You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not playing the BF1 beta right now

You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not playing the BF1 beta right now

I'm playing it, but it's fucking terrible.

Enemy are sponges, there is literally NO FRONT, just random spawning and running/gunning, vehicles disappear from under you, getting stuck on walls


looks like you're playing against bots.
cool webm

I am but I am disappointed with all the niggers, fake weapons and the slow menu

Im too busy watching Narcos

Stop shilling this kike game

Yeah its pretty shit

Enemies take 2 shots from most guns

>no front

Play Rush like you are suppposed to faggot


uber faggot

>regenerating health
>bug-spawn without equipment
>spazzing phys objects
>people not spawning because I WANT MUH PLAEN or MUH HOERS
>leveling is broken so you might not be able to unlock new weapons for your classes and while others are running around with superior gear you're stuck with a dildo

Gee, I can't say why I'm not playing this wonderful game. But hey, it's just a beta right? They're going to fix it, right? Like they did with BF3, BF4, Hardline and Battlefront, right?

Why is mustard gas so shit?
It takes like 10seconds of direct exposure to kill someone and a quarter of a second to become immune.

but i do right now

No consoles, my PC has a GTS 450.

>Enemies take 2 shots from most guns

4 from most semi auto rifles

I think it was shit. People hated Hardline but as a spinoff it was cool, riding around in cop cars shooting out the window in LA. But BF1 is just flat empty desert, there's no care gone into the maps like Arica Harbour had, it's just flat emptiness with tanks everywhere and no engy class.

Because I'm proud of being white

i don't like battlefield

People didn't hate hardline, it's only that retards who buy games to drop after a week are the only people who purchased it. Hardline was a Bf4 expansion sold for $120
Same shit's gonna happen here because the game's not very good.

They go down in 2 from the tompson, 2 from the BAR, 4 from the Mg34 and 1 from the red rider, and 1 from the gewer.

Because i get rubberbanding despite having a very good connection

Because it's broken as shit?


go play your nigger game tyrone

No thanks bf is shit, if i want to play a WW ro2 still has players

I'm actually white though

I'm proud of being white and thus I won't devote any time to a game that is so against people of my race. Does that sound like ebin negro false-flagging to you?









got bored. seems like itll be a fun game, but one shitty desert map isnt fun for hours

That game looks like fun user, is it steam punk?

>lets add the fking camper fest 2016 team that cant take a fking objective while the enemy has all the rest.

Because it looks good and teleporting in and out of vehicles was always shit.

So people can't just close doors as they sprint through a building; not entirely sure why this is an issue if you can just sprint shove the door open.
Because fags kept instantly jumping into vehicles to save their lives. There should be an exit animation too so people can't just immediately bail vehicles when they're on fire.
Read above.
All should have it.
Yeah, why the fuck should there be an animation for climbing over objects, man. You should just teleport to the other side.

Bf1 is pretty shit but you're just retarded it seems.


second season? is it good?

I'm having a lot of fun so far

>everyone is black

This shit's only acceptable in a singleplayer game

If I'm in a multiplayer arena then I don't care about some aesthetically pleasing animations to get into a vehicle


>touching anything EA related ever
Thanks for killing gaming faggots.

>there is literally NO FRONT
There can't be a front in conquest, there will always be someone taking a flag behind you.

>semi auto rifles with vertical fore grips
>world war one

What wasn't fixed in BF4?


Does this game have red dot sights?

Bored of it already.

I played the desert map to death
cant wait for release
lick me

Why does this series still exist? I've heard nothing but bitching ever since BF 2142 or whatever it was called.

EA is garbage


>this one map is worse than this top bf4 map


I was talking about the difference from beta to first release.
BF4 is much better now than it was when they released it.

I'm not a cuck

>spawn as support gunner at the city
>it's being attacked
>people in the buildings
>go into one
>put an explosive tripwire at the bottom of the stairs
>put mask on
>throw a gas grenade in through the window
>run in
>shoot a dude with my machine gun
>the other guy runs out
>gets blown up by tripmine
>this is awesome
>run outside
>see a sniper flare
>get into cover
>get sniped by another sniper from across the map
>respawn as assault
>the train is almost dead
>put a bunch of dynamite and a vehicle mine on the tracks
>retreat to safe distance
>it goes over the mine
>it fucking blows up
>it's amazing
>get sniped
>respawn as medic
>helping teamates
>a land raider comes
>we all scatter
>run into building
>theres a guy inside
>fucking bayonet his ass
>the land raider blows up my building
>escape through the window
>get sniped
>half of our team is snipers (and so is the enemy team)
>we still have like 8 minutes left
>60 points ahead
>fuck it
>spawn as sniper
>just hang out in the desert part of the map with all the other snipers
>trying to snipe other snipers
>occasionally get a kill on some poor infantry unit
>survive the rest of the game doing nothing to contribute the match
>probably only got about 5 kills the whole match
>we lose
They fucking removed bullet drop, so everyone is a fucking sniper. Especially in Rush.

if your webm was supposed to sell us the game
i'm afraid you failed miserably

Oh, sure, beta is nothing but the release version.
Then again, the betas before happened a week before release, in 2 months they could tweak some things.

Because I don't want to play as a dindunuffin

I don't like multiplayer shooters like Battlefield, or Call of Duty.

Wait for the release and make your soldier white then.

Day one DLC

Premium Package


130$ Online Only

Rehashed Shooter

Nothing Like BF Vietnam

No Commander Mode


>Every EA game "beta"
>Shills praising it like it is the 2nd coming
>Shills conveniently all disappear and Sup Forums universally agrees the game is shit

Every fucking cycle. Fuck off shills.

Racist! How dare you refuse to accept that millions upon millions of brave African warriors died for your freedom in WW1 and 2? How fucking dare you?

I wasn't kings or shit.

>paying $170 dolla for a reskinned battlefront

Would be nice if they explained what a train would actually do

Shills have entered damage control mode

>B-but you can change your skin in the retail version, goy!

It's utter garbage, just like anything they've shat out since BF2142

Because I literally cannot.

It's going to be $40 for the Ultimate edition after 2 months in CD Key sites.
Besides, it's more similar to Battlefield 4 with some Battlefront elements on top of it, like that thing about using points to unlock gear.

Nothing that they took out of Battlefront from Battlefield 4 is missing in 1.

What's there to explain? One guy drives, five guys shoot guns.

those key sites are too shady. like itll stop working after a month or some shit like get your account banned. i dont even.

*raises paw*

Uhhh...can any bro tell me how to get in the beta? Can I just go on the console store and find it?

>WWI game
>has WWII guns or weapons that were created after 10 years since WWI's end

>unless you mindlessly hate this game and ignore facts you are a shill

Tell me, who's the people making endless Battlefield 1 threads, one after another, flooding the catalog?

EA doesn't need shills, you already do an excellent job at making Sup Forums talk endlessly about this game, and for free.
You are free marketing.

Is BF4 actually good now?


Half my Steam account is made of games bought in CD Key sites, never had one deleted from the account.
As long as you buy your games from your own region, or one of the Global CD Keys, you'll be fine.

Because i have PR installed.

Game's just not very fun

It's BF1 with worse graphics, helicopters and thermal sights.
It's okay.

>not committing to the next phase of greatness with Squad



>Squad shills are still a thing

and bullet drop
and recoil

That too, forgot how bad it was.

I will never not shill for BASED SQUAD!

game is shit

>be bad
>complain about shit game


Because it's historically inaccurate SJW nigger Jew cuck bullshit.

Jezus fucking christ that looks terrible

Bullshit. If BF1 was WW1 themed BF4 it would actually be fun

It's okay, I think the current BF4 is an improvement over BF3 in many ways. If you didn't like BF3 then you won't like it though.

Most people end up hiding in buildings peeking through doors & windows. Another 10 people are in ground vehicles, and the rest are in planes... thus leaving you a small handful of people on foot actually fighting.

The game is boring, it doesn't feel like a battle is going on. Everything is scattered, there's no direction or proper flow to the battle.

The game is fucking garbage. They won't be able to fix this core fundamental problem by October.

Wow, that was so rude.

computer can't handle it. I downloaded the battlefront beta and it didn't even try to launch

Do i really need a reason to not be playing another fps

omfg I love this game now lmao

Why the fuck do i get warbonds if i can't unlock anything?

>Bullshit. If BF1 was WW1 themed BF4 it would actually be fun
BF4 is horrible, just like all post-Bad Company 2 Battlefield games.

Its like 7 gigs for like one map.

>>be bad
it's my screenshot. I got 53-0, retard.

Well it's true user, EA now has a strict policy to have all their games serve a propaganda scheme of feminism and racial issues. Politics shouldn't be in games unless it's solely designed by the developers on their own terms. EA is no different than Hollywood in trying to brainwash the masses.

>it doesn't feel like a battle is going on. Everything is scattered, there's no direction or proper flow to the battle.
so basically it's a battlefield game

The current popular political movement will always affect media because this is a business, they want to sell, so they appeal to the majority.
Today is SJWs, tomorrow it'll be the right again, and after that the left again.

Does anybody still play Bad Company 2? I recently refunded Eternal Crusade and want to pick up something else for multiplayer.

"look ma, I can drive a light tank!"