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>tfw we'll never get Pikmin 1 + 2 HD
Its a handheld spinoff.
I dunno, Miyamoto has been talking about the next pikmin game and 'PIKMIN' is a pretty bold working title.
I just really hope this isn't the Pikmin game he is talking about.
Something about them looks really spooky.
Are people seriously afraid that this might be Pikmin 4?
I know it's a nonsensical assumption but with what Nintendo has been like lately, it's very possible.
There's no way this is Pikmin 4. Miyamoto may be crazy but he's not that fucking insane. 4 is most certainly an NX title and they're just waiting to announce the NX before talking about it any more.
Pikmin would be kill
if it was Pikmin 4 they would've said so
What's the big deal? It looks like a fun game.
To this?
Looks worse than Pikmin 1.
Reminder that some people ACTUALLY DEFEND the 240p cuckscreen.
No, it really isn't.
nigga we live in a world where portions of games you pay full price for are taken out and locked behind $17 plastic toys.
Everyone loved it when we fucked Metroid with a shitty spin-off.
miyamoto never specified what system Pikmin 4 was on and said it was close to being finished and here we are
is not that is a spinoff, this shit just looks like half-hearted garbage
What's the difference between this and DLC
At least for this you get a neat figure (if you like the characters)
Do people really believe this?
Or can we not have a Pikmin discussion until 4 is out?
Look at the fucking style. It's Yoshi's new island's devs. Nintendo are the ones working on Pikmin 4. And Miyamoto specially stated that Pikmin 4 is named Pikmin 4. If this game is Pikmin 4, the title would be Pikmin 4 you idiot
>Or can we not have a Pikmin discussion until 4 is out?
Not even then user. These people aren't this stupid, they simply pretend to be.
>spin off made by a B-team studio
this is what you sound like
>Whats the difference of eating shit and eating shit prepared by nintendo?
>at least you get a trophy for eating shit at nintendo, be grateful
Toys that work with multiple titles. If only season passes worked like that like you expect them to, considering how the name are borrowed from themes parks that let you in for an entire year.
The last time that Miyamoto talked about Pikmin 4 was in July, in which he basically said it's on the list of things that Nintendo wants to do. He implied that the project hasn't actually started yet.
I'm guessing that Pikmin 4 will start development around the time when they're done with Breath of the Wild.
>Toys that work with multiple titles.
Come on, you can't possibly suck dicks this hard.
Name three ameyeboos that give access to significant content across multiple titles.
I really hope it isn't Arzest making it, because it really looks like Yoshi's New Island
But you don't get trophies at all
If it is locked content unlocked by the amiibo it means it was always planed and basically means it's day 1 DLC.
Nigga what?
Every interview involving Pikmin 4, miyamoto has said that it's "close to completion".
It looks pretty good, better than the other Pikemen at least
it looks fun sure but it cant be called pikmin 4
He never said Pikmin 4, he only ever said the next Pikmin.
>In addition to the 3DS Pikmin game, Nintendo is working on a new Pikmin title, Pikmin 4, for Wii U. Designer Shigeru Miyamoto recently assured fans that the game remains in development, despite Nintendo not saying much about it recently.
are you fucking serious?
I'm okay with you saying it's pretty good but better than the others?
Like, really?
It looks pretty bad. Plus it's made by Artoon.
>He implied that the project hasn't actually started yet.
no he didn't, he actually said development was nearly done
Daily Reminder that Pikmin 4 was interpreted, Miyamoto never physcially mentioned it.
>"Yes, you are right, and we’re working on [Pikmin 4]. So, you know, when we’re in development we have to create a list of priorities and it has been hard to kind of fit that into that list, but we’re hopefully starting to see that on the list now.”
Pikmin is dead, and only gonna be in the form of movies.
It's bait, retard
ITT no fun allowed,jpg
I'm not even ready to defend this game but holy fuck your PTSD from Federation Force and Zip Lash is showing. Spinoff? PANIC! PANIC! THE FRANCHISE IS KILL! You ever think is happening because efforts are shifted to the NX? Fuck.
If they don't give significant content then what the hell are you complaining for? They're not forcing you to buy them at gun point, most people today buy them for the figurine factor, the unlocking content aspect is just a small bonus.
He did you shitposter
Nintendo also confirmed it
>We can confirm that Pikmin 4 is in development but that is all we can confirm at present."
Are you implying that Metroid and Chibi Robo aren't kill?
Because I certainly hope they are. They along with Star Fox need to die before more harm is done.
Of course it won't, anyone who thinks it will is beyond retarded.
Star fox 0 had very good moments, so no, I want them to improve on them
I know it's irrational to think but you know what else is irrational?
>Are you implying that Chibi Robo aren't kill?
I can get sealed copies of Zip Lash w/ the amiibo for less than 8 bucks right now. Gamestop user told me that Nintendo botched HARD on this game thinking it would sell entirely on the amiibo pack in and most stores got WAY MORE than they could handle and were forced to clearance them. See also Codename STEAM.
Not in this case, believing the 3DS spin-off is Pikmin 4 for even a second is ludicrous, when has Nintendo ever done something like this?
it's eye makeup, most probably done by same girl to all of them
What was your favorite part about Star Fox Zero? Mine was when I pushed the power button on the gamepad.
Pikmin 4 is being developed by first party Nintendo (EAD I think) and they even said they had to pull people from the Pikmin 4 team to make them work on Zelda.
This is developed by Arsetz/Artoon.
Do the math doomsday imbeciles.
Mine was seeing it at the store and not buying it.
Sonic team had to be split to work on both Sonic 06 and Sonic and the Secret Rings. The math says that both Breath of the Wild and Pikmin 4 will suck shit.
>le star fox zero controls are bad meme
hit the gym
>He implied that the project hasn't actually started yet.
he said they had priorities and pikmin wasn't one of them, that's why they haven't released the game. teh game has been "near completition" since 2014
Not him but Monolith Soft is helping with Breath of the Wild as well. They have a lot of staff helping out.
That doesn't make me feel better. I hated Xenoblade Chronicles. Wonky as fuck hitboxes in a boring ass world. Couldn't keep playing after beating Jade Face.
>Monolith Soft is helping
I hope they fucking show them Gaur Plains and learn from it. First opening area done almost perfectly. Then again half of that was the music.
they already are in PC 1080p 60 FPS
I don't want to shitpost you honest but here's your (you) for that.
More open world games they work on, the more experienced they'll become at it.
t. jaded Xenogears fan
More like BotW has a larger development team than ever, it's not just Nintendo's main team working on it, lots of Monolith devs are in on it too.
Once BotW drops, then Pikmin 4 will get its full focus back unless there's another project they have to work on.
>company clearly has no idea what they're doing, but they might get good enough at it to save Zelda!
Am I wrong though? The setting is subjective I guess, but when a monster misses except it doesn't and you take damage anyway, how am supposed to deal with that?
Xenoblade Chronicles was my first experience with the series, and likely my only one.
>worrying about hitboxes in Xenoblade Chronicles
I think when you slash at the air and you hit an enemy 12 meters away it should click that hitboxes aren't the focus and don't matter.
Nintendo's never skimped on the music for games, as far as I know they're the most consistent in quality outside of Sega (which still has Sonic Chronicles, but that was Bioware's issue). The only blemish I can recall is how Ninty neutered the soundtrack to Sm4sh by cutting the songs to 2 minutes each.
I don't think we'll have to worry about the music, in the game.
Did Xenoblade X not have a better open world then the first Xenoblade in comparison?
>but when a monster misses except it doesn't and you take damage anyway, how am supposed to deal with that?
you do the same thing back
Honestly I can't decide which one's better due to the pop-in in X
>it's _supposed_ to be shitty!
If hitboxes aren't the focus and don't matter, then why is it an action rpg? It seems like a standard turn based layout is more fitting of this shit.
They did the same thing with Chibi-Robo, which pretty much nailed that series into the coffin with how poorly it did.
>amiibo icon
The game was 10 bucks off if you bought it without the amiibo, full-price with it. It's actually a nice thing to have since it's basically the size of a little Chibi-Robo.
>it's eye makeup
it's obviously copious amounts of plastic surgery that's gone wrong
>mfw nobody in this thread has seen more than 30 seconds of gameplay footage of this spin off
>mfw nobody in this thread has actually played the game
>mfw I'm going to get this game
I thought Pikminfags would be humble and comfy enough to not stoop to Metroidfags level with this reveal but I guess not.
Its just falseflaggers.
We all know Metroidfags are the worst Nintendo fanbase, but any hate the game is getting is mostly false flaggers or people who think this is Pikmin 4.
And every single Chibi Robo got poor reviews and sales. Your point?
Chibi-Robo is just shit in general, no surprise there.
>padding the complete fucking barren release schedule with quickly slapped together handheld titles because the wiiu was such a fucking disaster they had to move everything to a new system and start over
What did you expect tbqhf
Remember how Mario 3D World was just spinoff?
Remember how we were definitely going to get a "real" Mario game?
Remember how Game&Wario was just a spinoff?
Remember how we were definitely going to get a "real" Warioware game?
Remember how Sticker Star was just spinoff?
Remember how we were definitely going to get a "real" Paper Mario game?
Remember how Federation Force was just spinoff?
Remember how we were definitely going to get a "real" Metroid Prime game?
Remember how Amiibo Festival was just spinoff?
Remember how we were definitely going to get a "real" Animal Crossing game?
sup cody
The EAD that made Pikmin 3 was NSMB staff, not Zelda staff.
It's fine man, its not like nintendo is going destroying series
Yup, Animal Crossing is dead!111. Forget the main staff was working on Splatoon and Nintendo Land.
Why the fuck do you want a console Animal Crossing anyway?
The content locked by the amiibos is mostly dumb shit though, like recolored costumes, or a slightly different vehicle. If the content that the amiibos locked wasn't so shit maybe then it'd be worth buying the $17 amiibos for their content.
That being said I don't give a damn about the games themselves and love having my kirby statues and yarn yoshi on my desk for aesthetics.
>sticker star
>theoretically a spin-off of a spin-off
>don't worry bros we're getting a R E A L spin-off next time!
>reverse image search
>not photoshopped
>Both Wario Land and Wario Ware are dead
Thanks for reminding me, faggot.