I swear I'll buy it if it's good!

>I swear I'll buy it if it's good!
>it's not a lost sale!
>games these days are shit anyway

How do YOU excuse your degenerate behavior? Fucking scum.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't

Deal with it

Why would I need excuses? To get the approval of autist on a mongolian wood painting board?

Isn't pirating making profit from a freeshared copy?

>if I greentext their arguments it negates them
Alrighty then

>I break the law and steal, lol deal with it

You sound retarded

this who give a fuck

XD le autist meme


stop samefagging, why are you so mad?

I haven't been contacted by my ISP about it, who's going to stop me?



You're killing the industry we all love.

Can you really sleep with that guilt on your conscience?


yep sure,
i have 6000+ $$$ worth of softwares and games and 3 PC, stop me faggot

>getting so mad he started regurgitating memes and greentexts

>killing vidya

you do that everytime you buy and play EA games


sasuga, phoneposter

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.

fuck off faggot

nice pasta, saved

You don't know that. In fact, buying games that are mediocre is what kills the industry. It gives sales that make people think we want 2 mediocre games instead of 1.

in ghetto third world countries it's nigh impossible getting cards for purchasing stuff online. things are also overpriced for our very low wages in comparison to usa n' stuff. i'm free of guilt

>paying for lines of code

>I swear I'll buy if it's good

That's how I was introduced to Human Revolution - after Detroit I figured I should buy the game.
Mankind Divided has Denuvo - I'm intrigued but I was fucked by buying Fallout 4 and MGS:V.

All this talk about performance issues, microtransactions, short story, one game divided into three parts, mediocre story and poor ending, why on gods green Earth would I want to give money to a developer that jews out on Praxis points and created something as godawful of a concept as "Breach Mode" - literally F2P game within a premium game hidden to sell MORE microtransaction shit.

If I had the ability to try out Mankind Divided - say a demo or something or by pirating it, I could judge the game and then give my money. I don't want to make an investment into a market that has bitten me more than it should have in the past 2 years.

I don't excuse it. There's no excusing it. If I had the disposable income for all the games I wanted to play, I'd pay for all of them. As it stands, I have to pick and choose which games I play and have to prioritize buying multiplayer games and Denuvo games over the others which I can get for free.

There are some cases where I want to support a game so hard I end up shelling up all the money for it, though. It's extremely rare but it has happened.

You guys are absolutely killing the industry by stealing. If you stole the items off shelves in stores, they'd go out of business. Same concept. How fucking hard is it to grasp?

Personally I have downloaded a few games I've emulated from online shops. Though which games I do download is dependent on how I play them.

These are old games though so who cares.

>How do YOU excuse your degenerate behavior? Fucking scum.

By not giving one single fuck.

>not paying for thousands of manhours of work and attempting to excuse it by calling it "just code"

Wew lad

I try before I buy.

If I bought the game and didn't like it I would return it for my money back and purchase something else.

Pirating just saves time at the end of the day. They wouldn't have gotten my sale either way if I didn't like it.

The only games I pirated recently are fallout 4 and no mans sky. If you can honestly say those games are worth money without laughing then I'll pay for them.

Good, i hate the industry

I buy games when they're on GOG, maybe Steam if there's no extra DRM, or printed and in my region. But guess what, that's often not the case! Seriously, why the fuck is it so hard for so many devs TO JUST SELL US GAMES. Every single other piece of software on the planet, including high end professional stuff costing hundreds to thousands of dollars, the process has been the same for literally 15-20 YEARS:
1. I go to their site.
2. I pay them my money.
3. I get their software.

No region coding. No more bullshit then maybe a serial code, which requires no net connection. I get a zip or an image that I can move to whatever machine I have anywhere (so for example I can download on a fast link then stick it on a drive to take where there are only slow ones).

But even in fucking Two Thousand Sixteen, there are STILL endless games where I literally cannot fucking buy them. "Not available in your region XD" or "out of print XD" (IT'S SOFTWARE YOU DUMBFUCKS) or whatever. Why is this so fucking difficult. At least in many countries (including Amerikka FYI) copyright exists for the public good. It's SUPPOSED to result in more IP and in that IP being AVAILABLE not squirreled away. If copies cannot be bought then fuck you OP.

see this

>one can afford to spend 500-1000 dollars on their gaming PC, not to mention hundreds more on a good monitor and peripherals
>can't even pony up 30-60 dollars to support the entire reason one would build such a computer in the first place

I borrow a game from a friend. Its a lost sale :D

You're making alot of assumptions there kid

I see a Denuvo thread got archived with no replies.
Trying again with a better thought bait?

Also, yes, I pirate, what you gonna do about it, fuckboi.

I've worked for the gaming industry. It's all a scam, everyone who works for it views you as gullible sheep to be milked and the more money you give, the more they laugh at your willingness to waste it. They all hate you and no one appreciates it.

some companies are complete scum that deserve to die but they sometimes put out interesting games

the last thing i pirated was shadow of mordor

I used to believe there was only one good reason to pirate, If the pirate were honest about not wanting to spend money instead of using some bullshit justification to feel better about doing what they knew to be wrong. Now there are two more. If the game is early access or if you're pirating content dlc when they sold 3/4s of a game to you.

Worth noting that TV, movies, anime and manga are all also pretty bad at this for no good reason. You have to pirate to get a quality product, or to even get the product at all because they refuse to actually just sell a file to you.

Thank fuck at least music is somewhat better since the industry got forced kicking and screaming into normal DRM-free sales before they could figure out how to lock it all down, and then later it was too late since the norm was established. It should have been the same for movies but due to the slower pace of tech their they had time to port their old business model sadly. Book publishers who haven't gotten onboard are just faggots.

that's why Good Goys™ exist user.
when i pirate the game, the Good Goy™ will buy the Super Ultra Platinum Gold Collector Limited Edition with Season Pass™, DLCs and the 50cm vidya related Dildo™ for the incredible price of 2000 shekels

Are there even any good games that have duenvo

Copyright infringement is not theft, it's copyright infringement. You're probably just baiting OP but on the off chance you're being serious you don't help your argument by being retarded yourself, you just make people dismiss you.

Things can be bad without being the same. Breaking into someone's house and setting it on fire are both bad but if every time you talked about "breaking and entering" you insisted on calling it "arson" everyone would just respond with "fuck off retard."

a good GAME? MGSV. Runs flawlessly and plays really well. Everything else, not so much.

I genuinely find most games shit. The last game I bought was Dark Souls because it's good and I feel comfortable paying money for it.

I pirate games I think could be interesting, play them for a few hours, realize they're absolute trash, delete them and that's it.

I might complete a mediocre game but in the end I wouldn't feel comfortable giving money for it, I was just killing time with it after all, not really enjoying it.

because I cam

The savings through software piracy pay for the initial expense if you were previously inclined to buy new and often on console.

>can you really sleep
Yeah, I do it all the time. Especially in the middle of a torrent

what are you downloading anons? I'm downloading skyrim legendary edition

>500 dollars
>gaming PC

Why even build the PC at that point? If you're so desperate for savings, don't even bother
All you're saying is boiling down to "I want to play video games but I don't want to pay for them." That's self-entitlement and selfishness through and through

I pirate most games before buying them. You can even see my CycloDS at the end of my extensive DS collection.

When a product costs $40-80, I want to know I'm getting my money's worth. Most demos focus on the highlight of the game or force you to go through agonizing tutorials, so I don't rely on them. Best way to know what the final product is like is to actually experience it. If I like it, I delete the rom/.iso and buy it. If I don't like it, I delete the rom/.iso because I don't want it wasting space.

Even then I've been burned, like with Time Hollow for the DS. I played a rom, liked it, bought it, then found oit it was only three fucking hours long even with the alternative ending (which adds three minutes and can be skipped to immediately on a second playthru).

The only people who have a right to be upset by what I do are those who make shitty video games/falsely advertise their games. Frankly, I couldn't care less about the opinions of someone who makes shitty games.

And when I say shit, I mean shit. I've bought a lot of mediocre games, but few to none shit ones.

How fucking dare you hijack my thread to talk positively about piracy. Scum like you make me fucking sick.

>I swear I'll buy it if it's good!
I do this. If its good I buy it. Simple as that. If its a steaming hunk of shit I'm obviously not going to pay for it. If I'm a few hours in and I'm loving it I'll buy it and play.

>it's another OP false flags episode

I ain't owe nobody nothing.

>Played it
>Liked it so much I bought it

What's the problem? If companies make good games, they sell.

I want the video game industry to go out of business. Theres already enough games out there. we don't need any more. I couldn't give a shit if no more games were made now until the day I die

I couldnt give a shit . Most games are pointless and average and a waste of everybody's time

>If I like it, I delete the rom/.iso and buy it.
Has anyone actually believed you when you fed them this horseshit?

Age of Mythology Gold edition senpai

I thought PCs were console killers? I thought you could spend the same amount you'd spend on one on a PC and get better performance? Is that not true or has it just been a dick-measuring meme this entire time?

Also, can't count how many people bought games they've never even heard of due to my recommendation.

Piracy objectively helps the sales of good products, only shitty products lose sales. Can't count the amount of stories where authors and musicians found massive spikes in sales after their works were illegally downloaded.


good, I'm going to download Civ V after skyrim

I'd pirate the hardware if i could.

Piracy is a way for thinking consumers to try the product out before spending money on it. The problem is, it only works for GOOD products. Bad products are tried out, deemed inadequate, and never bought.

So yeah, you can probably guess why publishers these days don't like piracy. Or demos. Or reviews that are anything else than advertisement.

I just fucking showed you all the games I bought and you're still denying I bought them.

>excusing your own behaviour
who does this
i pirate because i can and it's easy what else do you need

These posts scream Sup Forumsutist raiding.

They are already being paid by the company though for doing all that work. That is, if sitting in front a computer all day writing lines of code is considered work at all.

if i pirate a game, and then buy it, does the lost sale get canceled out?

you can play games with the same console graphics with less user, but if you want the true patrician experience you better spend all that dollarydoos m8

Dick-measuring meme, got it

Maybe companies should stop selling inadequate products for overinflated prices.

Just because EA pushes out a game retailing for $74.99 + 24.99 season pass doesn't mean every idiot should try charging $100 for their games, too.

Yes, and it goes back to 0. So you need to buy another copy to truly give the money to the developers. Cause, you know, it's not like they already got paid for making the game.

pretty much, yes

>he supports the video game industry


The video game industry is like a cancer for the world economy. Video games have already brought their stories and art across, now it's just shitting out one meaningless game after the other with inflated marketing campaigns.

The economy and the world relies on people making smart investments with their money, buying things that are really needed in order to support productive businesses, and the video game industry is very detrimental to that.

I wonder if Adam Smith knew such an economic black hole would emerge in the 21st century if he would have written some precautions for us.

>Money is magic and comes out of nowhere!
You've never had a job, have you?

It's not a dick-measuring meme when you get more games and better running games out of it either way.

They could just make a way for people to try the game out before we buy them.

Can't kill what's already dead

Reminder that if you buy games from big publishers, you are actually, positively, irrevocably, undeniably killing video game makers.

>Played early 2000s PC games when they came out
>Since then no longer have their CDs
>Pirate the games to play nostalgia vidya

what is wrong with this, should I subscribe to spotify and buy 99cent songs on itunes too you cuck

>it's not a dick-measuring meme when I explicitly claim I'm superior in every way

Oh, I know the money comes from dumb fucks consumers like you. You're already paying for them, no need for me to pay as well.

I am currently pirating my 773rd copy of Star Wars Battlefront.
How many more do I have to pirate before EA goes out of business?

get out of here todd

I don't need an excuse. I do it because I want to.

>listing facts = claiming superiority
PC has the highest numerical video game count of all the consoles and is the only one that can run 60 FPS on anything, this is fact. Are you trying to act like a butthurt consolefag? Because Sony fans do delusional dick-measuring all the time.

*tips fedora*

>stuck on a $400 dollar PC from 4 years ago because extremely poorfag
>expecting me to buy games to play them in glorious 15fps


You fucking idiot.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pirating older games. If the companies and the stores aren't selling the product anymore, there is no lost revenue.

What if they're selling roms on their digital stores for unreasonable prices?

They are still selling the game.

Im a poor neet who cant get money because he cant get along with people
Im too quiet for other people

No, they're selling roms of the game, which should never have price tags on them to begin with.