There are people that follow this shitty normiebait manga

>there are people that follow this shitty normiebait manga
>there are people that play a shit game just because it's based on said shit normiebait manga

why is it considered normie manga?

Because it's popular and Sup Forums and Sup Forums must hate popular things.

>shitty normiebait manga
This obsession.

I like it and I like the game.

Because it doesn't pander to the Sup Forums shit taste

what does this even mean

It's a non argument that Sup Forums likes to use to shit on popular stuff.

it means it's entry level anime and people who watch anime very have watched it. It's basically the same as Death Note

It's a gateway anime of the worst kind

I haven't seen it. Is it any good or are the shitposters right?

>It's a gateway anime of the worst kind
But that's naruto.

It's ok for the first few episodes. After Eren becomes a Titan everything turns to shit. If you haven't dropped it after they spend 3 episodes moving a rock then congratulations you have no taste and your reward is watching shit become even more retarded as it becomes No John, You Are The Titan: The Anime.

Why not both?

Naruto is actually terrible tho

Show it to someone that does not like anime, she/he will start to like it. Also is quite popular.

So is SnK

This place will really hate anything if it's popular.

>Naruto is actually terrible tho

Naruto has garbage pacing and flat as fuck characters. Those are really it's only sins. At it's worst it's good as background noise.

SnK has all the flaws of Naruto while also being an incoherent mess visually and plotwise.

AoT is not the plodding, filler filled mess that is naruto. It's actually good if you take off your hipster glasses for once

How about you stop being a special snowflake and see that it has very few and none critical flaws, why do you think people like it to begin with?

Come on, even if you hate SnK with a passion you should still appreciate the animation.
>incoherent mess visually

OP it's anime. No one cares that there's actually good manga with depth. They just want to talk about how epic the new thing is and feel like they're a part of something.

So basically you're wasting your time unless this is just bait or falseflagging in which case carry on.

Don't bother, most complaints are literally memes.

normies don't read manga at all

You will find many like minded individuals with patrician tastes in anime over there :^)

i want to FUCK Annie

Except SnK is riddled with filler. It's been 4 years and they're still nowhere near the basement that was mentioned 4 fucking years ago when the fucking basement is in the town that was attacked at the very beginning. You'd think with every fucking character having TITUN POWAHZ now that they'd be able to easily move a little bit of fucking rubble so they can open a fucking basement door.

>incoherent mess visually
The manga's art is fucking atrocious though


Normies don't generally read manga or watch anime of any kind.

And yet you faggots cream your pants for every Jojo shovelware and would probably die out of sheer endorphins overload if OPM got a game, while they are both as entry level and normalfag friendly as SnK

I'm not the biggest AoT fan but i don't think you understand art style and art direction senpai

Normies don't read manga. At most they would watch the anime.

One Meme Man is also garbage

>The manga's art is fucking atrocious though
No, it's not. It's really rough to be sure, but it's clear and the guy draws movement well.

I still do not fucking understand what's wrong with opm that people would be so against it. It's a show that had great characters, humor and animation. What else do you want?

Literally this. Sup Forums doens't even dislike the manga and never has, they just jumped on hating the anime when it became popular for being a legitimately solid shonen.

Tell that to all the manime fags on this board

Give an actual argument instead of just being a contrarian.

>i dont like thing because other people like thing

That is you right now.

they want only a small circle of people including themselves to be the judicars of good taste

That's not what filler means, you fucking Sup Forumsermin. Stop acting like you're some high class Sup Forums elite when you don't even know the lingo.

It's also because Sup Forums has a skewed view on how anime should be.

But it is filled with filler. Instead of progressing towards their fucking goal they just introduce new Titans or it's revealed that yet another person has TITUN POWAHZ.

this is a board for girls, newfag

>people hate AoT because the plot is fucking stupid and nonsensical.
>they hate the wacky action and character interactions, which is what it's really about.
>these same people give TTGL and KLK the highest praise.

I'd play a fucking sword art online game if it was fun, go fuck yourself the game is enjoyable, the only downside is that the game probably wont get modded so I can't play as the npcs

Filler is anything that is not canon. All of those had important parts in the whole story. Do you feel stupid yet?

Yeah, that's called having a plot, you fucking idiot. Naruto is known for "filler" because the anime is filled with episodes and arcs that weren't in the manga, and are not relevant to the plot whatsoever. That's what filler means. It doesn't mean introducing new elements to the story.

>people are retarded hypocrites
What else is new?


the word you're looking for is "padding"

>merely pretending

>Posting tumblr art

user leave

Oh man you got it. I guess I'll go back to playing Overmeme in shame.

padding and filler can be used interchangeably


The manga's story is stupid as fuck, but the game is fun as fuck.

>Started out promising
>MC is suddenly a special snowflake cause MUH WILLPOWER!!!!!!!
>Turns into generic shonen garbage with power levels

Fuckin' hell. Anime and manga really is complete garbage.

Eren should've died and Armin should've become the new MC along with Mikasa.

>caring about the source of a cropped reaction image

Attack on titain is shite though. Babby's first gorey shounen.


>Eren should've died and Armin should've become the new MC along with Mikasa
So we should have had two cucks as the main characters?