, being absolutly useless as amy and silver, the awful vehicles of shadow and THE FUCKING INFURIATING SNOWBOARD SECTIONS i cant decide whos worse
>Adventure 3 would be a big project that could horrendously fuck up the franchise if it isn't perfectly done.
I don't think Nintendo or Sonic franchise is doing very well right now anyway, so how could it hurt?
I mean the characters and games were popular to so many people that it's became a cult classic game.
Plus it's worshiped so much on the internet to where there's a whole subculture of "Rule34" for it.
>current year
>sonicfags still deny that 06' is designed exactly like Adventure games are
Nintendo isnt doing well but they have enough cash reserves to not give a fuck.
Also rule 34 isnt necessarily considered when making a game
>I don't think Nintendo or Sonic franchise is doing very well right now anyway, so how could it hurt?
Sonic's problem is that it's been fucking forever since the last game came out, Boom aside. Mania is being received well and 2017 shouldn't turn out bad if it's just Gens 2: Original Levels Edition.
Blaze had passable controls so you didn't fear death every other second, whereas trying to control Sonic at all killed you with 50% probability.
Adventure fans are still a very large part of this fanbase. Making an SA3 that is a disappointment could wreck a good chunk of the fanbase.
>Also rule 34 isnt necessarily considered when making a game
shows pop-culture popularity which can sell a game
who cares about the fanbase, I just want good games
>Also rule 34 isnt necessarily considered when making a game
I dunno man, how else do you explain Rouge?
They still insist turds like Adventure 2 and Unleashed aren't turds so they'll eat up a bad game no problem.
nevermind then
Unleashed has about 40% of a good video game in it, Sonic Adventure 2 can't claim even that.
Unleashed is the closest thing you're ever getting to a Sonic Adventure 3. Internally, the goal and designs of Sonic have changed after Unleashed. Whereas one could draw parallels to an SA3 with Heroes, Shadow, 06, and Unleashed (the last 2 especially), they have decided to abandon the formula and continue with what Unleashed day introduced.
You are never getting your numbered Sonic Adventure sequel, and the chances are is that it wouldn't even be as good as Unleashed is. Its time to accept it and move on bud.
reminder that this happened
SA2 had really good gameplay and story that worked.
Unleashed was just about Sonic being a werewolf for some reason.
This so much, holy shit
To this day there are still idiots who think Unleashed was good when only 30-40% of the game is enjoyable.
Almost all the 3D games (Except MAYBE, Heroes), fall into the "Bad game with good moments"
06' is literally SA3 i don't know why people denies this, it is designed exactly like a Sonic Adventure game
That entire conference was a fucking fever dream come to life, honestly.
The only thing I remember was that guy in the Sonic costume and the DJs dancing for a solid hour, the game reveals, the guy who ran the Twitter being there, and Crush 40 live.
Unleashed is actually the best 3D Sonic game. Not that it's saying much, but all the others don't even come close to its quality, content, and diversity.
That's literally it. But that's not really fair to pin SA3 as 06. I mean Sonic 4 is Sonic 4...but nobody considers it that in actuality.
A werehog, user. Werehog.
What's strange is that Sonic is already a humanoid hedgehog aka a werehog, and the werehog mode looks and functions more like a gorilla or an orangutang than a wolf.
Produced a decent chunk of shipping art for a few days.
It was a fucking trainwreck, yet I still enjoyed it for some reason
They received a lot of positive critical and user reception though when they first came out. The sudden hate for them only really came about during the last few years when people started looking back on them a lot more critically, since neither of the games have aged particularly well and haven't stood the test of time.
06' had different gameplay that wasn't like SA2 at all. Plus there was no chao raising which was half the fun
If any Sonic games where like Adventure 2 (same gameplay and story) at all it would be:
Sonic Adventure DX & Sonic Heroes
Will we EVER get Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3?!?!?!
>SA2 had really good gameplay and story that worked.
Sonic Adventure
>play as multiple characters
>each with its own gimmick
>have to complete all separate adventures to unlock the true ending
>occasionally fight the other characters when their stories connect
>all characters go through the same stages
Sonic 06'
>play as multiple characters
>each with its own gimmick
>have to complete them all to unlock the true ending
>occasionally fight the other characters when their stories connect
>all characters go through the same stages
I can do this all day by the way. You could plaster SA3 in the title and it would fit perfectly
Why is it that adventurefags allways claim they want SA3 like the title alone is going to do anything?
The problem is that even by the standards of the year those games were released, they had really bad development values (Except for the music), it shows in the cutscenes, the animations, the enviroment, etc.
I think by the time SA1 was around, we already had Crash 1 and 2 which had really good animated cutscenes and voice acting
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