Why do people like this exist?


Other urls found in this thread:


these are the type of people you attract when you water down and casualize your game

Holy shit the butthurt casuals make me mad.

>It is the same mentality as removing flying - just a needless way to lose business.
These people are the worms feeding on WoW's corpse.

i've never had to go down there as a priest

is it mandatory to do things down there other than being a rogue? if so i can understand completely where they are coming from. I fucking hate pvp in this too. It was not made to be a pvp game and it never will be a pvp game.


>acting like a child

as expected from people who play pvp. that's another reason why I don't.

answer my question

It seems to have some quests down there. I still don't get it why they're whining so much, since you can hire a bodyguard while you're doing your stuff. If they have a problem with how it works, they really should be complaining about the bodyguard.

>The only logical conclusion I have been able to come up with is they are sick of maintaining WoW
and are trying to INTENTIONALLY kill the game without disappointing their fan base too much with an official "we quit" statement

By adding FFA pvp in an optional area? Why don't they add it to necessary areas like leveling up quests and dungeons or something?

This seems fun at first, except in practice it's not really FFA. I've seen guilds / group camp on a quest pnj and kill on sight anyone approaching. Just give it some time and it will be only group ganking.

>And ESO, because it's free. And neither force you to feed psychotics in PVP.
what meaning is she trying to get across?

Is it a FFA arena like the one in STV? Or does this have more to do with pve players on a pvp server bitching about getting ganked?

but his right. made me unsub as well.


>taking people that play WoW in 2016 seriously

>pay 5 gold for a bodyguard to be unattackable
>suddenly big scary players can't kill you

It's not fucking hard. I fucking love the PvP zones, it's great when everyone is killing a rare and then suddenly the guards leave and it's a fucking bloodbath.

But I guess some people don't like when things are possibly dangerous

>unpopular opinions get their post hidden by default

What the fuck is this shit? You're not allowed to disagree?

Fucking post rating systems are retarded. Read the damn post yourself to see if you disagree or not.

Came here to say this. Hugboxes disgust me.

well um, if you have a bad opinion or are trolling then yes. it's a good system. keeps the forums clear from idiots.

I've paid you a small fortune.

>All of the players agreeing with it are heavily downvoted, posts hidden
What a fantastic hugbox. It's even more highly amusing if it really is just completely optional. These people are so irrational that it's downright sad.

>keeps forums clear from idiots

Yeah, except it really doesn't. It just confines idiots to certain threads so they can all echo chamber upvote each other and never have to listen to a conflicting opinion.

You're assuming the trolls and idiots don't have the same upvote/downvote buttons the smart people do. That door swings both ways.

this makes the game virtually unplayable for me. ugh. blizz should just give us refunds at this point. I'm so disappointed. I feel like I was cheated again, like with no man's sky. what the fuck happened to video games...

WTF there are hundreds of bugs submited just in the last HOUR. did they not test this before they released it? DAFUQ. epic fail.

Ive been playing this crap for over ten years now and I never participated in any of these shit threads.

Even if the posts get read it feels so pointless and like such a waste of time as you need to shit their board up all the time to get heard.

"I am upset that there is world pvp on a pvp server."

It's the same mindset of people that bitched and whined about the pre expansion wotlk event where their daily ritual of logging on and standing in the city hub doing nothing was interrupted by something that required them to actually play a different facet of the game they didn't willingly want to participate in. You know, fun things. MMO casuals are the most pathetic bottom feeders in the entire digital world.

>doesn't. It just confine
>shit 7.0 hits
>camera shaking
>drunk effect
>can't disable those shits that give me nauseas


>It was not made to be a pvp game and it never will be a pvp game.
The funny thing is that you people WILL ALWAYS say this in ANY MMO as soon as the game has grinding or quests. I honestly dont even get what you people play MMOs for.

>a bad opinion
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean you fucking nigger?

I don't play any MMOs anymore, but my impression from people who do (and threads such as this) is usually more so just to keep up with the community you have the in MMO. Anything that needs to be done in-game is secondary.

if 90% of people think something is bad and you come in saying that we're wrong and that it's good then you have a bad opinion. you bring nothing useful to the table.

>waah they don't like to play pvp fuck them
i don't play wow but wtf

This cant be real. Please tell me this guy is just an obnoxious troll. I cant handle this anymore.

Wait, what profession quest required you to go down to the sewers?

Something that you don't agree with.

Why does it trigger so many people when there is any kind of PvP they can't avoid in a MMO?

My first MMO literally had nothing but PvP, I mean there was PvE but that was only means to get ready to PvP and everyone enjoyed it.

I just don't get it, why play an online game in the first place then?
Same for dungeon queue and auction house old games forced you to talk to people if you wanted a party or buy something, where is the fun if you play alone?

But everyone in this thread disagrees with you so that would make your opinion bad by your own logic

>But everyone in this thread disagrees with you


In Black Desert they argued that its non consensual PVP and that the people who commit is should be punished common comparisons being real life murder and the Holocaust no I am not joking

Wouldn't that make his logic true, though?

What else is actually down in that area that's so important players feel the need to go there?

ffa pvp

the bl*ck market

Other than that

That's it?

There were also some quests related with professions & some shit. Oh, and fishing, too.

I should be able to go to places with no real reason and not fear being ganked.

Spot the redditor.

This but can I get a response to is this arena active on pve servers or is this a pvp server only thing?

Well they've already compared this to slavery, right there in that thread OP linked, so I'm not surprised at what your spoilers are saying. A guy there stated that PVP players have had to deal with pure PVE content for years now, and got this as a response.
>For years race A enslaved race B. Therefor, it is a GOOD thing that race B now enslaves race A, because slavery was never the REAL problem here.
>Because logic.
Those retards actually voted this positive. A fucking slavery comparison. It's mind boggling how delusional they are.

You don't have to go downstairs

Because PVP in wow is largely gear based, and not skil. I was trying to do my unholy artifact weapon but couldn't because there were 3 level 110s camping the escort quest

It's not fun, it's not balanced, mmo PVP is garbage. If you could win with skill, it'd be a different story. People don't have PVP, they hate bullshit like this.

When you have 500k hp and the enemy Dk has over 2 million hp and his two faggot friends have over 1 million there's nothing you can do.

It's not really optional to go down there. I had to go down there a few times for JC quests. The guy that spawns for the quests is usually killed instantly, making it annoying.

Saying that though, fuck these babby casuals. Even when doing the JC quests I wasn't even killed once, even though it was infested with 99% horde (I'm ally). It adds something fun to do instead of idling in Dalaran and actually adds some fun to the game. The only thing actually of worth down there other than vendors for items YOU GET PVP'ING is the black market, which is only used by spergs anyways.

>scared of being ganked in mmo

Play an offline game then you retard

>Go into PVP area
>Complain that there's PVP

Why does there have to be so many fucking worms?!?!?!?=!

All they are complaining about is that the FFA PvP can be toggled in the Underbelly on PvE servers. They want it so when FFA PvP does happen there, you aren't killed but reduced to 1 HP.

If you care about PvP in any shape or fashion, you shouldn't be on a PvE server to begin with, fuckface.

WoW GD is such a shithole.

Ummmmm,,, how dare you????? back the fuck ofF!!!!???

>open ffa pvp zone
>you only go there if you are a rogue
>everyone are getting butthurt
really made me fink..

Cities flag you, outdoor arenas flag you, darkmoon death match flags you

PvE doesn't mean no PvP zone retard

>race A dominated race B, but now race B wants to dominate race A, and cucks of race A are ok with it
how B'ED can you be?

Agree 100%. The place went in the dumpster when they brought in the upvote/downvote system. I cannot believe people actually think that censorship system is a good idea.

It's fucking disgusting. It completely encourages circle jerks.

It irritates me the amount of whiny cunts that complain about the Underbelly.

I found it to be a neat place. It's like going into a black neighborhood.

In Asheron's Call there was a giant event where a single dungeon forced PvP. It was one of the greatest things to ever happen in MMOs.

The short story is that there is a boss at the end of this dungeon, a crystal, that ensures a great evil remains captured and jailed never to walk the land again. But the boss is in a dungeon that flags everyone for PvP. So people decided to protect the dungeon so no one could ever kill the boss.

Their guard was so strong and lasted so long the developers themselves had to intervene so the story could continue.

OH, and one last thing, in Asheron's Call mobs could level up from killing players. So the boss had leveled up several times before anyone could kill it.


What the fuck are these people whining about?

I can only gather that there is a FFA PVP area, but what is forcing them to enter that area?

It's weird how nowadays 95% of MMO players want to be effectively isolated from other people.

Just play a single player game for fuck's sake.

this is absolutely retarded. These are the people that suck out the fun and soul out of video games. Look at them. Fucking scum

can someone spoon feed me what it is they are ranting about, whats ffa and why is it so bad?


FFA = Free For All
They're ranting about how they don't like the idea of fighting with people, because muh casual peace & harmony.

is the underbelly the old sewers of dalaran, thought it was the rogue base now?

I think it was there, but you enter the class order hall through the Glorious Goods store.

>massive downvotes on different views get grayed out. Not even swearing or being assholes about it.

That's rage inducing in itself.

what are they talking about?

im at 108 and i havent been forced to pvp yet

>"It really doesn't make sense to force PvE players into PvP. Guess they didn't think this one through"

Huh? FORCED? Have I missed something? When was it forced to PvP to progress in PvE besides maybe some Vanilla/BC quests and the MoP legendary questline...

>people do pvp in wow
well you have retarded people everywhere

I'd be all for punishing people if the players took it upon themselves to punish them rather than crying to the moderators or GMs or whatever they're called. Form like an in-game peacekeeping organisation, how cool would that be?
I figured that'd be the kind of interesting player interaction people would play MMOs for.

>I figured that'd be the kind of interesting player interaction people would play MMOs for.
Not in [current year].

Too bad that'll never happen.

and you can become corrupt and start charging people for nothing then they have to pay you a fee to bee free, it would be great


Yeah seems about right. These kinds of people are the only ones left playing WoW, the fucking dregs of the community.

>somehow "competent" gameplay, not standing in AOE
>dynamic incoming damage, and outgoing abilities

I also disagree with your opinion and judging by most of the reactions here I would say most others do as well. You are bringing nothing useful to the table so you should leave the thread


I don't play WoW and even I can see why this was a horrible decision.

I remember playing on darktide when balz was set loose. I remember he zipped past me because he was lvl nine hundered something only for my bandwith to drop to nothing thanks to the flood of guilds right on his tail.

where is the bodyguard? or does s/he only appear when it's FFA mode?

These casual crybabies are exactly the type i would expect on the alliance. WHAT IS THE POINT OF A MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAME IF NOT TO INTERACT WITH OTHERS?

Don't go into Underbelly then..?
I really don't understand the paying customer argument. I'm a paying customer, and so are my friends, some of which that love to PvP. Let them have fun with their minigames.

>play games aimed at casuals and literal children, aka blizzard games
>complain that their players are complete faggots
Try playing good games next time

> If it becomes detrimental to my character progression, I'll be cancelling my subscription as well.
> Seriously, this will end up costing them millions.
> This has already cost them money in cancelled subs, mine included.

Fucking kek. You can always spot SJWs by the fact that they think their boycotts of 10-20 people mean anything. Meanwhile, PVP is still one of the critical reasons the game is even still alive.

Go to FFXIV if WoW triggers you. That game's not even bad by any means (actually fun fwiw), but it's such a fucking casual hand-holder it's ridiculous, and it's chock-full of all the gay shit weebs and autistic fedora fags like. It's literally the reddit mmo.

And the post-voting system on the blizz forums is retarded. Even the most mild of disagreements posted are being hidden. It's not as bad in the OW forums but it's definitely there because of all the quickplay casual faggots.

Anyways, WoW PVP is ass and the game is ass. The community is filled with two ends of the autism spectrum: SJWs and endgame gear fags. It's either you go the route of button mashing no-communication auto-grouping speed-running single-player asperger boringness, or 'character progression xD mi nite elf qt'.

> muh gear numbers
> muh spec build

At 110 there are some profession quests you can do that require you to go into the sewers. What these people don't realise is that you can pay 5g to get a buff that prevents you being flagged for PvP, but it's a little buggy.

yeah i noticed some recipes for crafting

i dont mind the FFA
its fine and i got a good amount of sightless eyes from it
but id rather know WHEN the guards are going to go on break instead

really makes you think

Nowadays the average player is such a chore to be around.

I love the Dal sewers, but having to pug heroics right off the bat is always a fucking nightmare.

Not just recipes, there's a questline where you need to get some items from down there, including from the bosses.

>Try to do the quest in Suramar where all the little mutant elf children are missing
>Have to hide in basket
>Once inside basket, unable to leave, have to relog, abandon quest and try again
>Do this twice, on third try it finally works.
>Follow NPC to place where she needs to be killed, kill her.
>Go to pick up item I need to open gate
>Unable to loot item from corpse with auto-loot, right-clicking does nothing either. It's just sitting there for ten seconds
>Corpse disappears without giving me the quest item
>Open a ticket and tell them shit's fucked.
>Wait 24 hours for response
>"Many quest related issues associated with the Legion launch have been addressed via hotfix or can be resolved by abandoning the quest and attempting it again. :^)"
Well fuck you too, cunts