Overwatch Competitive Mode

so how's your placement Sup Forums ?

went 4/6 pretty bad, but i got vote card epic almost every matches.

a lots of people are picking Mei and Hanzo in Attack cause Muh Buff and lost the game. fuking annoying

>Playing placement matches on the test server
For what purpose?

>Test Server
Season 2 is live. They put it through yesterday.

It's live buddy. come join us

Fug really? I thought it was set for september 6. Did they buff the points Mercy and Lucio get for ranked?

played one game, lost and heres why
>get into the game
>my team: rank ~30-50
>their team: 5 people with prestiges
>one guy on my team left

dunno but Lucio speed is slow down now. i'm sad

>confusing rank and level
>bitches about sucking
you were all bronze league.

He honestly needed it Lucio has been the highest picked character since day 1.

He's still a very strong pick and his nerf won't be changing that much he's still an essential pick in KotH especially with his AoE healing. It's nice to see more of Mercy again though.

>M-muh shit teams
You belong in bronze.

>M-muh shit teams
did i say that?
my team did what they could, the other team was simply matched up with lower ranked people

Did you play last season? If you have never placed before placements are an absolute mess skill wise until it calibrates you. All it has to go off of is your quickplay MMR.

Most of the players in my games I've checked were around my S1 rank between 60-70.

>higher ranked
No, they were the same rank, different level.

Levels have nothing to do with rank.

i got the game like 2 weeks ago.
so you're doomed to play with higher level people?

What were you in season 1? Just curious as to how season 1 ranking is factoring into this.

I'm currently 4/1 in my placements from what I've been reading with my season 1 rank if they keep going well I should get placed around high platinum or low diamond.

>so you're doomed to play with higher level people?
levels mean nothing?

Like in every other game.

Levels are just there to give loot boxes. It's pretty much 1 level an hour if you play solo.

Level means nothing expect time played and is not a factor in ranked matchmaking.

Like I said get through your placements any game with a ranking system is like this, it has to figure out where you stand skill level wise. The ranking system has little to base your skill off of yet and player skills can vary wildly.

levels mean that the player has played since release and has waaaay more experience in the game.

>experience in the game
Experience does not equal skill...

And considering you only need to play each hero 1 time to understand how they work, by the required level to get into comp you should understand them all.

At least this is the case if you are a good player.

But you aren't, that's why you are in bronze.

People can play as much as they want, but they can still suck at the fucking game.

the more time you spend on something, the more likely you are to be good at it.

it was an unfair match up, where each player on my team had around 20-30 hours invested in the game, and the other had over 200h

This, I know a guy who is around level 150 and plays almost nothing but Tracer exclusively. He think's hes so good at the game but he quit placements after 2 matches and is one of the worst people I have ever seen at this game.

He's one of those people who blames all his losses on his team mates despite exclusively playing tracer in any situation.

>guy with 200 hours played has the same rank as you

No user, it means he sucked ass and had a lot of hours and that you just suck ass.

If he was good you wouldn't be playing against him.

>guy with 200 hours played has the same rank as you
where did you get this from?
they were on the other team and scrubbed the floor with a bunch of lvl20s

The learning curve to get to a competent level is very low in Overwatch. You can honestly get by only knowing a few heroes well.

>scrubbed the floor with level 20s

And this is how I know you are lying, Season 2 raised the rank level to 50.

im level 28, and i got in just fine

I don't remember hearing they raised it.

>level 28
>has no skill
>is a bronze shitter
>blames the games balance of placing him against shitters
user, unless you are in Diamond and the guys you are facing are in Diamond, you are shit.

you dont seem to understand what is happening

That's pretty fucking bad.

And you don't seem to understand how ranked works

you are another bronze league shitter who thinks the entire thing is win/lose rate.

When it has nothing to actually do with your rank.

Those guys with 200 hours you played against are complete shitters. they have 200 hours and they are stuck constantly facing low hour players because they suck ass and will continue to suck ass.

You can have a win rate of 40% and still be in the high ratings. simply because its based on personal stats.

If you do well every match your rank will go up over time, even if you lose more matches then you win.

Lose a match and keep your personal stats above the regulated systems stats and you'll lose very little rank. Win a match with the same stats and your rank will go up in chunks.

Those guys you faced are not good, they don't not have an advantage over you. They are shitters. they have 200 hours and they still barely know more then someone with 10.

>Get diamond @3015 on PTR
>Get gold @2421 yrsterday

literally why

Already hit 4k just shit talking kids they are at the stage where everything pisses them off making the game ez


Can't wait to join you guys on the free console weekend.

I rage quit a placement match already, thanks blizzard.

are you guys retarded? yeah level doesnt necessarily mean anything, especially if theyre like ten levels above you, but if im on a team with level 30 shitters while they have all double prestiged guys, then yeah, we're fucked because they have probably 200 hours more experience than us.

also youre more likely to be better if you have that much more play time because the game isnt fun if youre shit at it so for most youd play less than someone really good

see And I said earlier he has never done his placements he literally has no rank to match against. Level is not a factor in competitive matchmaking.

not him, but does that mean theyve changed it from last season? because season one, even if i got three gold medals, if we lost i'd still lose ranks

>one team has level 200 bronze players
>other team has level 30 bronze players

They are both bronze players.

They are both shit. The only difference is, one is shit and knows the map and heroes, but they are still shit.

And the other is just shit because they are new.


51 i think cant remember if i got kicked down to 50 at the of season.

>gold medals
Medals mean nothing.

The stats are averages.

If you had 3 gold medals on your team for 1 kill, 1 obj kill and 10 seconds objective time you will get very low stats.

Gold medal means nothing, the actual stat does.

You can have no medals but if you are in a king of the hill map and you get 40 elims, 25 obj elims, 2 minutes objective time you will be highly rated.

It's all based on the stat number, not the color of the medal you might get.

Ranking is based on how consistent you can keep those numbers and were your numbers aveage out at in the ranking system.

>pretty bad, but i got vote card epic almost every matches.

you silly willie, it's basically a rite to vote for supports cards on competitive matches because they took the time to play them when nobody wants

also it's kidna cringe that you could only get 2100 playing only lucio, the go-to char for people who gave up on improving in the game

hey it's not like i want to play him. the last slot is always healer and when i picked Zen they just yell "LUCIO LUCIO LUCIO" so i pick him. dont wanna upset my teammate. morale is important

christ, dont be so fucking pedantic and answer the question.
if i got placed with a shit team and i lost but got 60 kills and 10 minutes on the objective would i still lose rank?

soloQ, won seven, lost three. I was SR78 in season one.

Did they fix healers getting fucked in ranking yet?

6 wins, 3 losses, 1 draw

2799 platinum

in the old system you would lose like 1/20 of your rank

In the new system not sure what the numbers would translate to, but it would be like losing nothing.

If you win with the same stats your rank will go up pretty well.

The point being is, you can lose far more games then win and still have your rank go up fairly quickly. As long as you are consistent in your actual skill. This is why so many of the top solo que players who finished in the 80s and 48-52% win rates.

This is literally how any game's ranking system is you just don't realize it because it doesn't show right in front of you there level.

Look at LoL and CS:GO you can make the exact same argument for those games (CS:GO even has a level you gain like OW). Matchmaking has nothing to do with your time played.

Any game where it would be a factor is a game where levels actually have a meaning for character progression.

Pretty sure it was fixed.

I decided I might play support/healer for most of my matches so far.

I'm a fucking retarded as fuck, players fucking NEED someone to take initiative in breaking through defense or else they'll fuck around behind choke points for like 90% of the timer and panic when its only 1min left. I got 5 matches left and they can suck my dick if they think I'm healing again.

Not him but pretty sure you still will just not as much.

If you play consistently well like that the amount of rank you gain will far outweigh any rank lost.

absolutely brain-dead

enjoy your 50/50 match making