Boo fucking hoo. Reamkes deserve to get taken down...

Boo fucking hoo. Reamkes deserve to get taken down. Why the fuck should people have access to a free version of a game that's still on sale?

AM2R is literally a Metroid Flappy Bird.

When you release a fan game you're preventing further interest from the actual real source AKA Nintendo's Metroid.

So, you get AM2R released right when Federation Force is released.. You're hurting sales because some nostalgia faggot will say, "W-where were you when Nintendo was BTFO for not making a REAL Metroid game?" Not only are you hurting with the same rehashed bullshit but you're also further supporting mindless drone nostalgia catering to the fucking drone ass masses. Stop fucking up Nintendo's License. It's theirs and they can do whatever the fuck they want.

The only way to win is to vote with your wallet by ignoring bad games and buying good ones.

>but how can you know if it's good before you've played it?!?!?!

It's really not that hard. 9/10 times you can easily tell if a game is worth your time or not just by looking at gameplay trailers. Then there are other factors you can consider like previous works from the same developer or who is publishing it. If there is so little information out on it that you really can't tell, just wait like 1 or 2 days for the reviews to kick in. If you can't tell if it's worth your time or not at that point you are a genuine fucking retard and deserve to lose whatever money you spend on it if you didn't like it. Case in point: Every single retard who bought No Man's Sky.

People who pirate games, play them to completion, and then go "nah not worth my money" are genuine scumbags and I honestly agree with that Sony guy who said if you play a game for 50 hours and then refund it you are basically just a thief.

Other urls found in this thread:

sometimes I like to defend the stupid things Nintendo does, just because it makes so many people genuinely angry

great bait, but you won't get a (You) from me

A classic troll, eh? Feels like there aren't many of those left. Most of the time it's 'ironic'.

This better be pasta

animu name?

Why do you shit post? Do you really think getting a couple of teenagers to fall for your "bait" is actually enjoyable?

>I pretended to be wrong on the internet and 2 people called me out on being wrong! Ha, showed them how easy it is to manipulate people.

the real question here is why does that mario have two pairs of eyebrows, one of which seems to be sticked on his hat?


>ruining Metroid 2 with casual Fusion/ZM physics
6th gen babbies truly are the worst generation.

>blah blah blah
really I don't even get why we're having non-stop threads about this, the game was good, I already played it, it's out there for free and not going anywhere, and who gives a single shit about a tersely worded letter
All this fucking hysteria over something so pointless, you all act as if Nintendo is sending pic related to your house personally
You know what would actually be newsworthy? If AM2R's creator just ignored it and kept on with his business, somebody really needs to call Nintendo's bluff or whoever else's when this happens again because I feel like C&Ds are literally toilet paper, not this fire and brimstone shit

Kyoukai no Kanata

designed by dobson

>Thanks fampai

wow I hate remakes now

>When you release a fan game you're preventing further interest from the actual real source AKA Nintendo's Metroid.

Yeah, because otherwise Federation Force would've sell MILLIONS. Face it, nintenbabbies, AM2R is what saved the series' 30th anniversary, not its mother company.

Why are you defending corporate interests so vehemently? Are you a shareholder?

They're contrarians who know how easy it is to get a rise out of people here.

why the fuck does he have 4 eyebrows

AM2R is literally taking a product Nintendo sells, spend years of labor to remake it and distributing.

It's crazy that Sup Forums wants to defend AM2R over the original creator.

Does anyone have the latest AM2R version available for download? I'm having a hard time finding it now.

>copying shitposts from a thread you got BTFO in into your OP

If you created something, you should have the right to decide who gets to make money with it.
By allowing anyone to make whatever the fuck they want with a brand they didn't create, it destroys the value of the brand

>When you release a fan game you're preventing further interest from the actual real source AKA Nintendo's Metroid.
If a multimillion dollar company has their work surpassed by ONE GUY they don't deserve those sales.

Yeah man this shitty AM2R is destroying Metroid's image after it was held up in such high regard following Other M and Federation Force.

>When you release a fan game you're preventing further interest from the actual real source AKA Nintendo's Metroid.
I don't think that's true. If I play a fan game and like it, it just makes me want to play an official game. And if they don't make another official game then why do they care?

good thing nintendo took down everything related to AM2R from the internet, including all download links and the subreddit, so those insidious and malicious fans of the series can't take away sales from the ingenious and refreshing Metroid™ Federation Force™


You would have a point if
a). Nintendo had released a 2D Metroid recently
b). The guy behind am2r were trying to profit from it

>but Metroid 2 is in the VC
am2r is am2r and Metroid 2 is Metroid 2; they aren't cannibalizing each other.

Agree completely.

Just watch this awesome (You) I've just given you. Don't you feel that wonderful adrenaline rush through your bones, flesh and brain? No wonder people are addicted to this kind of shit.

>The only way to win is to vote with your wallet by ignoring bad games and buying good ones.

>make bad metroid game
>doesn't sell
>guess they don't like metroid!

fuck you op fangames 8 years in development are fair play

Posters are after (You)s
OPs are after replies.

You fed it you dumb twat.

(OP)s have a little more value than just plain replies.

They're the same because you're giving attention to OP's thread.

you have much to learn

Who the fuck asked you though

I wonder who is behind this post?

brb sudoku

one of the reasons is the mentality change of the new generation.
10 years ago kids would be making their own fangames in the games factory and sharing them, now they have access to the social networks filled with carefully operated pages of the companies that made their favorite video games and they can interact with them. that makes these kids more prone to defending the companies, since they see them as more of a friend in a way.
also, the fact that fangaming was always in legal gray area doesn't help it's cause, since companies are indeed permitted to take this content down as they wish and no child experienced with klik n play or a skilled college student can afford to take on them in the court - they must comply.
aside from that, many people treat the law as a holy, flawless index, which works against fangames too. they usually overlook the fact that these project are often a spawn of childlike "what-if" fantasy rather than a coldly calculated will to profit.
lastly, heavy commercialization of modern internet and ads being put literally everywhere are an additional impulse for the companies to issue dmcas, since the sites that host the files of the games for the download and display ads are treated as the ones making profit from these games.

That's because AM2R gave people what they wanted, something the original creator haven't done in years.
People that played AM2R weren't going to buy Federation Force anyway. MetroidVania fans buy titles like Axiom Verge and such, not spin offs that doesn't have anything to do with the original.
Think about it. Even with all the bad reception, Other M wasn't a total flop. Because most people thought it was a real metroid game. So they bought it.
Federation Force is not a real metroid game, so they won't buy it.
AM2R is a real metroid game not done by the original people, but they'll play it anyway. Even if it's ilegal or whatever.

It's not that hard/crazy.

For those who don't want to read OP's bullshit I'll sum it up for you.

>waaaaaah stop bullying Nintendo by actually giving them competition. How can you expect a massive corporation to compete with tiny indie devs?

>released right when Federation Force is released
>>You're hurting sales
Nah, dude. I can say without a single doubt that Federation Force isn't going to sell well based on its own shit design, not because of market competition by a free fangame.

It's kind of funny that the biggest anti-consumer arguments aren't actually from the companies that implement anti-consumer policies, but from their supporters. It's even worse with indie devs.

I don't know how legal shit works but I'm pretty sure C&D projects isn't because they're mad jelly of other people doing their jobs better than they are. It's probably just some stupid legal BS where they have to muscle out infringement threats to the IP or investors chimp out.

Nope, they don't have to issue DMCAs

>AM2R is literally a Metroid Flappy Bird.
What did he mean by this

>fan game in developement in several years
>not a hidden project, consistently posts updates
>no word from copyright holder of original material
>fan-game released
>immediately issue C&D
Can't you see? They don't actually want people to stop making fan-games. Where are all those C&Ds for the shitty ones?
Nintendo is just doing the creators a favor by letting them the finish the games, and then they're giving them additional exposure by C&Ding them.

>where's all the C&D for the shitty ones?
Last night Nintendo took down 500+ games on game jolt.
Most of the fan games there are made by kids and only very few actually have effort into em.

And apparently they made money off it by ads. Smart kids