>Consoles are the cancer that is killing the industry!
>*buys DLC for an unfinished early access game*
What did PC """gamers""" mean by this?
>Consoles are the cancer that is killing the industry!
>*buys DLC for an unfinished early access game*
What did PC """gamers""" mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Huh, a frustrated faggot.
Save your country before complaining about non-important things on the Internet, poor.
Ark is also on consoles smasrtass
>the home of shovelware
news at 11
>most PC exclusives look like shit or are RTS games
>PC master race uses their high end pcs to play console ports
give me (you)s
No it isnt dumbass (at least on ps4)
The pound is one of the strongest currencies in the world, what are you talking about?
>the only games pc fags buy are the ones released on console
>since they have no games they buy Indie shovelware
>high end pcs to play 8bit pixel art
I don't give a shit about the pound, I'm talking about his shitty country and his shitty life.
PC gaming is a terrible state at the moment.
I have no idea why people treat it like we're in the golden age of vidya or something
he hurt your feelings pc gamer?
t. Ahmed from Londonistan.
>at the moment.
Please me remind me of 4CDs install + setup.exe crash was a better time
You sound pretty mad, what meme country do you originate from?
What's shitty about UK?
I've lived there for 2 years and i had a great time
Fuck off terrorist cunt. Opinion discarded.
based Sweden
Compare the play time of ARK to any uncharted game, it's the literal timesink play with friends game.
butthurt pc gamer detected
>gets fucking TRIGGERED to oblivion
>desperately tries to change the subject to something irrelevant
How's the DLC, DeShawn?
Gaben is like Reggie on steroids (or xtreme bacon)
why do you guys support his company?
All fucking shit memes aside, that is fucking ridiculous that they are selling DLC for an unfinished game.
I don't know whats worse the fact that they are doing that or the fact people are actually buying it.
When the fuck will people learn to stop buying into bullshit, no wonder the gaming industry is dying.
PC gamers is not one person
Well i doubt a pc would even fit in your average british appartement so I can see where the salt is coming from.
>see a shit game released DLC
>maybe I'll go share it with my buddies at Sup Forums!
Reminder that only PC players play MOBAshit, only PC players play EarlyAccess shit and provide the most support for that cancerous way of developing games, and it's mostly PC players that pay up for Kickstarter shit.
Also, how could I forget the whole Steam friend threads cancer and the Hats/keys/chests that are all over TF2, Dota2, CSGO and more.
I would honestly be ashamed to call myself master race when the title carries all that baggage. Oh, let's add to that port begging, no one port begs nearly as much
good thing I'm an idort
yeah that definately explains the popularity of the game
>*buys DLC for an unfinished early access game*
Who are you quoting?
can you pls gtfo, we get it, you're mad
They literally just saved their country a couple of months ago
>half of the posts are samefagging
>bought ark on sale early access a while ago because i was rakin in dough at the time and had a few bucks to spare on a game that a few friends were playing
>also because i have a thing where i buy as many dinosaur games as i possibly can
>play it for a few hours
>kinda fun but unstable as fuck and unpolished
>decide i need to wait for a fuller release to play it
>over a year has gone by
>haven't touched it since
>see this shit
Is there any way to get a game removed from your steam account? like not even looking for a refund, just a straight up removal. I want to remove all association with my account and this game
You could complain about the general population in any console thread or any PC thread.
The majority of people are fucking stupid. Wow-eee. What news!
>port begging
This kills threads for months on end.
If the game never gets a port the threads get derailed with port begs forever.
If the game does get ported the threads still get shitposted on with "I TOLD YOU SO"
There is no way to fight it, it's not bannable, it's pure cancer.
yeah you can get it removed permanently, something something steam support
No they didn't, they engaged in a stalemate with a bureaucracy. The bureaucracy, however, won't forget its interests and motivations before the citizens themselves get tired and move on to the next hot button issue (as brought to you by The Press™).
>he bought Dark Souls 2
Ouch, you have my condolences.
It's that one anally devastated guy who bought the DLC so he's shitposting about Britain even though it's completely irrelevant to the topic.
This is why we need ID's
Don't remove it, since they are always updating the gameassuming they actually give a damn about the game, wait for a couple of months or so and play it again
Learn how to put your own spoon in to your own mouth.
who cares for this
it's better than to have ids
ids will destroy Sup Forums
it means that every PC gamer is the same person :^))))))
Do consider that a Steam sale purchase is nowadays cheaper than a weekend Blockbuster rental 15 year ago.
It's hard for me to have buyers remorse at all.
>who cares
t. samefagger
>Unfinished game
Aside from the business end of things which doesn't effect you AT ALL there's literally no difference between an "Early Access" game and a "Released" game that's still receiving updates.
[spoiler}>mfw I know that I can actually do that
>mfw I'm just tryin to make conversation because i'm high as fuck and so lonely[/spoiler]
I'm sorry for makin you angry, user.
wow that unfinished game that still has more content with the base game alone than most other games
What the actual fuck.
It's Ark with some fantasy monsters thrown in, and all the new dinos they'd been teasing with those dossier scraps are apparently Scorched Earth exclusives.
Jesus fucking Christ.
This. I've already spent over 100h playing this with friends.
If only they would fix the fucking performance. It runs so fucking bad.
Oh and pls adopt Rust's building system. Of course it's never going to happen
>buying early access survival games
Why would anyone do this? I haven't and I'm a happier person for not buying them.
Ctrl+S, dude.
Betting money that the guy who called it an indie sidescroller for 60 bucks will be the first guy to scream out "PC WINS AGAIN" if Odin Sphere ever gets ported to Steam.
why would you even fall into the pit of survival/management games, they are all worthless wastes of time
>Since all japanese games land on PC except the worst weebtrash
What is this guy talking about? The only japanese games PC gets are garbage like Neptunia and they buy it.
>there are people on this board that buy early access games
>early access open world survival games
It's cool bro, I'm glad you could actually own up to yourself. That's a hallmark of personal growth to which I can pay due respect. Keep it moving, brother.
Have any of these open world early access survival games ever been released? I can't for the life of me understand why people would buy them.
That's because it's _fun.
And mind you, I plan to play all 3 Re;Birth games on Vita.
Yeah I can confirm the fucking lag, especially when you got a base fitting of alpha tribe status, stopped playing as we got to the point were we just did whatever the fuck we wanted on our server and no one else even has quetzals now, got 1.8k hours played, so no remorse
Which AAA survival game of the current decade would you recommend?
None of them. Survival games are shit.
Yes, blame the players. Good angle retard.
Do you seriously think anyone is happy about this?
Just go watch the negative reviews you fuck wit.